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Metallicman Books

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@daegonmagus Sorry about all this. I don't know what I can do to simplify things and make them easier. It seemed so straight forward at the start, now it looks to be a massive herculean task.

@congjing yu no need to be sorry mate. Yes it's herculean, but that won't stop me, I am already making some great progress. You've already done the hard part of living through the fuckery of MAJ retirement; just sit back, relax, maybe have a scotch on the rocks or two, and leave it with me. I am quite honoured to be given the opportunity to be doing this

Feal, perolator and azark have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Hello uh if I can introduce a suggestion a digital book in French at least and Spanish Russian Chinese to cover wide. downloadable or rather create a platform to make a more specific language possible on demand? or s send the books by physical mail? What a utopia. can I be stupid?


@azark might be some time before i get that far. Plus i don't know any of those language so I am not able to translate into them. I also had one guy that suggested creating a PDF version for mobile phones.....

azark has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

ok no big deal i'm sure it might happen eventually, and i know patience very well, e. in any case, your momentum is beautiful.


Actually translation of the books to Chinese, Russian, French, and Spanish should assist in the widest distribution. We can always use machine translation, but much can be lost as (unfortunately) I use many American idioms. And they do not translate very well.

The best thing to do would be to take one volute. Say volume #1. Then I would re-write it into short sentences, with no idiom; or replace the idioms with accurate meanings. Then translate via machine, and then have a native language user perform the final editing. Any ideas?

azark has reacted to this post.

The main message here was that anyone can become a rufus and measure their heart and everyone is free to become one. Thank you MM, you and all of us here learning how to make your heart grow


@conjing yu I definitely agree. Unfortunately I don't know much beyond some Balinese I was learning as a hobby (learnt some Italian in high school and Japanese in primary school but they have long since been lost to me). I had a contact who offered to translate my fictional work into Spanish for better reach in South America, could always ask her if she is interested. I am sure we can figure something out

Daegon Magus

Could you please open or tell me a Breath box page, have an idea in the form of punch line and implementation like why not an idea for casting spells and in its interior, life around so on reach the world and the stars. ? Remember I don't have all your abilities, I would have to learn faster but my sack of bullshit is slowing me down and you are building the cool rufus elevators and nothing but a shape more in tune with the tangible world and walking towards an unknown MM.


Anyone can become a rufus if he knows how to open his heart and the most difficult is for us to maintain it, which is why I try to develop, like you, models which are coherent with the values ​​that you claim in exposing them in aplication and therefore manipulation of the force of the universe and traveling on the lines of the world. Maybe I'm thinking and I'm wrong., The field is a good allegory, I see myself as climbing mountains Maybe my boat comes here to collide with you and MM the point of possibilities rufus.

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