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Metallicman Books

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My first published book.

Feal, perolator and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
FealperolatorUltan McGdaegonmagusMemory LossWaterTigerparaic

@congjing yu it really sucks amazon take such  high percentage of royalties. i would have preferred to offer it at a lower price, but then that would have to cut into your return. Still though, I think $50AUD is a fair price given its 670 pages of actual disclosure, the kind we have been waiting 75 years for. I am hoping that you get enough from sales to keep up with the MM website hosting costs

perolator and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McG
Daegon Magus

Is there any way to get this book to Europe without the shipping costs from the US or get it as an ebook?

@watertiger where abouts in Europe? i'll check on the postage costs from here in Australia. Ebooks won't be available for some time as I am still peeling through the other 5 (and counting) volumes, unless you are ok with a PDF

Daegon Magus

Also just a heads up guys the title page might be a bit dodgy in regards to resolution as I had to pull the text from the front cover and adjust the contrast (couldn't just type it in as I didn't have access to that specific text). On screen it looks ok, but i haven't had a chance to double check through proof reading a physical copy.

Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on January 29, 2022, 4:56 pm

@watertiger where abouts in Europe? i'll check on the postage costs from here in Australia. Ebooks won't be available for some time as I am still peeling through the other 5 (and counting) volumes, unless you are ok with a PDF

Poland or Germany, I guess Germany is easier for you. But a PDF is fine for me too. Even better, I don't need paper.

@dori2190 It sounds like you have some trouble with the cover because you do not have the specific font installed on your system. If that is the case might I suggest creating a vector graphic from the current title. This vector graphic you can scale and manipulate as you like, similar to having the font installed. It can be done with Inkscape. Let me know if I can help you.

@watertiger just put the ISBN (0645310212) into your country's Amazon site, select books, search and it should show up.

It shows in the UK as £22.42 available for delivery Monday 31st or free delivery a couple of days later.

perolator has reacted to this post.


I would really appreciate a PDF-version as well. I'd be more than happy to make an appropriate donation to MM tip jar.

Let me know how you want to do this, @daegonmagus!

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

@vainamoinen interested to hear more about this.....does it remove the background behind the text?

@feal Europe seem to not get easy access to amazon like the rest of us. I remember when I released my autobio a friend in Budapest couldn't purchase it. You have to use some weird work around for the US based version and it ends up making postage astronomical

@watertiger  @jc-soulwood email me at, assuming that is all good with @congjing yu of course

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus
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