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Accepting questions for the next Q&A with the Domain Commander

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I am now accepting questions for the Domain Commander. I'll run this for a week or two and then ask them in a batch. The rules...

[1] No more than two questions.

[2] Provide some background on why this question is meaningful to you.

[3] Any related information would be helpful to flush out what exactly you want answered.

[4] Do NOT ask about things that I do not understand. I can only ask what I understand, and report the answers in a way where my understanding matches the information being transmitted to me.

[5] No multi-part questions. They really piss me off.

For a guideline, you can refer to The Domain Index.

May I ask about the Western vaccines and what's in store for us? It's more than a little worrying considering the Deagel figures are correlating with the vaccine roll-out so well. So many friends and family have had their MRNA shots here and the hive-mind willful ignorance is fast approaching mandatory injections. Even my twelve year old nephew has had it.

I've had two AZ jabs. That's not MRNA but still produces the full "Spike Protein." I'm supposed to get a Pfizer "booster" shot and dodging that will become more difficult soon.


So the questions I'd like to ask are:

What timescale is involved with the vaccines going wrong?

Is it just the MRNA vaccines that are affected or all Western vaccines?


Thank you MM for this opportunity to get things cleared up.

Ultan McG, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGMemory LossGeisterfahrernpilot

@congjing yu I have one (I apologise for another who am I round but this will provide much needed context to some of my LD operations): As I read more and more of MMs material I come across many of what I can only describe as synchronicities in life and experiences. I wonder about my experiences in LD that shadow his experiences in the non physical planes, the similar way I was (seemingly) trained through LD, the sudden urge to join the airforce and the seemingly bizarre way my mind sometimes works where a maddening urge to do something will drive me in a particular direction to the point I cannot not focus on it, the idea I am entangled within the life of SD (and everything that was stated about her last Q&A) and I have to wonder; am I simply a consciousness experimenter who got caught up in something much, much bigger than he was ever anticipating to get caught up in or am I something/ someone else entirely? Who is Trick or Trip?

Daegon Magus

I would like to ask a personal question as well because I hope that the answer might unlock past memories and help me get closer to my purpose in this life:

Who and where was I before life in this prison environment and how did I end up here?

It would really feed my curiosity to receive a short reading from my file in the Domain archive if there is one. I understand if you choose not to ask it because it is too irrelevant to everyone else.

Thanks for going through these exhausting communication sessions with the commander! They are very insightful packed with food for thought!

azark has reacted to this post.

An idea that I've had lately... it seems several of us have connections to each other that go deeper than just some random meeting of people on the internet. It's like... meeting someone you knew from childhood 20+ years later. Sure their appearance has changed but on that first look you know they're familiar and don't know why. It feels like that. Would the Domain have any recommendations on how to explore that connection?

Feal, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McGMemory Lossazark

I'd like to add something too, please.

I want no part of the MRNA experiment and will never consent no matter what (I would take the Sino versions or Sputnik without hesitation but they're not available where we are now as we're in a client state-- out of the frying pan and into the pan for Ultan), but if people close to us are being pressured into taking an MRNA shot against their will because their job or prospects depend on it (and will literally be fired/not hired, and likely impoverished or unable to pay mortgages or socially shunned if they refuse), are the effects of these experimental inoculations something (or of a nature) that can be ameliorated or negated by adding an intention to my campaigns expressly aimed at preserving and protecting their health if they do consent?

Or would it be better to support them in their refusal by including intentions that they'll be provided for if they lost their job/can't get a job?

My wife has had to turn down a number of fantastic opportunities in Korea because she won't consent to an MRNA inoculation and I feel terrible about this. Other friends of ours are being pressured at work and threatened with their jobs, too. For us, the financial aspect thankfully is not a big deal, but my wife is highly skilled and empathetic by nature and the thoughts of her having to sit at home as these opportunities pass her by upsets me even though she'd never consent without both of us agreeing that she should. And how could any husband agree to something that could harm his wife if not now, but perhaps after the 8th or 9th fucking booster-- something I've been reliably informed is the plan in an unending cycle of pharmaceutical tyranny unless these monsters are stopped dead in their tracks. (Something I also feel strongly will happen going by what the Domain and notable others have said, and am thus prepared to wait it out until it happens.)

There's also the added worry that my wife is of a delicate constitution, and has suffered with a number of minor, thankfully, but uncomfortable ailments since her mid-40s. I'd be very concerned about her health under a continuous toxic load as the MRNA clearly is. I'd rather take our chances with whatever pathogen these ghouls are going to release next. Our creators gave us a pretty good auto-immune system. I'm banking on that and the usual reasonable precautions.

I've never really been sick or-- miraculously-- injured in adulthood. Apart from a few scrapes and close shaves, but am also very aware many others haven't been so fortunate. And are very vulnerable to pathogens.

If the above is a bit mealy for the Domain disregard it, Mr Man. Or just simplify it whatever way you choose.

Summary: can intentions alone ameliorate the effects of the MRNA shot on our loved ones if they consent? Or would it be better to wait and focus on a "healthy, content and provided for without allowing oneself to be pressurised into taking part in a dangerous and illegal mass experiment against one's will" intention.

And if the above sounds selfish, it's not meant to be. I'll include every single person-- and especially the MM Crew-- who has been pressured by traitors and NPCs into "consenting".

There WILL be justice eventually. I'm positive in a Pissed Lizard kind of positive about that.

(And thanks for remembering me in your intentions, PL. And your kind words wrt the vaxx. Please include my wife and her friends too as you and everybody else here are in ours.)

I cant wait for the day these scumbags will get their just desserts. But I'm a patient guy.

Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
FealMemory Loss
#1 Should we continue ? I would not interfere in the plan that brings us together .
#2 What is my role apart from being rufus
$3 oula c is under construction, to form reinforcements
# 4 I'm sorry didn't send me to the cornfield
#5 I want a strong and contaminated inking from the old Empire



All above questions are now in the pipe. Please feel free to continue to ask questions.

Ultan McG, daegonmagus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGdaegonmagusazarkRadewulf

QUESTION 3 .Are we getting caught up in this momentum? discover and share a practical model or some kind of schematic standard that is consistent with your fundamental principles? Suggestions to help in the way of symbolic language and our s narchs and values ​​put forward?


So, first of all, as always MM, Thank you for this opportunity, and for the effort you put into it.

So, some context for my question: I am a Lawyer in the UK. At my current level, and in my current role in the criminal law, it appears most people are service to others - they do it because of some inexorable calling. The criminal justice system in my country has naturally evolved over a very long time to be as fair and balanced as it could have been in the circumstances. However, since 2012 especially, this has been corrupted from the Parliamentary level, access to justice has been destroyed, and the presumption of innocence is long since gone. Efforts are made every day to pierce the independence of the judiciary, and once that goes, the whole system goes. I love my role, for various reasons, but also because I get the opportunity to hold the state to account before it exerts its power on an individual. The change seems to be sort of an "antibody response" to the judiciary holding parliament to account and being an unyielding line between the state and the individual. (Of course, this may be me romanticising my countries legal system, there is some bias here!) The disinformation campaigns in particular from the government and the news to undermine the system is extremely effective in getting public support for changes that seriously harm the publics rights and freedoms, and remove the ring-fence of the states powers. When this is done incrementally using the rule of law, then its extremely difficult to fight back against. See also - COVID fear campaign.

So, my question is such - when working in a system that is being pressured or changed from a service to others to a service for another (at best) or a service to self (at worst), is it still possible to both "play the game" AND try to make positive changes without being corrupted by it?

I'm not entirely sure where I lie, I hope I'm StO, but my talents and interests are best expressed in a role that has a dramatic impact in the lives of others, and I enjoy the "game" of it. This, to me, seems StS. I suppose rewording it for the implied question: I'm pretty sure I'm going back for another round, but is it possible to fight back against corruption from inside without being fully damned by it, or am I just trying to justify my own narcissism?

I've tried to be as broad-strokes as possible, providing the context for my question without drowning you in meaningless detail.

Feal and azark have reacted to this post.
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