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World-Line Travel Using Vehicles – Some Examples

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There are many articles of great value that are buried in the MM archives. DM reminded me about these GEMs and I want to pick up a few, dust them off and get some conversations going on them. This one is one of the most important. here we discuss things that are absolutely MAJestic secrets that I am FORBIDDEN to talk about directly. But that I can talk about in general terms.

pissedlizard, daegonmagus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Your post reminds me of a fictional book, Paradox Bound by Peter Clines, that heavily utilizes automobiles to travel through the "slick spots" in history. It's a time travel treasure hunt adventure that works in some interesting ideas that might be of note to this audience.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@congjing yu

Once again - I have been shown a connection from my experiences to YOU all regarding the manipulation of Time/Space and how it works. I actually wrote a pretty big thing about it - but it was a no go. I have a few other angles I am going to submit, but today - I can explain a little.

Want to hear crazy shit though? THAT article - the one you mentioned - I was going to say was pretty much required RE- reading. The issues are - once we all (me too) read MMs articles and move on is great, but the INSTRUCTIONS on how to actually USE them comes from experience - we ALL HAVE DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES - I get it - but how many of us go back and read some of the articles now - totally different, right? That’s because of context. We all gain insight after APPLYING what we read - then the context actually changes. It’s a measure of growth.

Almost ALL of what I am going to write will seem COUNTER to a lot of what MM writes - because of CONTEXT. What I am writing DOES NOT go against anything. Read what I write and go back to the articles and you will see they match. Your context will change about the content - not the other way around. I don’t have time to find the articles to reference - my training is actual training of the physical with mental. I long for the days of training being while I sleep. Some of you will too when the time is right.

As I said - and will always say - readers of MM are being watched. CLOSELY. More closely than you can possibly fathom, but we all are. In a very GOOD way. But MMs site is like a base so to speak. How did we all end up here? SOMEONE OR SOMETHING got us here. On purpose. Feel GREAT about that. The bad shit is filtered and they stay away.

THIS I know to be true.


Memory Loss, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafxzianchowazark
Quote from pissedlizard on December 6, 2021, 11:41 pm

Want to hear crazy shit though? THAT article - the one you mentioned - I was going to say was pretty much required RE- reading. The issues are - once we all (me too) read MMs articles and move on is great, but the INSTRUCTIONS on how to actually USE them comes from experience - we ALL HAVE DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES - I get it - but how many of us go back and read some of the articles now - totally different, right? That’s because of context. We all gain insight after APPLYING what we read - then the context actually changes. It’s a measure of growth.

I go back and reread old articles. I get nudges from time to time. 99% of the time I get something new out of the article, either something I skipped or just wasn't making sense before. I found the MWI post I was supposed to reread over the weekend. Somethings been telling me to go reread the John Titor posts.

Another thing I notice is if it's an extra long post I can skim and every single time my eyes will find the important-to-me part to slow down and read in detail.

Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow

Probably MM is re-releasing his old stuff because he thinks we can better understand it now haha. He seems to have some soft disclosures within those articles. Might be mind blowing lol.

Ultan McG and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGxzianchow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@PL I agree, hence why I offered to organise them into book format. there is ALOT of good shit in his old articles - the only problem (and it is not really a problem in that it is more a slight conundrum) is that MM's output is so incredibly high that it is easy to leave them buried under the stack while you tend to his newer articles. I've got about 5 or so volumes almost done. I'll get them to you guys soon enough. It makes reading them all much much easier when they are all sorted properly. Was just telling MM last night I've peeled through 400 (probably more) pages in 2 days

pissedlizard, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

@DM I tried doing the same thing! The problem I had - like you - it’s all high octane info. I finally just said screw it and printed many out. Now let me say first - I am a studier. I. LOVE. STUDYING. Give me a book and someone’s cat to play with and I am set. But I take copious notes. So my binder with MMs articles turned into a book with dozens of different color post it notes everywhere. Color coding went out the window after month 2 so I went to hand written notes. I take notes in Arabic (in case anyone finds my note books I want people to WORK to figure it out). The kicker is - I don’t TRANSLATE -  I just substitute letters. I throw some Farsi in (for the letter P as an example - there is no P in Arabic but there is in Farsi).

Needless to say THAT lasted 2 days. Back to writing in (ugh) English. That took too long so it’s back to my Corona virus looking note book.

The funny thing is - no matter how I organized things - the best way for me to make dollars and sense of stuff  is just going back to article 1 and say “it’s not here so maybe it’s there…”

Before I post anything about what is being revealed to me - I go right to the articles. It’s just too easy for shit to get lost in translation and THE LAST thing I want to do while you all have a focus - is to come across like I am saying something that doesn’t line up without context.

I DO want to throw in here for my Persian friends worldwide - the Jerusalem Post - today (6 December) posted an article about how the USA should strike Iran, so…. It looks like Russia and China are good, Iran bad. AGAIN. But we have a nut in office that is so demented he literally forgets to tell his aids when he shits his diapers and I mean this in a very literal sense.

I don’t have any “inside info” on this bullshit, but you don’t have to be a doctor to tell when someone is 40 weeks pregnant.

What I know to be true is stated and what is speculation is stated.


perolator has reacted to this post.
Quote from daegonmagus on December 7, 2021, 5:28 am

@PL I agree, hence why I offered to organise them into book format. there is ALOT of good shit in his old articles - the only problem (and it is not really a problem in that it is more a slight conundrum) is that MM's output is so incredibly high that it is easy to leave them buried under the stack while you tend to his newer articles. I've got about 5 or so volumes almost done. I'll get them to you guys soon enough. It makes reading them all much much easier when they are all sorted properly. Was just telling MM last night I've peeled through 400 (probably more) pages in 2 days

Hey @dori2190 - I can help proofreading. If you need this I can volunteer, DM. You’re right. MM output is extreme. Old articles have been enhanced and expanded. I am re-reading the full MAJ index and noticed a lot of changes (or maybe is just me).

azark has reacted to this post.

I've noticed lots of new stuff, too. And put it down to Metallicman's journey over the past several decades now being firmly couched in the much wider context provided for us by Airl and the Domain Contact recently. So stuff that might have gone over my head on first read is now coming together.

Also, and as someone noted elsewhere, the questions that many folks ask Metallicman and even the Domain through him are pretty much all answered in the MAJestic and MWI indexes, too. Well, not all all, but you know what I mean. More like a tweaking or updating process going on now.

But if new information really is appearing in the classic indexes through whatever means, it'd sure be worth our whiles going through it all again (and again).

congjing yu, perolator and azark have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorazark

Probably MM is re-releasing his old stuff because he thinks we can better understand it now haha. He seems to have some soft disclosures within those articles. Might be mind blowing lol.

Indeed. Once you master what is going on, you THEN need to reread the fundamentals on world-lines, OOPARTS, and the earlier stuff. Then everything will fall into place.

Now, lately, unfortunately I have been distracted with the enormous changes in the world since Trump came to office and all the global alignments. Its exciting stuff for sure, but not really relevant to the matters at hand. Posting these kinds of article draw people to MM, and if they explore then they stay. So it's really more like a recruitment effort than anything else.

I hate dwelling on debunking a 500 million dollar effort to malign China. It's a waste of my time.

But it draws people in. And exposure is part of the battle. I want to see as many "fence sitting" service-to-other sentience's go full out to help others. Most especially during this period of change and adjustment.

pissedlizard, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
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