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Was the Domain base somewhere here?

I was thinking it would be cool if Domain stuff popped up in my TL. Surfing Reddit, voila.

Lost pyramid - Nayser Brakk peak (5200m) found in extreme end of North-East Pakistan.

Any thoughts on this?

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

My thoughts are: wouldn't it be excellent if we had access to the TRUTH on all this stuff?

Quote from Memory Loss on December 11, 2021, 4:49 pm

I was thinking it would be cool if Domain stuff popped up in my TL. Surfing Reddit, voila.

Lost pyramid - Nayser Brakk peak (5200m) found in extreme end of North-East Pakistan.

Any thoughts on this?

@memory-loss I think this is “Old Empire” not Domain, according to AI pyramids were produced by the OE.