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George W. Bush trial (and possible conviction)

I am following this:

Military arrests former US president George W. Bush

And this bomb:

Day 2: The smoking gun

MM: Excuse me if this is posted elsewhere in the forum. This is significant, and news coverage has been minimum.

perolator and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.

Nah. Wishful thinking at best. Some weird disinfo like Qanon more likely. Qanon was to gather the folks up and keep them sedated, sort of next level controlled opposition. The military is the disease itself, they're not the cure. Military as white hats? Lolol.

perolator, Ultan McG and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McGDSKlauslerDani
Ciao! Gip me your ideas


Trust the Plan, 😂. Trump is waiting in the wings and will be making a triumphant come back very, very soon.

p.s. it was he who ordered the arrest of GWB, the Pfizer Chairman, and the Hollywood celebrities currently quaking in fear of the sealed indictments, dontcha know.

(Ben Fulford will fill you in on the, errrr, details. Hot off the press, strictly confidential and verrry hush, husssh, 😉)

DSKlausler and Dani have reacted to this post.
Quote from Dani on December 17, 2021, 4:59 pm

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