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Other entities in our world lines?

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@memory loss even better you put up the book PDF cheers


perolator has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Sure. I will upload them. Some are converted from epub so I don't know their accuracy. I'm very partial to zlib.

You're actually quite close to Mark Stavish and his Egregores. It's quite an interesting book because he and you sound alike.



And H is on point on the possibility that even "good" entities may be parasites that feed on us that exist in this plane. The Christian God demands that you worship him. So maybe Hneeds you for a reason, ie sustenance. The Chinese have a concept that even Gods will die when you cease to worship them.

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Fascinating! I'll have to check this out. Thanks for the links.

Each time i come at this forum there’s so much awesome info! Thanks everyone for sharing.

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