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Other entities in our world lines?

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Clickbait cat. Do not click.

@goldleaf asked a question about whether other entities are involved besides the mantids in our lives. Unfortunately it does seem so and they are not benign to us.

I follow this guy, who stumbled upon the existence of negative entities in schizophrenics and he actually made it a focus of his career. Now that he is retired, he talks about them.

Jerry Marzinsky is a psychotherapist, who has pretty long videos. So I got me a short long at one hour length. The core "thing" are these negative entities. From a checklist, these negative entities suck energy from their victims, there are gateway drugs to open the way in to a person's life. And so on. JM has no abilities like PL and DM but in his way, he has encountered same shit, but in our reality.

JM has speculated that the politicians and MSM are possessed by these negative entities. For me I'm thinking that maybe there's some overlap or alliance between the Old Empire and these negative entities.

Now, my curiousity is how do these other entities stack up against the Domain and the mantids.



DSKlausler has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from Memory Loss on December 17, 2021, 1:42 pm

Clickbait cat. Do not click.

@goldleaf asked a question about whether other entities are involved besides the mantids in our lives. Unfortunately it does seem so and they are not benign to us.

I follow this guy, who stumbled upon the existence of negative entities in schizophrenics and he actually made it a focus of his career. Now that he is retired, he talks about them.

Jerry Marzinsky is a psychotherapist, who has pretty long videos. So I got me a short long at one hour length. The core "thing" are these negative entities. From a checklist, these negative entities suck energy from their victims, there are gateway drugs to open the way in to a person's life. And so on. JM has no abilities like PL and DM but in his way, he has encountered same shit, but in our reality.

JM has speculated that the politicians and MSM are possessed by these negative entities. For me I'm thinking that maybe there's some overlap or alliance between the Old Empire and these negative entities.

Now, my curiousity is how do these other entities stack up against the Domain and the mantids.



That kind of sounds like Scientology.

Such a cute little kitty!

The basis for my question on the mantid thread was because I'm pretty sure I have spirit guides in addition to my mantid. I've seen them a time or two during meditation. I was curious if they could answer those types of questions too.

Little would shock me at this point.

What a crazy "place."

Quote from Geisterfahrer on December 17, 2021, 9:04 pm
Quote from Memory Loss on December 17, 2021, 1:42 pm

Clickbait cat. Do not click.

@goldleaf asked a question about whether other entities are involved besides the mantids in our lives. Unfortunately it does seem so and they are not benign to us.

I follow this guy, who stumbled upon the existence of negative entities in schizophrenics and he actually made it a focus of his career. Now that he is retired, he talks about them.

Jerry Marzinsky is a psychotherapist, who has pretty long videos. So I got me a short long at one hour length. The core "thing" are these negative entities. From a checklist, these negative entities suck energy from their victims, there are gateway drugs to open the way in to a person's life. And so on. JM has no abilities like PL and DM but in his way, he has encountered same shit, but in our reality.

JM has speculated that the politicians and MSM are possessed by these negative entities. For me I'm thinking that maybe there's some overlap or alliance between the Old Empire and these negative entities.

Now, my curiousity is how do these other entities stack up against the Domain and the mantids.



That kind of sounds like Scientology.

One of the criticisms of Lawrence Spencer is that he was a hardcore Scientologist, and that the Alien Interview is chock full of Scientology terms. [That's why I suspect our beloved multiverse is a CIA analyst or some shit like that. He had a cheat sheet so he picked up some tiny facts but he missed the elephant in not mentioning this tidbit.]

JM wouldn't know anything about scientology I suspect. But he loves Trump tho. 😁

@goldleaf, yup. Who are the other players? It's all a bit cloak and dagger, no? Waiting for you to freak me out with your next dream.

Edit: @goldleaf, if you dare, you could try reaching out to the Unseen 5 and gang of non physical entities. Maybe buzz DangerMouse or something. I'm wary because I have no gift of discernment. But this dang forum is making me think that possibly you can play the cello in this weird ass orchestra.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

What is the significance of the cello in your understanding?


Edit: I posted in dream share. It was more "normal" last night though came with a vision at the end. So....

No idea. Didn't like the idea of the flute, trumpet and the xylophone was too tacky.

This forum is our playpen where we learn. This part is obvious then you think about it. We need more toddlers to interact with.


Edit: Apocalyptica. Hence cello. If what the Domain says is true, then you are escorted in your missions. At this stage I think "mission" is just a fancy word for bike with training wheels for the majority. Hence, probably safe to meet those non physical people. Probably haha. Unthinking our understanding of reality is the hard part. We have to start here.

perolator has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

If that's what you intuition says, Cello it is then 🙂 Seems you are developing some talents! Keep at it.

@memory loss "JM has speculated that the politicians and MSM are possessed by these negative entities. For me I'm thinking that maybe there's some overlap or alliance between the Old Empire and these negative entities."

I mean if the Domain can do it with Franz Ferdinand teen surely the OE can do it with with anyone else they choose right?

I can't remember if I posted this already but I suggest reading this:

More and more occultists seem to be starting to come to similar conclusions, or conclusions that hint at such a possibility

perolator and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
perolatorMemory Loss
Daegon Magus

Fantastic you put up the link, DM. I actually have the book Dispelling Wetiko. Will upload since for some reason I never got around to reading it.


Edit: done. I changed the extension because it wouldn't let me upload epub. So you need to change it back from pdf to epub. 😜🔙

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Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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