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Hello All.

For those of you who still think that our comments here, or anywhere may be private, check this out:

I was recently commenting over in the MM Books area - "translations".

I just received an unsolicited email for "Translator Device".

ALL is recorded, ALL are listening.

congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorxzianchowJC Soulwood

True, but this is true everywhere, in most of the world.

Internet or browsing history is tracked closed by various websites and entities.  Usually in the USA, this is because someone wants you to buy something.

However, "they" are not invincible gods.  Leviathan has many eyes, but he does not see all.  Many crimes go unsolved, in fact, most of them.  "Terrorist" groups operate freely (the non-governmental ones).

There is a con that interrogates use called the "We Know All" riff.  The interrogaters rolls in with a thick file and he throws it down.  "We have all the information, just give up now."

On the other side, many police interrogaters use a file with blank sheets inside.  It's a bluff.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

This may be the last time I can give this lecture, so sit up and pay attention!

Just kidding, slouch away... After all, isn't this some kind of a fake holiday?

Ok, basics:

  • Do *NOT* use Google keyboard, Typewise™ or any such middleware. They sidestep the issue, but This.Is.A.Keylogger! It stores and delivers all and everything you type. The same goes for any Cortana/Siri/Alexa/SpeechToText/TextToSpeak. Do not use them.
  • Use ONLY encrypted mail services, Protonmail and Tutanota are simple and easy. CIA used Protonmail for 'deniable' messages, might still do.
  • DO NOT store anything but holiday pictures in Google Drive, Dropbox etc. Protonmail at least has an encrypted cloud storage
  • ALWAYS use VPN. never log on without it
  • Tape a piece of paper over your computer/tablet/phone cam. Don't permit any program to access the microphone or camera (besides Signal). It does not stop targeted programs, but at this moment it stops wholesale trolling
  • Obviously remove Instagram, FB, TikTok, etc apps. If you are jonesing, use the dark web mirror site. Even that is dubious
  • This should be an obvious red flag to any thinking biped, but...Do NOT use your google/FB/Amazon credentials to log in to any service!
  • Never use the same password twice! And always put letters, numbers, capitals! KIDDING! Not sure who started it, but if your passphrase is 27 digits, it would give pause even to a supercomputer. But not to a quantum comp. Only length really matters (unless it is painfully obvious)
  • This is a tall order, so I can let this slide. You should really only use obscure, Linux-based OS. Not windows, macOS, def not IOS/Android. As this is kind of impractical for a civilian, at least have one device, that you can boot up from a memory stick (I use Tails OS)

Why all this trouble? If your digital windows and doors are wide open, it puts us all in harm's way. For some of us, it may mean serious bodily harm or death. Or death of a loved one.

So pretty please, at least make an effort! Your every move, post, password, thoughtcrime and those of your family's have been recorded at least from 2012 onwards.

"I have nothing to hide" is a moron's answer. It really does not matter what you have or have not done. What matters, can you deny fabricated videos/recordings of you committing high treason?

They only trace you for context. They will manufacture the evidence. Always have.

Remember this the next time you see someone's kompromat blasted thru every media!

congjing yu, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealGoldleafAliceOhio Guy
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri


MM toolkit;

[1] Huawei phone running HarmonyOS. CIA/NSA cannot hack it.

[2] PC is Lunix.

[3] Internet is VPN front door.

[4] Emails are 163 VIP / Protonmail

It's not fool-proof. But its a reasonable level of security.

Feal and Alice have reacted to this post.

Exemplary sir!

One more thing. I tend to forget this, perhaps because I feel guilty for my past sins here. Always remember, that traffic goes both ways when the door is open. Internet behemoths, security experts and media somehow fail to point this out.

Since 2001 internet has been mainly a psyop tool. What little active data is gathered about you, they do it to pigeonhole you into a finely segmented matrix. (History sidebar: Scott Hassan, lead coder for Google, left, after Page wrote Google's mission: "To gather all indexable information on users and monetize it through sales to Government and advertisers".

The search engine was/is a HUMINTEL mining tool)

In essence, they find where your buttons are, and then start pushing. Guiding you every step of the way over the cliff.

You don't get 133 Billion valuation by selling ad-space on internet...

Same with "social media". Even the name is an epic propaganda victory in itself! Get people to report on themselves, and give every ammunition needed to psychologically coerce him and make it sound like a service. Wow.

Anyway. My bad. Just following orders and all that. Sorry!

Well, honestly my contribution was insignificant, but I did know the goal and still failed to shield even my own children and grandchildren from it. For that I feel guilty.

Water under the bridge, I'm fine!😉

Taught me to do better, be better.

While we invent better and better tools to warp the minds of civilians, a flight from New York to Paris takes as long as it did in 1951.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianFealGoldleafOhio Guy
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

@ JC Soulwood, I'm sorry for what you have gone through. I'd also like to thank you for your courage and mental fortitude. Your contributions here are valuable.

JC Soulwood and Tas have reacted to this post.
JC SoulwoodTas

Thank you Ohio,

Very kind of you,  much appreciated.

Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri