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The totally unofficial MM book club

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We were talking in chat about a few book recommendations and thought it would be a great idea to gather them in a thread. Post your recommended reading here!

Haha, I vote Terry Pratchett! The Commander might like it lol.

Goldleaf and garrire have reacted to this post.
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I got nuthin... all my recent [human based] reading seems to be null and void after reading MM, @pissedlizard & @daegonmagus.

Why the fuck bother?

I did like the sound of  GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIES; Linda Moulton Howe. I ordered it.



pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

Well said, Dave. Exactly the same for me. I love reading but now when I browse a few titles or even look over my library or kindle for something to reread I find myself asking: how does this fit into the Metallicman narrative? Even some classic philosophy is defunct given what we now know. Plato and the Pre Socratics, though? Thats another matter. Those guys knew some shit-- and no wonder they're considered by our modern, rational age (😂) as nothing more than historical/intellectual curiosities.

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

@DK - “why the fuck bother”?


Why bother? Why bother experiencing what we are gifted to experience? We are on this planet roughly 80 years - and look at all of the GORGEOUS scenery around us? Why bother allowing your brain to just “give away” dopamine every time we eat a slice of bacon? Ever wonder how much dopamine was given to our ancestors 10,000 , 20,000 years ago? How about 1000 years ago? It takes an extraordinary process to make that molecule. It has to pass the blood-brain barrier, burning even MORE energy.

That dopamine also projects your world around you, buddy. As Above, So Below.

We can do one of two things. Sit and bitch and mope - going into a lower energy state that other beings would kill for - OR grab that shit by the nuts and enjoy life! Not one second of your life is guaranteed. Not one.

Enjoy this Planet! It’s so fucking beautiful and awe inspiring that human fucking beings figured out how to create art!

Talk to tree. I do. All the time. I ask for their secrets if I am of honorable enough standing. Out loud. I could care less who hears. The Secrets revealed will blow your mind! Ask a cloud to show you where to obtain what ails you. Again. You will be amazed. Just ask. But living honorably within the realm of the Living is quite hard.

Quite hard…. In a low energy state.

Get up and seriously bathe in a river. Walk barefoot and listen with your hair and feet, not your ears. Again, amazement will be all around you.

Live higher energy every moment and THEN re-evaluate “why bother”? You are here for SUCH a short time, buddy.

Bother, my friend. Life is way to short.

@Ultan - I hope the move is going well!

This I know to be True


Memory Loss, Goldleaf and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafxzianchowgarrireAliceparaic

As far as books - the two books I would take off of this Planet is “Shi’a Islam” by Momen. I am NOT Muslim BTW. It showed the Generalship of Ali and his Partisans told in a beautifully weaved way. I found it about 10 years ago.

The other is “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by Griffen. It exposes key players on this planet and how to deal with them in the “Future”.

Anything by Bonatti I would grab.

Americans should be DEVOURING anything about Kolyma or the great Gulag Archipelago.

This I know to be true.




PL. You're planting all sorts of subversive thoughts in my mind again lol. Will try talking to trees. And other organisms.

I was going to upload "The molecule of more" when it disappeared for 5 minutes from my files. Then it reappeared lol. I'll upload a pdf version instead of my epub version. As you can see the long title is kinda self explanatory.

There's some weird shitto going on where the stuff you and DM mention, I have been bumbling around with the last 2 years. It's bizarre. If you go near the Krebs cycle I might freak out lol.


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pissedlizard, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
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"Canopus in Argos" series by Doris Lessing and any sci-fi by Ian Banks. Especially his "Culture" series. It's clear that somebody sat down with both writers and told them all about the Domain, Old Empire, the real age of the universe and much, much more.

Oh and Name of the Rose by Eco, too. That'll tell you all about how there's knowledge and secrets, and then there's the Real Knowledge and Real Secrets (all hidden right under your nose).

Richard Thieme will tell you how the keepers of the Real Knowledge and Secrets think. At least how the Earthside ones do, anyway. (But not always, 😉.)

pissedlizard, Memory Loss and DSKlausler have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory LossDSKlausler


Now, if I were a gambling man, I would bet that there is a Constellation out there that is a mirror image of  Dopamine, or it’s lesser known cousin, Dopamine Acetate.

And I would bet that the Constellation would have a lot to do with yours or anyones dopamine regulation. Given the right circumstances I bet that very regulation is actually TRYING to be weaponized. And eventually whomever is trying to weaponize dopamine - on a mass scale or specific one - will succeed.

Find it first!

This I know to be true.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

PL I am currently using rapamycin, now on off cycle. If the Domain is correct this is way, way before their expedition with the Lost Battalion. But might be a part of creation so to speak.

Now if they have their records on its use for mammals (and other creatures), I would be super excited.

It popped up the dawn of Precambrian Era. I think it's a master regulator and weirdly it gives me a feeling of well-being. I used the Krebs cycle stuff previously, nicotinamide, citric and malic acid. Again stuff that regulate life at a fundamental level.

Dopamine I'm not up to that yet but tryptophan and tyrosine are their precursors (I think, my memory is kaput). I have to do some studies. The tryptophan and tyrosine I intend to see if I can amplify LD. Because I intend to test out a crazy theory that willpower and affirmation campaigns work best in an LD environment. Someone like DM needs to test this out.

Isomer of dopamine acetate? Hmmmm.

pissedlizard and paraic have reacted to this post.
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