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Terms of the surrender of the United States.

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Well, Dani-- Communitarianism as a noun and in principle certainly does sound like a good thing, but as a weaponised form of social control promulgated by people like Amitai Etzioni and Ferdinand Tonnies, not to mention Anal Schwab and his ilk-- 'you'll own nothing and you'll be happy'-- it can be used for something different altogether. (That bit was lost in translation, I'd wager, 😉.)

And the intention is that while you'll be delirious in your frugality, they'll own everything you will have to rent. (As well as the means of production, of course.) The Kibbutz system was where the methods were trialled and errored over a long period in order to gather the data they needed for a global rollout. That's what's happening now while everybody gets all hysterical about COVID and the new variants.

Whether they succeed or not is another matter, indeed.

pissedlizard and Dani have reacted to this post.


Oy… You sound like you wouldn’t fare well on the Kibbutz or Kibubuzim or whatever they call it.

Me either.

This I know to be true.

Dani has reacted to this post.

Hello, I imagine that before getting excited about the big disaster that some seek to obtain in America from China, the admirals and generals rather keep their eyes on North Korea above all. But I imagine a blue flowers option ok, in the long term if the armies have no more conflicts to manage then all the material and personnel will become useless so an altruistic escape would be a way of modifying the use of an army and creating a new alliance of solid fraternization for the planetary common good: example: The plastic continent could be transported to recycle by them in collaboration and why not other stuff like trying to revitalize the deserts with agreement of the nations. Rather than focusing on domination and destruction. But I am blue flower please excuse me.

Redwald has reacted to this post.

@xzianchow I am quite familiar with "kayfabe" and used to watch wrestling when I was a kid. My favourite wrestler used to be Brett "The Hitman" Hart. I even remember he used to be in a tag team with Jim Neidhart, a former NFL player I believe. Brett's brother Owen died in an accident while performing a stunt on live TV. That was seriously fucked up. Kayfabe gone horribly wrong. Pretty sure that wasn't planned. While I do not agree with your interpretation that China's geopolitical rise from the ashes was "scripted", we must all wait for events to unfold to see who will be proven correct.

However, I do vehemently object to these assertions on Mao and Stalin. The source you are using is highly suspect. The author is Rudolph Rummel, whose "research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, DARPA, and the United States Peace Research Institute." (wikipedia). He was also a member of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. One of the founders of that organization is a Z Brzezinski. Hmmmm. That guy sure sounds familiar. I don't know about you, but based on these people's backgrounds, I would take what they say about China and Russia with multiple tons of salt.

Here are a few links that offer opposing information. Take it or leave it. I am not here to convince anyone, but I and others who genuinely admire Mao and Stalin (and there are PLENTY of us in this world) have EXCELLENT reasons for thinking the way we do. We also have a strong distrust of Western "left wingers", who we rightfully suspect to be merely controlled opposition (domestic "kayfabe", if you will). Let's just say that REAL dissidents would never EVER be given prestige and financial security as a tenured professor (he even did a short stint in Yale). What a coincidence that Rummel was a strong supporter of "The War on Terror" and the Iraq War, and argued that the media was biased against freeing Iraq from "tyranny". So this guy, who is the source of all these terrible allegations about Mao and Stalin, genuinely believed that the Iraq War was done to help the Iraqi people? Really? He's an obvious proponent of R2P (Responsibility to Protect). Did he really believe the "benevolent" reasons for the Iraq war or was he simply "playing his part" in the pre-approved and scripted "American kayfabe" that passes for domestic political discourse?

myth of Holodomor

truth and lies about Stalin

Let's be honest, Stalin was less of a criminal than Churchill, Truman, and LBJ

Reassessing the Great Leap Forward: The truth about Mao is still buried until tons of vile propaganda.

Mao reconsidered Part 2: Whose Famine? 

I absolutely agree with you that kayfabe exists in this world, and I used to watch it often as a source of entertainment when I was younger. However, we seem to disagree substantially on where this kayfabe is manifesting. Scripts don't always get followed, you know. Or maybe some shit happens that was actually unanticipated. That's not impossible, after all.

Xmas is coming. Regardless of our differences, I do believe we all have a duty to ourselves and others to make this a TRULY happy occasion. There are many examples of happy's not all lies and games.

Feal and Dani have reacted to this post.

Yes, many things lost in translation. definitely the world would be a better place if everyone could live, even for a month or two, in other places locations, among other cultures races believes, Americans to Xinjiang and Beijing, Israelites to Syria, Germans to Moscow, neo democrats to hell ( its a joke!, no one will let them enter ) and evil people from some evil empire to Washington D.C ( already there.. seems they feel no difference, especially in the Congress).
We should acknowledge, most of the ideas we have, are biased, and making us to live under an iron curtain serves as tool to control this artificial separation.
Let me be be sentimental for a moment, I love Americans for what they are, New Yorkers Texans Floridan's and Californians, all different, very different, yet special, they are very special, in their own way.
I am not attracted to the Culture, but I love the spirit of the people, spirit which is being heavily appressed by government after government, yet it is still there, waiting to revive.
every American holds a spark of it, deep down, a spark of this free spirit,


"This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.”

Obviously, when one say, I despise "America" for its doings, as "the Government", "the Establishment" "the Empire" , it is another issue what so ever. let us not forget that.
Honestly, I fall all this time in this trap and MM posts, especially Rufus ones reminds me of what we are and the deep connection we all have regardless of the mechanisms which are installed exactly to keep us all apart.

Old Wine and azark have reacted to this post.
Old Wineazark

When we see the Shanghai Astronomical Museum we wonder if China doesn't have a very large SSP, I find there is also a giant and very optimized ticking inside with a preacher ship. the stargate towards the end of the series what good memories we couldn't forget? So it seems to me that wave cannons were banned and why they sign treaties and disregard them eg cia declassifications of mk programs via radar is this conspirator to say it when there is official writings? So I thought to myself that using EMP bombs would be a solution to block the devices of all types of planes, vehicles, ships and maybe even intercontinental missiles before it triggers their MHDs but I believe that it works with weakly radioactive materials and therefore always contaminating. So it's not viable, but we all dream of seeing an Astra or other T3R, because their mere presence would sound like an attention we can also be peaceful and the future of humanity is in your and our hands, the money does not breathe. Let's build a better world together with the best interests of life. Merry Christmas Rufus has already won whatever the outcome.

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