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Terms of the surrender of the United States.

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My latest article lays it all out. Russia and China has decided to lay down the lines, and demand surrender. What are your thoughts on how the USA will react?

pissedlizard, perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

Full capitulation by Obama 2.0.

Zero shots fired. Zero deaths on the Russia/China alliance side.

Total surrender by the government.

The people-not so much. Expect many MANY casualties by the Silent Patriots. Many more than are piling up.

But those piles and piles of lost and confused souls on the Other Side is like watching gasoline being poured on an anthill. The odd satisfaction of feral souls being torn from their consciousness is quite an amazing feeling. Neither good or bad. Just satisfaction of a Job well done by those who choose to fight. As dark as this may sound to you all now - when you fight your fight - you will see!

You all are safe.

For now.

The first part of this is speculation based on Odds Ratios. The latter is the Truth.


perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.


Good News for 2022: St. Januarius’ Blood liquifies 3 times this year

I'm not a catholic nor even a Christian. If there is actually a surrender, then yay. Maybe even the heavens see it as a good thing yay. 👻

Will the United States double down somewhere? They're running on fumes. Maybe there's carrot and stick approach. Ie help to prevent economic collapse as a reward.


pissedlizard, perolator and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Probably by pushing the button, hopefully by stepping back and looking at the big picture. This rather powerful performance says it all for me. If you can forgive the picture in picture, and the fact it's Doctor Who.


xzianchow has reacted to this post.

I have some training in Communist methods.  I don't fully accept the view that nations are hermetically sealed, independent units.

There is a class of international bourgeoisis which operates largely behind the scenes.  China did not "magically" rise up in the 70s.  Nor did the USA die a natural death.  It was poisoned.

The Communist view would say any war is a war between upper classes.  The Russian and Chinese upper class against the American ruling class.

Is Comrade Putin a fighter for the working man, "rise up, workers of the world!  You have only your chains to lose?"  He's a billionaire, and a former KGBer.

I do not view the "surrender" of the USG as necessarily relevant.  The Beast surrendered its borders, its economy and its people decades ago, 1965 in fact.  One could teach how the USA badly lost WW2.

I would have trouble naming even one nation on Earth that is "free".  Maybe Switzerland, in the past.

The lesson of the "democide" concept is that the number one killer on Earth is ...your own government.  Xi and Putin know this well.  Comrade Stalin and Chairman Mao never "paid" for their "crimes."

Things are not as they appear.  I believe most world leaders are just pawns, actors playing a part.  I would focus on the strings and who is moving them, BEHIND the scenes.

I don't have all of my memories back yet.  But I strongly suspect world wars don't occur unless money is to be made.

Cue up that speech from "Network".  There are no nations anymore.

Ultan McG and azark have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGazark

@xzianchow I respectfully and strongly disagree with some of the premises of your last post. For example, the assertion that "comrade Mao and Stalin" are "killers". By chance, where did you get this information? How is it that you would know better than the people who lived under their leadership and admire them for everything that they have accomplished? Yes, there are many people who are currently living in China and Russia who have experienced the life under Mao and Stalin firsthand and revere them for everything they have done to improve the lives of the common man and woman. It's not "nostalgia". But perhaps these peasants are just brainwashed by their actual experiences, and need to have access to the information you relied on to make these unfounded charges.

If China is currently ruled by the rich, then the government has a very funny way of showing it. They recently passed sweeping changes that basically defanged the multibillion dollar tutoring and gaming industries, and have a strict anti-corruption program that has made it very difficult for foreign agencies to bribe government officials. Not to mention all the high profile "smackdowns" of Chinese billionaires that thought they could tell the government what to do.

It's well known that Putin is former KGB. But is he somehow more corrupt than Tony Blair and Nicholas Sarkozy? If he is, I'd love to hear the evidence.

In the past, it was WAY easier to shape the narrative. Just like today, there are many emigres with personal agendas and axes to grind. They loved to tell tales of abuse and tyranny. Who is going to verify their stories? As if somehow, abuse and tyranny didn't exist before the Communist revolutions in those countries. It must have been paradise over there before the Communist Revolutions, right? So Stalin was a killer? Well what about the tsar and his victims? I'm sure the tsar was as pure as the driven snow. Maybe the problem is that Stalin scared the wrong class of people (i.e. people who matter, the bourgeoisie). If it's just the poor people, then they don't count right? Peasants and serfs have been terrified and cowed for generations under a feudal system. But those people are never counted. After all, it's their lot in life to suffer.

Let me just say that Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin wrote VOLUMES of work. Have you read them all? It takes years of study to truly digest and understand their ideas. Did your communist training involve reading the words that came "straight from the horse's mouth", or reading the words of people whose business it is to criticise everything Marx/Engels/Lenin/Mao/Stalin "allegedly" said?

Black is white, up is down, Stalin and Mao are killers but Queen Victoria of England and King Leopold of Belgium are not, Stalin is worse than Hitler...I could go on. Who makes all these horrible accusations about Mao and Stalin? Are these the very same people who are currently spraying all these lies about Russia and China? So the same propaganda apparatus that we know are completely filled with lies, was somehow more "honest" back then? Hmmm. I will leave it at that.

Coincidentally, it was comrade Stalin's birthday on December 18 and it will be comrade Mao's birthday on December 26. I know I am wishing a sincere "happy birthday" to these "killers".

Have a good day, and happy holidays.

Feal and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
I am quite sure the "communism" aspect of China today is nothing even close to the original meaning. I don't see a fix ideology, apart from kind of a blender of  nationalism and conservatism. Russia is different yet very similar.

The idea that it is all the same, is for me a distraction from tackling the problems and issues we have.
"There is a class of international bourgeoisies which operates largely behind the scenes.  China did not "magically" rise up in the 70s.  Nor did the USA die a natural death.  It was poisoned."

I think you are right about the bourgeois, of course the name you mentioned is confusing as it is some very very super wealthy families and individuals, who do have lots of power and they have it for centauries now. this not an international revolution, both China and Russia practiced revolutions and know it is may sound nice and utopic but real changes happen more slowly and gradually.  usually after a great shock, but we are human, if we don't suffer we don't learn.
The second part I do not agree. even god (exaggerating ) could not foreseen what the Chinese had done, it could have gone both ways, it could have been different, million ways and paths, and here we are on this path and this way.
anyway you wrote splendid things and I react only to a few.
This is regarding the committee of 300, interesting stuff, I believe some parts do match the reality, I wonder what the book is doing in the CIA site but WTF.. it's there to read.

The other link, I think it is important, don't know if this is the right forum, this very much reminds of the power of thought and in a sense media power or empire power through media and tech to change our reality and our behavior.
Dr Robert Malone talks about this latest developments.
the link is from odysee as I understand youtube is not accessible from some places.
Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

And they're big into communitarianism too, Dani. Communism for the 21st century and not that alien a concept to some political types in your neck of the woods if memory serves.

The Committee of 300 are big on communitarianism, too. And are fully intent on implementing it.


Isn't communitarianism a good thing? translating to Hebrew sounds good to me, individual as part of a community, did I miss something?
anyway, the 300 or whatever number of power maniacs certainly don't think about community, I think what they are implementing is kind of techno feudal slavery system..
I think its going to fail, what they plan, as its on global scale and that is no secret, some aspects of the plan do clash with national and conservative ideologies and vision which the ones who hold the real power (military technology) now has.

There is an American concept called "kayfabe."  It is from professional wrestling.  Much of international politics is kayfabe.

China and Russia versus the USA and the West

Yokozuma and Ivan Kavaloff face Hulk Hogan and the British Bulldog.  Tag Team Extravaganza!!!

The game isn't who the champion is at a particular split second.  Winners are pre-determined.  It is China's turn to rise, and the USA's turn to fall.  But this is scripted.

Whoever is the champion, and whatever "war" is occurring, tickets are still being sold and the areas packed for the fans.  THAT, is the real game, the money being made.

@ Old Wine,

I got my information on Stalin and Mao's death figures from the University of Hawaii's Democide page.

The author lists 76 million Chinese dead 1949-1987, and Russia 1917-1987 61 million dead Russians.  I'm a supporter of real Communism, but I am aware of the Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, Pol Pot's Year Zero and so on.

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