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Any evidence of MWI or shifting world lines?

I have just started to look in earnest at the possibility that we have actually popped up somewhere (or sometime lol)  different. A time where our physics constants are no longer so, uhm constant. There's a lot of weird changes that probably need to be looked at.

I'll give one example. Do you remember Meteor Crater? Please tell me from your memory that it looks like the one currently on wiki.


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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Yep, looks the same, and same location. I really should visit it sometime.

It was square all along?

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I was too pissed off to save that detail in my memory. Even 20 years ago they wanted $73 or some such rapery just to drive up to the hole. "Are you serious? No way am I paying that!" They were shocked.