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Useful Magnetic Stuff in Healing......

.......for understandings our Magnetic Physical Universe. Which is Different to the Magnetic Etheric Energy universe. This Thread is for any and all to contribute what will replace the Olde Worlds Order of Chaos Medical Tyranny with The Age of Enlightenment's New Light Tools.

Energy Wave forms are a Spiral. Your Aura is a Spiral. The Earths Field Spirals about its Polar regions through the centre of the Earth to Loop around in an Infinity Loop. Its entire Being is spiralling through 'space'. To induce a Spin, like stirring coffee, Anti Clockwise is to mechanically increase the Field Energy, a right hand spin decreases the Field Strength. When Generating a Magnetic Field, it effects ALL Life and ALL things within its Magnetic Field.

Man only looks at the 'straight line' distance between object's and this is how he SEES Magnetic Current flow. Thus he is constrained or only taught a 2 dimensional View reinforced by Sine Wave graphics.  He only puts 2 electrodes in water and can only discover 2 gases and only two effects of 'sacrificial anode' and 'electro-plating'.

We look at Energy from a 3D perspective, similar to a TV Antenna that has many items in the construction like parallel tubes and bars in geometric patterns. We electrically energize the Gaseous atmospheric Water with a 3 Dimensional Antenna array but only ever use 2 electrodes when 'electrifying' liquid water.  This Thread is about what constitutes Beneficial Magnetic Fields and just what "Fields" are being produced by Commercial Devices advertised as 'healing' using Energetic Medicine & Health devices available in the world today or proposed such as Med Beds or even Gene Therapy medicine. Please keep it to these subjects as they are ‘closer’ to Alien Tech than anything man has invented and is approved by the Federal Dictatorial Authorities.

Reich and his "Orgone" inspired many devices. I have constructed a few prototypes just to understand them as few really do. We have Rife Generators and other Zapper and Battery energizings. Light therapy, laser therapy, Acupuncture and even Breathing can be done with changing the Polarity of the air we breathe by plugging one nostril. It’s All Energetic Medicine that has been hidden by the Olde World Orders. This is the thread to discuss these Energetic modalities and this Enlighten the subject for all.

I will start it off with a device that has been around for 24 years. Originally marketed as the Bio Electric Field Enhancement Unit or BEFE Unit. The first of its kind in recorded history where water is electrified and magnetised for healing by full body immersion.

Experiments can be done to make that Tomato plant on the Window Sill of your Survival bunker to not only yield better but the ripe Tomatoes shelf life can be extended by weeks. It also has amazing healing properties.

So, how do I get one to begin this Quest to take back control over my body? The old saying goes, buy the best and cry once. US$ 1800   but if you are one of those guys who know it can be done cheaper, well it can.

But you MUST buy an Aqua Chi Water module and at least a 20 Ring Set. Good for near 200 baths or more for 159 + 179 = US$ 338. plus postage. Then you need an "appropriate" power supply and some leads from the power supply to alligator clips to attach to the Water module. A bucket for your feet or a bath tub preferred.

Ebay sometimes has used Aqua Chi Footbaths and occasionally you can buy just a Q2 Power supply for less than US$480 if you can get this guy down to 350, which is what its worth so buy buy it. Then buy a $80 cable from this place       Array Cable 3024 #AC24  And you get a ready to use The Twin Factory special for 770 bucks good for 200 treatments and if you charged 50 bucks like most do its earning potential is 10k. Takes around 14 baths to make people 'happy'. More if more 'terminal'.  There was an ebay Aqua Chi listing that ended recently for an almost not used unit for only US$450. In the past I have bought several at this price, refurbished them added some special unique items and flogged em off for 1200. But you cant travel anymore and set up a repair shop in Sedona for a week.

But lets say you only buy the Water module and a ring set and try to source a cheaper power supply on ebay or similar. I have bought and trialled many power supplies. From cheap switching laptop type power supplies, to old high school bench power supplies. If it has a Transformer and puts out around 24 to 32 Volts DC  (+/- 5 v) and can deliver at least 4 amps, you are good to go and pray the internal fuse overload mechanism does its job if you incorrectly fit the tracks. It happens. But in the early days we sold many hundreds of units with only a circuit overload/heat switch. Most did burn out without incident as they were not quite 3 amps output and some waters had too high of electrical conductivity. We have never had a electrical safety issue complaint  You need to have some power supply electrical experience to make a generic power supply safe(r). I have purchased several “Linear Power Supply” made in China from eBay. They should cost less than 300 but for some reason, the supply is dwindling. All medicines from India also sees free Choice Health supplies unavailable. I do not recommend “switching” power supplies like laptops except for scientific research trailing on plants first. The theory is they make a type of “Micro Wave” and this will send the Graphene into a nerve frazzling frenzy. Maybe you have ingested Graphene in things like junk food or water filters sold to the Structured gullibles and so anyone may have a reaction to a “switching” Power supply. But then again, this is experimental medicine. If you’re gonna die from some bio weapon what the hell… give a 50 buck laptop power supply ago. I know of more than a dozen customers whom I supplied Lab Bench Top 32VDC 5 amp manual switching units for 100 bucks and no complaints. Like this Gopher 3205 (All ionic scam models use this type of power supply and it hasn’t ‘electrocuted’ anyone we know of but neither has it cured anyone either because the Array has only 2 electrodes)

The better is and is similar to what Ive bought

Here’s one I prefer.

Then you gotta learn how to use it and what others have learned and then sort out all the bullshit from the Ionic Detox Scammers. Or you can get this all on a USB including the advanced usage procedures and precious metal upgrades for the serious Alchemist in training, when you buy an Aqua Chi Water module from me so all you need to do is source a power supply and a DC Cable with cheap ass alligator clips to wire up. But you will still need to visit every page on these two sites.

Now remember the Golden Rule in Foot Baths…  if the device has the word “IONIC” in its name… it’s a scam. It Kills tomatoes faster and it has only 2 electrodes. DO not engage. Just ignore. It MUST have 7 Rings.

If you want an opinion on a power supply you have in mind, post a pic.