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749 Bureau

Does anyone have any information on Bureau 749? Does it really exist?

It's supposed to be an agency that does research on psychic abilities in China but it is not officially known to exist.

Apparently the founder of Chinese rocketry, Qian Xuesen had  some involvement in it.

Here's a video about it but it is in Chinese.

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

I do not specifically know about China's psychic ability program.

However, you may be certain that any "first world" nation with money, interest in warfare and intelligence capabilities is into this field.  That would include Russia, China, Israel, India.

In addition, China "should" have a nice advantage.  They've got a huge population and a history of monasticism / buddhism.  I'd expect China to have an advanced psychic research program.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.

Has any government actually admitted to having a psychic research facility? I think I remember the US declassifying some details decades ago.

azark has reacted to this post.