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Energy Epiphany

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Quote from DSKlausler on March 16, 2022, 10:24 pm

The old [dry] wells now magically have more oil... I think the location was investigating Pennsylvania.

That whole story of dissolved dinosaurs, or other carbon life into oil is highly suspect.

Yeah I guess they just had extra dinos come, die in the well and convert to oil in a couple of years instead of millions LOL That always bothered me too.

Also seems like energy scarcity might be a fabrication.

Quote from Goldleaf on March 16, 2022, 11:46 pm

Also seems like energy scarcity might be a fabrication.

I think so too.


this is why gold has always been money and will once again be money.

An ounce of gold represents all of the energy and effort needed to extract and refine it. It is the original energy-based currency

Its really not that complicated. In the biggest and most broad picture humanity is fastly running out of resources while at the same time we are all also in a global situation of population overshoot, thus straining the earth's carrying capacity and jeopardizing the entire ecosystem of all life on earth. On the whole, everyone will be a lot poorer and times will be getting a lot more harder in the coming months, years and decades ahead, this is almost a mathematical certainty. Money/currency is nothing but a mere human symbolic social construct created as a mental proxy to account for the energy and resource deposits that exists on this planet. In modern times all/every economic activity requires an energy input as an essential prerequisite to production/wealth, but as global energy supplies (especially the cheap/plentiful and energy 'dense' types) are all used up and the remaining reserves are diminishing in EROEI (net energy returned on energy invested ratio) this means net productivity of human labor (which is largely propped up by the "work-multiplier-effect" of energy) will continue to decrease as well as the raw purchasing power of money will become exponentially eroded (this is the true cause of inflation and why wages cannot keep up with rise in prices). At the highest levels geopolitically the world is now not only a "zero sum game" but rather in truth it is a "negative sum game" whereby everyone's piece of the pie is actually shrinking even if the proportions haven't changed. For the past half a century or so, America has relied on its so-called "petrodollar hegemony" and the status of the US dollar being used as global "reserve currency" to prop up its extravagant way of life and high standards of living at the direct expense of essentially taxing the rest of the world by way of usury, even way back in the 70s then French President Charles De Gaulle commented on this arrangement of the US enjoying this exorbitant privilege of the petrodollar...

We are quickly reaching a point of inflection in which China is projected to comprehensively surpass America on the world stage within a decade, first economically and then technologically and eventually militarily and politically. The United States real foreign policy and power doctrine has always been that it does not tolerate peer competitors, and will likely initiate kinetic action (a hot war) ostensibly first over the "Taiwan issue" between now and 2027 but later escalating up to and including full scale nuclear war with China sooner rather than later, because China is closing the military gap quickly and so thus if the US were to ever try to contain and reduce China by force before the window of opportunity permanently closed, then it would need to strike sooner rather than later whilst it still retained the military advantage. In terms of an escalation ceiling, once nuclear weapons are involved it would very likely end up in full scale total nuclear exchange in which world will be unrecognizable afterwards. Even if kinetic hot war can be avoided, China is already the world's largest trading partner and has the world's largest economy (in PPP terms) which means the US petrodollar system will soon be up-ended and America's status of the US dollar being the world's global reserve currency will inevitably come to an end. The implication of this is the USA will be reduced to a third world country with massive hyperinflation back in the homeland and likely there will be racial tensions that spark a second Civil war in US, resulting in the balkanization of America much like how the Soviet USSR split apart into many pieces after its fall in 1990s. For America and for Americans living inside of America, the future is bleak and there are no good outcomes no matter what happens or doesn't happen from here on out and this is especially true for Asian Americans that are still around in the US when things really start to collapse.

JC Soulwood and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
JC SoulwoodOhio Guy
Quote from Goldleaf on March 16, 2022, 11:46 pm
Quote from DSKlausler on March 16, 2022, 10:24 pm

The old [dry] wells now magically have more oil... I think the location was investigating Pennsylvania.

That whole story of dissolved dinosaurs, or other carbon life into oil is highly suspect.

Yeah I guess they just had extra dinos come, die in the well and convert to oil in a couple of years instead of millions LOL That always bothered me too.

Also seems like energy scarcity might be a fabrication.

Ever wondered why this stuff is also called "Petrol" ?!


The word petroleum comes from Medieval Latin petroleum (literally 'rock oil'), which comes from Latin petra 'rock' (from Greek pétra πέτρα) and oleum 'oil' (from Greek élaion ἔλαιον).[5][6]

That is all there is to it.  The Oil of the rock.

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