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Weird half dream or crowd sourced group think

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Well I had some half dream or something. But it was like a running commentary. Kinda maybe a podcast? Woke up, saw DM's thread, decided to put pen to paper. There's a theme in my insomnia but I haven't figured it out yet. Can I try a crowd sourced think out?

I had to put them in point form because stuff was already disappearing when I started writing. I won't try to understand what I wrote down. Maybe you guys can chip in. The train of thought was horribly disjointed. But I think it's got something to do with our reality (duh). Or how we should reexamine what we think is our reality anyways.

Crowd sourced E2. Build our own E2 in MM. E2 was to show us we can manifest our reality. But we can mold our putty and understand how and what it is. MM is a lab.

Question EVERY THING. Quelques. (because my predictive keyboard pops this French word for no reason.)
Manifest. Manipulate. Mangle.
Falsifiable. Concept.
What is our reality.
DNA meat suit. Duality.
DSK there as experiment control.
<DSK pops up here I think>
LD as hybrid transport to main universe. Boost the container. Or boost the signal.
<I think the above is for DM>
The elite fractured. Or running on auto mode. Auto programmed. Marzinsky demons program for lower level entities.
Reality is not what it seems. The world looks like it has gone mad re vaccines. But it has not gone mad. / where is logic. (backslash where I pressed for m.)
No one in control at the top. Little child programs running. Autonomy or no coordination. [can these child programs be disabled] The vaccines, lockdowns, everything, can they be disrupted. Possibly yes. How.
Colony. Think termites or fungus or ants. Fractal. DNA programming again. Human DNA? Colony base without queen. Unable to create queen. No queen now. Fractured. Parasitical colony. Mind control in Cordyceps . Fungus life cycle. It jumped to parasite feasting mode. With underlying mind control exposed. The elite are not fully awake or in charge. Zombie mode.
mRNA push is part of the auto program surfacing. Strange. Nudge by some entity? Speculation. Pheromones. Hidden switches. Whose triggers.

Sorry it's super all over the place, even by my standards. Y'all have to help me out. I think there are like half a dozen topics in there. The last seem to have something to do with covid and mRNA and the powers that be (or some reference to the OE?)

I have almost no idea what the rest mean.

Anyway I will return to this thread once I have a rethink.

Alice and azark have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Interesting ML. Was a physical version of me in this dream, or just the message of amplifying the signal for me?

azark has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

No it was a half dream. Something like podcast without video. I'm extrapolating because I think the whole thing was meant for a few people here. Like @azark, and that part was in my reality, when I was awake. That happened just after reading your thread so I know I was awake. My phone does not autospell French words.

There's other weird juujuu going on, it's like my reality is smudged or pliable. I think it's something similar to what happened to @alice

I have to think and fill in the blanks. I can't be hallucinating stuff lol. Not keen on "boosting signals" now 😁.

Edit : to be clear, I'm extrapolating. First thing when I woke up was to check MM because, well it seemed connected. Your new thread was there.

azark has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Very interesting @memory-loss. I see some parallels with some of MM's recent articles in all of that.

azark has reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on January 7, 2022, 10:22 pm

Very interesting @memory-loss. I see some parallels with some of MM's recent articles in all of that.

I would have gone mad when the invisible cat started meowing last few nights. But the invisible Gato came a couple of months ago, so MM didn't pop it into my reality, it was already there. It's not pleasant when said cat is outside your window on the second floor. Or worse in your room meowing away 5 feet from you. Very loudly in front of you and you can't see it.

Because of the French autospell which I could not replicate, I'm leaning towards the idea that in between sleep and wakefulness, reality may be malleable. Except I have no idea who is banging away distorting it.

I need to steal more mugwort. I used some leaves as some sort of face abradent.


Ciao! Gip me your ideas

I am sorry I haven’t been around. I have felt very disconnected, like there is a control on my participation or something like it rather. Bounding box. Why does that keep coming to the front of my head when I get on a thread? Anyways, my health has been flickering. After the swollen eye and itching arm with fevers, I am just now getting back to myself.

I haven’t seen much of the new QnAs and will give my input when I can get to it.

azark has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hello everyone, I think of you a lot, I hope you are all very well and those who are suffering are on the road to recovery. I want to be careful because I move forward and am extremely determined, if I have fears I compress them and translate them as caution, your answers are very important to me and if you believe that I doubt or incomplete sincerity you do not know me not yet . For those who are curious like me I can also tell you that I will use the same line I am faithful, and thank the grace for giving me gifts like your existence. I wave the Rufus flag and move forward. I renew here and now with you an ancient mystical trance under the benevolence of MM and the domain, even if I claim my handicaps so that you too can measure, control, verify or authenticate is for me a seal of success and not an insult. Everyone is looking for light caresses from known or unknown but lessons that touch us more or less strongly I embrace them as my friends and I recognize them.
Yes MM you were right, difficult, obligations responsibilities but I retain the gaps that I brood, I move slowly.

  • First of all I explain this to you and I also measure, I explain I will highlight my handicaps it is the problem and not the positive attributes as a result, if a group or even a company rejects the last then the weakest is exposed to the remoteness of the latter, whereas if the group or society considers the latter as a watchman it will therefore be the last segment of a cycle, the marker of the weak point to protect, perhaps a great thing . He she is perhaps the weakest who has developed an extremely valuable counter attribute.
  • Yes, I am working on a specification for the development of the old empire trap. A sort of trap by psychological contamination. My c is very ambitious and I know that it may not happen, which is why I lower the rank of evolution of the project by the specifications. the contours of the experimental weapon and the essential properties.
Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Autrement dire j essaye de composer une ancienne recette que vous-même vous-même ici c est un soleil ici .

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