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Cautiously optimistic MWI extension attempt

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Here, I will therefore take action to encourage you to open a mode already known in many ways but in my too specific sense, I encourage you to give your impressions.

I'll try to ask where I'm leaving, how I go about getting around and there where I want to get

1. I am an egg with a sperm, and now enlarging a body with ISBE my navel reminds me of this all the time.

I can, depending on how I move around the prison without knowledge, try solutions, the outlines of my prison increase as either the way I move or the terrain traveled or the limits I encounter and more I don't know where I am. respect. but I come back to where I know, automatic verification.



So if you deploy a mode like go and come self guide with you, you must respect, I imagine reproducing the definitive path of the dna of the prison we will place ourselves on the rufus plan and authorizations only first there is an authentication. This is why I imagine that collective consciousness is a confirmation

  • So yes it is also an interpretation of mixing one's own opposing potentials, Weighing the future

I am inspired by a paradox to define the outline of the trap which is the prison itself with what is already existing, all the errors and advantages of the old empire united a definitive system to access the other prohibited part


Is this a commonly offered inmate reintegration program?


You are on an interesting line of thought. I'm curious to see where it goes. Also, don't be afraid to repeat your original message in French. I tried a new translator today and got a much better outcome.

Are you attempting a physical device?

Vous êtes sur une ligne de pensée intéressante. Je suis curieux de voir où ça va. De plus, n'ayez pas peur de répéter votre message d'original dans Français. J’ai essayé un nouveau traducteur aujourd’hui et j’ai obtenu un bien meilleur résultat.

Essayez-vous un appareil physique?

@azark is pretty amazing in his ideas, isn't he? Keep it up.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

grinding grains with a grinding wheel, of course not, but I have an idea how that could be.
But I use the subject virtually to organize a way of thinking and this will result in our actions.
The engine is designed virtual in your mind for ISBE to ride on it and it's very serious. And or looks like a representative amalgamation of all knowledge and action reaction potential to resemble in one fashion, a permanent user manual that delivers the best MWI and user shaping.

  • The main goal is to seduce the user, encourage him to drink knowledge and develop his ability to anticipate these actions and suggest that he choose the rufus path to become master of his MWI bubble. But for that there is a practical model including subsets dedicated to different general parameters of the targets. Subsets may or may not be known but with a standard card we could start to guess. If I imagine the physical and the non-physical mirrored parts and duality I could with the help of a circle represent where I am and do. But free will is still an issue unless the MWI extension is dedicated to the Rufus user only.
  • Some idea but the celestial engine is already a translation but cyclic so I could still search and I'm exhausted maybe it will come, all I would have to do is help myself with all the literature philosophy and place markers on a circle with circular particles mirroring the inverse of a state. Example physical and non-physical life and death. But the most difficult will be to increase the significant for a function so that it does not become unmanageable.
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