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A new list of movies

So I watched the movie Push again, wanting to revisit this movie after all the times MM has referenced it in his various posts. It does make one ponder things--not only how much governments or certain powers may try to influence others, but also it made me think of MWI birth templates, and how it seems some of us preplanned our current moment in history, being here, working together to break apart an old prison and regain lost identities. (One of the last lines in the movie is the protagonist asking the clairvoyant how long her mother has been working on creating the future they just lived through).

Heavy stuff if you really ponder it.

And then I went looking around in the Main Index and forums for some kind of list of the other movies that have been referenced a lot in relation to the crap happening in the U.S., MAJ, or helping the Domain, but I couldn't find anything other than the one post about Idiocracy. I remember there was a movie from the U.K. about nuclear war and a 60's movie or Twilight episode about mass hypnosis via the media, but I can't remember the names of those films or what posts they were mentioned in.

I don't suppose anyone has put together a list of these movies? These aren't the stress-reducers; lol more like the opposite. But I would like to watch some of them and I'm afraid I didn't take note of the titles. Thanks!

Alice has reacted to this post.

I think one of the ones you're looking for is John Carpenter's They Live -

JayTNR1357 has reacted to this post.

MM Movie Index

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
Quote from Goldleaf on January 10, 2022, 6:51 am

I think one of the ones you're looking for is John Carpenter's They Live -

Hmm. Funny, that was the first movie I thought of, @goldleaf. Actually his other movies I suspect are also relevant. The Thing is nice.

perolator and JayTNR1357 have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
Quote from congjing yu on January 10, 2022, 8:18 am

MM Movie Index

Did I miss that earlier?


Ah wait --yes I did go through that earlier. I just couldn't find certain movies that were mentioned elsewhere. Still thanks!

So many movies. So little time. Sigh.