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Hello everyone and a newbie LD question

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Linda and have found my way here to MM from the very depths of all of the internet! Bouncing around from junk shop to junk shop to finally land somewhere that feels right and true to me. 🙂

Some very strange things have been happening in my life since January 1st this year and I can feel that I have no choice but to go in the direction it's taking me.

I am very new to all of this (but have always had a 'knowing' and good instinct about stuff) and I'd like to get some insight if possible.

Last night I read the affirmations to help (feels like why I'm here) and while I was sleeping I had this repetitive, mechanical meowing sound going off in my head to the point that it woke me up at about 4am. It was kind of annoying but harmless.

Two things - I don't usually remember dreams (sadly!) and it was a dream-like state and there was a post on here somewhere that mentioned cats and dogs in dreams relating to this mission but I can't find it.

Is this Lucid Dreaming? Can someone explain this to me or send me in the direction of where I could explore this more. I'd obviously like to educate myself and make sure I'm safe etc given I don't know what I'm doing.

Thank you in advance, any guidance or advice is greatly appreciated.

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congjing yu



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Quote from linda on January 12, 2022, 10:34 am

Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Linda and have found my way here to MM from the very depths of all of the internet! Bouncing around from junk shop to junk shop to finally land somewhere that feels right and true to me. 🙂

keeping it short

Some very strange things have been happening in my life since January 1st this year and I can feel that I have no choice but to go in the direction it's taking me.

I am very new to all of this (but have always had a 'knowing' and good instinct about stuff) and I'd like to get some insight if possible.

Last night I read the affirmations to help (feels like why I'm here) and while I was sleeping I had this repetitive, mechanical meowing sound going off in my head to the point that it woke me up at about 4am. It was kind of annoying but harmless.

Two things - I don't usually remember dreams (sadly!) and it was a dream-like state and there was a post on here somewhere that mentioned cats and dogs in dreams relating to this mission but I can't find it.

Is this Lucid Dreaming? Can someone explain this to me or send me in the direction of where I could explore this more. I'd obviously like to educate myself and make sure I'm safe etc given I don't know what I'm doing.

Thank you in advance, any guidance or advice is greatly appreciated.

Welcome! As someone who discovered this place several months ago, I can tell you that you'll have a lot of reading to do to catch up and understand what MM is all about.

Along with the prayer campaign index, I recommend reading the Majestic posts (realizing that these were written a few years ago and that viewpoints on certain things have evolved and changed over time). Then read the Domain posts. I think a lot of the "meat" is in these 3 areas, and then you can peruse other posts or just read the latest.

And LD is lucid dreaming--being aware inside a dream that you're inside a dream. We seem to be having a few common elements in dreams recently of cats popping in unexpectedly. And Disney references, though that could be meaningless, lol.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from linda on January 12, 2022, 10:34 am


Some very strange...

Last night I read the affirmations to help (feels like why I'm here) and while I was sleeping I had this repetitive, mechanical meowing sound going off in my head to the point that it woke me up at about 4am. It was kind of annoying but harmless.

Two things - I don't usually remember dreams (sadly!) and it was a dream-like state and there was a post on here somewhere that mentioned cats and dogs in dreams relating to this mission but I can't find it.

Is this Lucid Dreaming? Can someone explain this to me or send me in the direction of where I could explore this more. I'd obviously like to educate myself and make sure I'm safe etc given I don't know what I'm doing.

Hey Linda! Welcome to the uhm, Place!

I have a invisible cat who pops around every so often. It's interesting to compare.

Mine comes in the middle of the night, between 4-6am. I occasionally get insomnia, so I know it's not me dreaming. It's always couple of feet away. Maybe 2-5 feet. But you can't see it even if you look for it. The first time was pretty loud and insistent. I thought what is that cat doing outside my bedroom window? Then it got so loud I thought it had climbed into my room. Used a torch to look for it, no joy.

It came again, twice but outside my window.

Came to terms with it. I call it my invisicat.

Not sure what he or she wants, though.


This is on my list of strange questions for MM to ask the Commander, but the list is pretty long and always gets bumped down.

Edit: Yours popping into your head freaked you out, I imagine. 😁


Also try our chat, which is sadly underutilized. (That green thing in the corner). Would love to hear your thoughts!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Hi Linda. Welcome to MM. It's hard to say from your brief mention of the noise, but it sounds as though you could have been in Sleep Paralysis (SP). A lot of crazy thing scan happen whilst in this state, including hearing strange but somewhat familiar noises. I suggest reading through my articles on the contributor sub index, or at for the Lucid Dreaming content

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Hi everyone, thank you for the warm welcome. Yes @daegonmagus I have started reading your articles at the advice of MM. 🙂

It's something I definitely want to explore more. It's a whole new world and in this crazy world, it feels good to be excited about something. Thank you.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


We are a real, honest to goodness community here. Enjoy yourself. Seek answers, help and contribute. This is a safe place, and those that violate the rules are sent away...

Have fun.

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

Hi all,

I am also a newbie! I came to this site around new year, so fresh and excited about all the information, which seems to fit into my personal experiences and observations well. I posted some things already since. I am happy to meet you all in this place.

Now the next thing, a strange dream, that disturbed me, but I didn’t want to post it in the forum, being new here. You might get a very strange impression of me…. But now I do it anyway.

A couple of days ago, after pondering on volunteering (but I didn’t volunteer yet, just thinking about it) I had this dream, different from what I ever had.

I was lying naked on some carpet with a tall blonde beautiful athletic woman, with a very white skin. Apparently we had sex with each other. This woman was somehow famous and with great power and I felt all the time that I was “lower” as her, although she treated me as an equal partner. She was a bit grumpy and emotionally more like a warrior, not a soft person for sure. The whole dream had no story line, just this, it was just this “working” on each other and the knowing about each other. It wasn’t just a flash, it continued for a while. Everything in the dream was white, the carpet or soft floor was white, there were no furnitures, no shadows, the light was indirect and white, all well illuminated, the woman’s skin white but her hair was yellowish and I think she had blue eyes, and my skin was my skin color but perfect too.  And I wasn’t sexually aroused just somehow worried as we were discussing something but not clear about it now. I then woke up wondering what this all was about.

Does some of you have a clue about this dream? I find it a bit embarrassing to post things like this. And that as a starter. Fyi, I am female and absolutely not interested in women.

I used to be a vivid dreamer up to 3 years ago and had every other night strong dreams, then it stopped and now I rarely have these dreams just the normal ones. They were always like messages, like advices coming through, and sometimes foretelling things to come. Sometimes also lucid. But nowadays very rare. 

Hope to read your thoughts on this.

Welcome to you both!

@watertiger we also have a dream share thread where we talk about that kind of stuff. You are welcome join us there or here. I bet with some practice/affirmations you can get your vivid dreams back regularly again if you'd like them.

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Memory Loss
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