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Pre heaven contracts in Daoism

I just stumbled upon this while looking at parasites and Gu Syndrome in ancient Chinese medicine (not Traditional Chinese medicine which is a recent school of thought in Chinese philosophy). An excerpt blew my mind away, so I'm just going to cut and paste. Will probably have to dig some more.

Psychobiology of disease, past life trauma etc in Daoist medicine

Daoist Medicine involves a consideration of 有形 (form) and 無形 (formless), and many of the methods incorporated in Daoist Medicine deal with the 虛體 (formless body) as well as the 肉體 (physical body). Lower levels of formless existence are classified as being yin, higher ones than this are a mixture of yin and yang, whilst the very highest are considered 纯阳(pure yang). Accordingly, the diagnostic scope of Daoist Medicine is significantly broader than that of contemporary Chinese Medicine, taking into consideration 天因,人因,地因 (Heavenly, Humanly and Earthly causes). Heavenly causes include 先天,因果,精神,心理和無形因素 (Pre-heaven, karmic, spiritual, psychological and formless factors). People can be born with certain disease states, or a pre-disposition to develop them which can stem from pre-heaven or karmic origins. These can be transmitted from parents or other ancestors, or even due to types of heavenly contracts decided before birth. This inherited karma is the responsibility of the inheritor to resolve or repay; often it is not the appropriate place for any doctor to interfere, or must do so in a careful, considered manner.


Much emphasis is placed on what can loosely be translated as the psycho-somatic causes of disease. It is emphasised that people with chronic illnesses need to change their thoughts, and the consequent behavioural patterns that led to the creation of the disease state in the first place. Psychological causes for illness can come from the 7 emotions and 6 desires, societal pressure, unharmonious relationships with family members and friends, economic factors . Other formless causes for disease can stem from one’s 八字四主 (8 Characters and Four Pillars), which are fixed according to the time of one’s birth and relate to the cycles of the five elements, birth, growth, return, storing and the harmony and violation of natural time. A person’s 來因 (literally, reason for coming), that is to say, the reason for their incarnation on Earth, can also be a factor in the emergence of illness and disease.

Let me take some relevant passages.

  • Heavenly causes include 先天,因果,精神,心理和無形因素 (Pre-heaven, karmic, spiritual, psychological and formless factors). People can be born with certain disease states, or a pre-disposition to develop them which can stem from pre-heaven or karmic origins. These can be transmitted from parents or other ancestors, or even due to types of heavenly contracts decided before birth.
  • people with chronic illnesses need to change their thoughts, and the consequent behavioural patterns that led to the creation of the disease state in the first place.


To shrink stuff, we have

  • Prebirth contracts!
  • Thoughts can create reality!

This sounds very close to what MM has been saying. Now I need to find some Daoist texts and go through carefully. See if they have invisible cats, we are done lol.


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Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Taoism is very very great knowledge, apparently impossible to master in all its completeness in 1 earthly life.
