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Waking up from the vaccine nightmare in Melbourne

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Waking up from the vaccination nightmare in Melbourne

Hi everyone, I’m really grateful to be here and be amongst like-minded people for a change. I’d like to share my story of what It’s like here in Melbourne and my journey from ‘awake’ to ‘asleep’ to ‘awake’ again. I have lived on both sides of this debate. 

When the pandemic started 2 years ago I was living with a friend in a house in the inner-city of Melbourne. When Daniel Andrews (the Premier, he was the face of all of this) announced that we were being locked down my body immediately went into fight mode. I was angry, cynical, I didn’t want to wear a mask, I didn’t care about the “2 hours exercise per day” rule and basically did what I wanted. I never check-in with the QR system and I’ve never been tested. I smelt a heavy dose of bullshit from day one. 

My housemate on the other hand works in the Premier’s office and was literally the complete opposite to me. She immediately bought different styles of masks to match her outfits, wondered how she would “smile with her eyes” and bought everything they said hook, line a sinker. She never left the house and did everything she was told. You can imagine what this did to our relationship over that time and while we both tried our best to understand each other, the friendship eventually broke and after a year we both moved out. 

During this time, there were military helicopters flying over our house at night, drones, the streets and highways were empty, police were stopping anyone and everyone and questioning them and overall it was a very dark and eerie time. Dictator Dan would be on the TV at 11am everyday telling everyone what they could and couldn’t do and he became increasingly tyrannical the more people did what he said. 

After I moved out I started to notice that my entire friendship group was onboard with all of it as well. This was very difficult. I didn’t say much about how I really felt, people knew but not the extent of it. I felt muzzled, isolated and alone. I didn’t know what was going on (still don’t really) but everything in my body was telling me to resist it all. Don’t get the vaccines and be strong. 

One by one people started getting the vaccines with a type of glee that I found very unusual and strange. I wasn’t scared of Covid, I was scared of them. The tension mounted, the shame piled on (almost every single ‘friend’ commented on my lack of compassion, care, community etc and it was constant). The hardest part was I didn’t know how to explain why I didn’t want to follow along with this, it was just a feeling. There was so much wrong happening in my world view that I literally didn’t know where to start. 

I recognise that I don’t have to answer to anyone but myself but it turns out I am not as brave and courageous as I thought I was. I don’t have any family that is close and my friends were the only support I had. I switched off my feelings and brain and got vaccinated and felt instant relief to be fitting in again. This went on for about 4 months. Overnight, I became an anti-vaxxer. I wasn’t insane about it but I definitely tried to convince my un-vaxxed friend to get vaccinated. I realise now that this was to make myself feel better about my own decision. She resisted anything that I said and remains un-vaxxed. 

Having this reference point helps me understand why these people are becoming increasingly un-hinged. Everything I see is brainwashing, propaganda and programming. People started to parrot the media and each other and I felt like I was living in the Twilight Zone. 

For 4 months I lived pretty normally (I don’t drink or shop much so I didn’t really experience those restrictions or realise how restrictive pubs and shops were). I still never check-in and still have never been tested which seems to be a hobby for people here now. I need to emphasise to everyone how much checking in and getting tested has become part of our culture now. And now, also, showing your vax certificate to do anything. It’s ingrained. 

Then something happened - I had to go to Ikea to buy some dumb thing so off I went to a giant mall which I hadn’t been to for over a year. I walk in and I see this very long line of masked, quiet, stressed and socially-distanced people waiting to get into Ikea. I really did see Lemmings heading towards a cliff. This was the first time I had to participate in this new life to do something and it was frightening to me. In an instant I woke up again and saw everything for what it was. Insanity. I left the mall, called my un-vaxxed friend to tell her how fucked everything was and the first thing she said was, “oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you. I am so relieved you’ve woken up.”

Over the following year I became increasingly vocal about how I felt and one by one I lost almost all of my friends. They didn’t even have the courage to talk to me, they just stopped talking to me or would never reply. They are quite clearly, not my friends and now I am ok with it. 

The few friends I have left are either un-vaxxed or I keep my feelings to myself to maintain the basic friendship. All in all I am living a very isolated life and I have good and bad days of loneliness. 

The most painful part of all of this was confronting how I betrayed myself when things got tough (getting vaccinated) and seeing who I really was. That most of my life had been driven by ego and the appearance of strength and courage was just that — an appearance. My childhood was traumatic and my ego got me through it. Really, I was a scared little girl who cared too much about what people thought of her.  It’s only now that I have started living with humility and truly accepting that I don’t know everything, to learn to grow and accept who I am and it’s been very difficult. 

I write this at a time where the booster shot is about to be mandated here in Victoria as well as “future shots” to “keep our community safe and protected as we don’t know what variants are around the corner.” 

I am starting to feel that pressure again and I hope that this time I have the courage and strength to say no because I don’t want these vaccines, there is something wrong with them and no one will convince me otherwise. I know I won't get any more but have to fight the fear of what that means for me and my life.

It’s going to get increasingly difficult to live here and as the noose tightens I wonder how that will play out for everyone. 

I work from home so I have that on my side and I’m starting a permaculture course next month so I can change careers and meet new people. My affirmations will manifest me a farm in a cool climate near like-minded people. I just hope to stay strong and get through this. 

Thank you for reading and thank you MM for giving me the space to share this. It’s been a lonely and difficult ride as I know it has and is for a lot of us. 

Much love. 

mtness, Feal and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
mtnessFealMemory LossGoldleafChromacatazarkGeisterfahrerWaterTiger

I would like to say courage to you, when the hassles arrive gradually relativize and transfer the information in the constitution of solutions or parades.
You are on the right track.

linda has reacted to this post.
Quote from linda on January 14, 2022, 4:58 pm

Waking up from the vaccination nightmare in Melbourne

Hi everyone, I’m really grateful to be here and be amongst like-minded people for a change. I’d like to share my story of what It’s like here in Melbourne and my journey from ‘awake’ to ‘asleep’ to ‘awake’ again. I have lived on both sides of this debate. 

When the pandemic started 2 years ago I was living with a friend in a house in the inner-city of Melbourne. When Daniel Andrews (the Premier, he was the face of all of this) announced that we were being locked down my body immediately went into fight mode. I was angry, cynical, I didn’t want to wear a mask, I didn’t care about the “2 hours exercise per day” rule and basically did what I wanted. I never check-in with the QR system and I’ve never been tested. I smelt a heavy dose of bullshit from day one. 

My housemate on the other hand works in the Premier’s office and was literally the complete opposite to me. She immediately bought different styles of masks to match her outfits, wondered how she would “smile with her eyes” and bought everything they said hook, line a sinker. She never left the house and did everything she was told. You can imagine what this did to our relationship over that time and while we both tried our best to understand each other, the friendship eventually broke and after a year we both moved out. 

During this time, there were military helicopters flying over our house at night, drones, the streets and highways were empty, police were stopping anyone and everyone and questioning them and overall it was a very dark and eerie time. Dictator Dan would be on the TV at 11am everyday telling everyone what they could and couldn’t do and he became increasingly tyrannical the more people did what he said. 

After I moved out I started to notice that my entire friendship group was onboard with all of it as well. This was very difficult. I didn’t say much about how I really felt, people knew but not the extent of it. I felt muzzled, isolated and alone. I didn’t know what was going on (still don’t really) but everything in my body was telling me to resist it all. Don’t get the vaccines and be strong. 

One by one people started getting the vaccines with a type of glee that I found very unusual and strange. I wasn’t scared of Covid, I was scared of them. The tension mounted, the shame piled on (almost every single ‘friend’ commented on my lack of compassion, care, community etc and it was constant). The hardest part was I didn’t know how to explain why I didn’t want to follow along with this, it was just a feeling. There was so much wrong happening in my world view that I literally didn’t know where to start. 

I recognise that I don’t have to answer to anyone but myself but it turns out I am not as brave and courageous as I thought I was. I don’t have any family that is close and my friends were the only support I had. I switched off my feelings and brain and got vaccinated and felt instant relief to be fitting in again. This went on for about 4 months. Overnight, I became an anti-vaxxer. I wasn’t insane about it but I definitely tried to convince my un-vaxxed friend to get vaccinated. I realise now that this was to make myself feel better about my own decision. She resisted anything that I said and remains un-vaxxed. 

Having this reference point helps me understand why these people are becoming increasingly un-hinged. Everything I see is brainwashing, propaganda and programming. People started to parrot the media and each other and I felt like I was living in the Twilight Zone. 

For 4 months I lived pretty normally (I don’t drink or shop much so I didn’t really experience those restrictions or realise how restrictive pubs and shops were). I still never check-in and still have never been tested which seems to be a hobby for people here now. I need to emphasise to everyone how much checking in and getting tested has become part of our culture now. And now, also, showing your vax certificate to do anything. It’s ingrained. 

Then something happened - I had to go to Ikea to buy some dumb thing so off I went to a giant mall which I hadn’t been to for over a year. I walk in and I see this very long line of masked, quiet, stressed and socially-distanced people waiting to get into Ikea. I really did see Lemmings heading towards a cliff. This was the first time I had to participate in this new life to do something and it was frightening to me. In an instant I woke up again and saw everything for what it was. Insanity. I left the mall, called my un-vaxxed friend to tell her how fucked everything was and the first thing she said was, “oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you. I am so relieved you’ve woken up.”

Over the following year I became increasingly vocal about how I felt and one by one I lost almost all of my friends. They didn’t even have the courage to talk to me, they just stopped talking to me or would never reply. They are quite clearly, not my friends and now I am ok with it. 

The few friends I have left are either un-vaxxed or I keep my feelings to myself to maintain the basic friendship. All in all I am living a very isolated life and I have good and bad days of loneliness. 

The most painful part of all of this was confronting how I betrayed myself when things got tough (getting vaccinated) and seeing who I really was. That most of my life had been driven by ego and the appearance of strength and courage was just that — an appearance. My childhood was traumatic and my ego got me through it. Really, I was a scared little girl who cared too much about what people thought of her.  It’s only now that I have started living with humility and truly accepting that I don’t know everything, to learn to grow and accept who I am and it’s been very difficult. 

I write this at a time where the booster shot is about to be mandated here in Victoria as well as “future shots” to “keep our community safe and protected as we don’t know what variants are around the corner.” 

I am starting to feel that pressure again and I hope that this time I have the courage and strength to say no because I don’t want these vaccines, there is something wrong with them and no one will convince me otherwise. I know I won't get any more but have to fight the fear of what that means for me and my life.

It’s going to get increasingly difficult to live here and as the noose tightens I wonder how that will play out for everyone. 

I work from home so I have that on my side and I’m starting a permaculture course next month so I can change careers and meet new people. My affirmations will manifest me a farm in a cool climate near like-minded people. I just hope to stay strong and get through this. 

Thank you for reading and thank you MM for giving me the space to share this. It’s been a lonely and difficult ride as I know it has and is for a lot of us. 

Much love. 

@Linda, I feel your pain and distress. I follow the big events and to me, "they"  cast spells long ago. London Olympics occult summoning, even Barcelona Olympics last century. There is a huge element of the occult involved. Mathias Desmet says its mass hypnosis but I believe that there are added factors of predictive programming.

I have not put these stuff up here but I can tell you it's totally bizarre and it would probably make me look stark raving mad. Because what is actually put out by the PTB  really totally do not make sense unless you look for the occult. I actually wrote about this elsewhere about occult summonings and demonic possession of the MSM and politicians. I might put a link here since that would bo ok I suppose.

From another angle, the Domain has its hands full fighting other battles. The hysteria and brainwashing has also been induced artificially but by and for whom? Australia is one of the nation's involved.


Chromacat has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Hey @memory-loss. Thanks for the reply, yes I used to indulge in the darker side of what's going on but over time have discovered it's not doing me any favours. If I feel like it's all out of my control all it does is send me to dark places.

I definitely agree though that this world is a dark place run by dark entities and as is the common message here, all I can do is try and control my reality and live with integrity as best I can.

I have remained unvaxxed even after enormous pressure from family and employment was placed on me.


Please don't take the above to mean I do not understand, or empathize, with the feeling of wanting to "fit in".


I have never felt as though I have "fit in" anywhere. Perhaps I have been inoculated (funny word eh?) against the vaccine propaganda. I never trusted it. Maybe it's safe, maybe it is effective ... but the way it is being presented (do this or else ...) does not feel like it is being done in my best interest.


I have had Covid, and I recovered. I got over it within a few days. The 2nd time I got it, I got over it within 48 hours. It's the flu.


I know everyone has a different reaction to it and a different way of dealing with the fear factor of catching a virus that we have all been told can kill us.


Just let me say this ....if I felt the vaccine was safe, and that it worked, I would have taken it. However, there is a report from the UK indicating that if you have been double vaxxed, and are getting boosters, you are destroying your natural immune system. I personally think that Big Pharma found a way to make your natural immunity a subscription service (a booster every 6 moths).


They are like a drug dealer ... the first few times are free (to get em hooked).

congjing yu, mtness and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yumtnessChromacatQurow

@linda Hi Linda, I feel the same about the va xx. We felt so much danger from the nearby people, we moved from Germany to Finnland. Here at this point in time, getting the va xx is good but you don't have to. Some restaurants and pubs just let you in if you have the certificate, but here in the hinterland without babysitter, there is no point for us to go out anyway.

My point: If you ever want to move and need help in this "cooler" climate, I'm there! And honestly, the winter isn't so bad!! We have snow up to the knee and it's so bright and beatiful when the sun comes up!

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Chromacat, WaterTiger and linda have reacted to this post.

I would LOVE to live in the snow, I love the winter but alas, my instincts are telling me I need to stay here no matter how bad it gets. I think a lot of us are waking up for a reason and I have a lot of faith that I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to. Spending all of this time alone is allowing me to understand myself, build resilience and strength as I think things are going to get far worse before they get better and my biggest personal challenges still lie ahead.

Yes, I agree with you on the vax, how many flaming red flags do we need? The problem is, you have to look outside the mainstream media to find the flags and none of my friends do that. They think I'm crazy, I think they're brainwashed. If I hear "It's for the greater good" one more time... 🙂

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Yes, I believe that you are very correct when you wrote...

Just let me say this ....if I felt the vaccine was safe, and that it worked, I would have taken it. However, there is a report from the UK indicating that if you have been double vaxxed, and are getting boosters, you are destroying your natural immune system. I personally think that Big Pharma found a way to make your natural immunity a subscription service (a booster every 6 moths).

They are like a drug dealer ... the first few times are free (to get em hooked).

And, perhaps this is why most of Asia are relying on FREE "dead host" vaccines. Not mRNA injection booster schedules.

Geisterfahrer and Rayun_jinping have reacted to this post.

Here are just a few of my thoughts concerning the vaccine for your collective perusal. I am not making any "accusations", they are just my personal observations, from the information I gathered, that was intentionally buried or censored, or passed off as "conspiracy theories".


Timothy J. Cunningham. Epidemiologist employed by the CDC in Atlanta, Ga. Rumored to have told his neighbor that people were being intentionally infected by a "flu vaccine". He stated that a virus was "in the vaccine" that infected his patients and that this was being done deliberately.

One day, he disappeared. All of his personal belongings were left in his home. His phone, car keys, wallet, etc. His body was found in the Chattahoochee River. Apparently, his death was ruled a suicide. An Epidemiologist, with near unlimited options at a painless suicide, chose drowning.

Doctors who attempted to discredit the "conspiracy theories" that people were being intentionally infected by vaccines (this was all a few months BEFORE Covid-19) were not describing mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Mikovits found something similar. It’s a lot of info. If you get a chance, look up her findings on XMRV retro viruses. From what I understand, all vaccines have been contaminated with retro viruses. These are not only injected, but are then ‘shed’ by those injected. They are airborn and are in pretty much every human. The more injections you get, the sicker you get.


Dr. Robert Malone mentioned that the Ebola like hemorrhaging fever spreading in China was the result of injecting the ebola virus in the vaccines.


Dr. Andrew Huff received his Ph.D. in Environmental Health specializing in emerging diseases before becoming an Associate Vice President at EcoHealth Alliance, where he developed novel methods of bio-surveillance, data analytics, and visualization for disease detection.

On January 12, 2022, Dr. Andrew Huff issued a public statement (on Twitter) in which he claimed Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance, told him that he was working for the CIA.


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congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


I have to be honest with you. I got very upset with what you posted. MM is not the place to post conspiracy garbage, flat earth trash, and the regurgitated shit that floats around most of the "alternative media". In truth, where there are indeed many black operations going on, you have to understand that there are SIDES. You must discern.

Just because your dog dragged in a dead skunk into the kitchen does not mean that you are supposed to cook it and eat it.

You just cannot go around freely... from tree to tree... pissing indiscriminately.

China and Russia are on one side, that the USA and it's allies are on the other. Put away the foolish notion that China is part of the "Great Reset"  death cult. They aren't. No one is.

The Chinese use a "dead host" vaccine. PERIOD.

The Chinese are VERY transparent about this. This is mature technology and there are no other things going on inside of China like Ebola spreading and all that other disinfo out of Langley. All deaths are public. All illnesses are public. All fiascos and problems are all open to the public. And compliance to this is harsh.

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

China is not the United States. You just cannot hide a death. You cannot move data around and massage it. You just cannot.

Let me be very clear on this. This is very old technology. You take a virus. You kill it, and then you inject it into a person. The person's antibodies develop to fight the dead virus, thinking that it is alive.

A booster injection, is the latest strain of the virus. It is killed, then injected in the body of a person.

This technology got rid of Polio.

This technology got rid of Smallpox.

It's not FUCKING ROCKET SCIENCE. And the vaccine is not secret either. Unlike the USA "vaccines", there are no blacked out areas in the papers. It's free and open source for the world to use and benefit from. It's all 100% transparent.

SO you should be very leery when someone says something bad about a Chinese traditional vaccine that is 100% transparent and open to everyone to use. Most ESPECIALLY, any American / UK / Australian "experts".

If you have something to say about the Sinovac then show me a Chinese doctor discussing it in Chinese. I'll pass it up the chain, and there will be action. China is that good about these kinds of issues.

I like you, but if you post anymore disinfo on the forum, I will perma-ban you and maybe worse. Please do not do this ever again. It lowers the standards of group participation and turns MM into just another "conspiracy website".

It's my biggest problem right now.

I must prevent the disinfo from soiling MM.

When I post a OOPART article, I make sure that it is something that I can provide info on. Not every OOPART is a genuine article. And When I post something about China, it must be something that I can verify with my own eyes and senses.

There are all sorts of interesting conspiracies out there. Many have their basis in facts. But they are also liberally sprinkled with disinfo.

And Vaxx is a hot topic right now.

It's a great vehicle to spread disinfo upon.

Which is one of the primary reasons why I don't post that much about it. It's saturated with disinfo, and rabbit holes.

I do everything in my ability to keep MM sane.

I talk about things as they are, and what can be verified. If I say that a steak goes great with an icy cold beer, some great fresh bread and real butter, it's something that you can verify on your own. You don't need to take my word for it.

Can you verify that there is a massive ebola outbreak in China and that the government is covering it all up? No, of course not.

But I can. And that's what makes me so damn angry.

I have better things to do with my time that chase after every dead skunk dragged into the kitchen. President Kennedy was killed intentionally by insiders, and a Military Dictatorship was the result. You don't need to know the details, just look at the military expenditures and adventurism since. So why dwell on it. It's all out in the open.


I once lived with a beautiful model. And there were all kinds of guys that wanted her. And there was this jackass who was just spilling poison in her ear about what a loser I was, and how bad I was, and what a nobody I was, and how I was going to hurt her.

And so one day we were drinking and talking, and I asked her why she didn't believe all the lies he told about me.

She was very clear. She said that she knew me and what he described was out of my character. Sure, she said, I had many faults, but the ones that he was saying were just fantasies that did not exist. And because of that, she realized that he was just a manipulative fuck.

It made me feel better because CJ realized that her first-hand experience was more valuable than any words said by that evil snake.

And that is why I am very guarded on what get's posted here on the forum. And that's why I tend to get a little angry.

Personally, I think you are a real good guy. So don't misunderstand my anger as a personal attack. I just want to provide a beacon of truth so that everyone can ride the storms out.

mtness, Chromacat and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
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