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America today

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This is a police bodycam video of Toledo Ohio this past weekend. Toledo. The place - in my mind - that will be synonymous with a cross dressing nurse in the Korean War.
But this - this is what we have become.


Either these animals-- of whatever stripe-- will be dealt with, or they'll destroy what's left of a once great human experiment, the good ol' US of A.

Toledo is known for something else; back in the 80s a bunch of out-of-control Jesuits masquerading of men of God were involved in all kinds of ghastly rituals aimed at ushering in daemonic entities from the nether realms. Hushed up in a BIG way by church authorities after a few good cops insisted on pursuing an investigation of an elderly religious sister who was disembowelled and killed by these freaks in their sacristy.

Cops were either fired or persecuted into other departments.

That's the level of protection these monsters can fall back on. They did get the ringleader, though-- lone gunman kind of shpiel even though the P.D. knew many, many others were involved in the murder.

It's only a matter of time before these rituals get so out of hand there'll be no going back. Ever.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

It’s just sad to see. I am old fashioned. And I will go down with this ship. I love the Idea of America. I love the fact that a bunch of misfits won a war based on very primitive tactics and strategy, THEN said - “hey, let’s REALLY screw with them and make the illusion of “States rights” “. I am a Confederate at heart - and I am NOT a racist - I fucking despise slavery and will fight to my death for the freedom of one soul - and I mean that - but I just want to be left alone. Like Jack Hinson. MM, from me to you - when I saw THAT article, I knew I was “home”. I was shown that book in a dream when we moved here. This stuff is not what happens to me, you know? I never “died” and came back. I never lucid dreamed. I can’t mediate to save my life. I hated before I got a cat, meaning I never enjoyed the feeling of love - even after marriage - until a cat found me. I’m NEW to this. But I am so grateful. SO grateful for MM and all of you. Please if anyone thinks they are crazy, hit me up. I am right there and know I’m not. I never knew why I went to medical school. I hated it. HATED it. It gutted me financially, destroyed relationships, upended others lives, and I never felt “right” in it. Like that movie - “Men in Black” - when the bug had the “Edgar suit”. Like that. Like I was wearing a cold skin. But I HAD to get this shit in my head. I HAD to go to one place then another. I HAD to be a shrink. I would treat full on psychotics who would respond to mess that I would be jealous of. Because they could feel free and sleep. I just wanted to work in a lab and be left alone. Other things too. Knowledge from other avenues. HAD to do it. I always understood the drive of the salmon. That’s it. That drive. Fuck I tried finding the pathways and the neuerochemicals - and never believed it. Because it was a fucking lie. NOW I am in LOVE with medicine! Because Newtonian medicine is a lie. And MM, you I cannot thank enough! That love for this. It’s like my cat, something that was “off” is “on”. And that truth, your explanations. ALL of your explanations.

One of my mentors in psychiatry pulled me aside and explained something that I never ever forgot, and holy cow, I can’t believe how his explanation really truly helped guide me to guide others and correctly diagnose and treat. Mental illness is real and can be horrific. But he said the difference between “I have to think about medicine versus I have to think about therapy (both for the patient) is where are the voices””

Further, he said “if the voices are outside of the patients head, and ask, does it sound like someone in the room talking or are they voices inside the head. Between the ears”.

The first is a hallucination. It could be a stroke, it could be mental illness. But THAT is a hallucination. Think medicine. The second is our consciousness. Think therapy”.

Now he didn’t mean therapy for everyone -he meant for those whose consciousness was commanding them to harm themselves or someone else. Versus a command hallucination - which is “organic” and I am now calling bullshit, but I digress...

One other thing that I really want to share with you all - and this can be some giant galactic practical joke - a GREAT one at that, but if a mass extinction event happens-I’d rather this be here, where I feel it would be “protected”.

Anyway I had one year of child psychiatry as a resident. During that time autism and “the spectrum” became a thing. So some of these kids, they were like fucking GENIUSES. A good 90%. Some would have encyclopedic knowledge of a particular area. One seven year old girl-I’ll never forget who was born in Florida and never left had knowledge of the flora of the Rockies. It was uncanny. But worse was this - and I voiced it and became an outcast - but my thought was maybe “God” - but I knew it wasn’t “God” even though I believed in “God”-you all get it - anyway, maybe “God” was like - downloading critical info into these kids. Maybe - again I was nuts for saying this. - but we can see mannerisms are passed down. Something subjective - a mannerism - can be passed genetically. We SEE it. But I am a nut for verbalizing it, right? So maybe these kids are getting this info “encoded” in their DNA? Bob Lazar - again, like MM - I believe him - is explicit about one of our craft coming from an archeological site. Maybe their DNA, and all this info is being passed to them for THAT reason (or reasons we as humans just don’t need or deserve to know). But anyway, again just a theory.

And I did keep a tally of all attendings and their thoughts about vaccines and autism. All said - what I agree with. - blasting 2 year olds with a shitload of attenuated anything is bound to cause an inflammatory response.

congjing yu and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McG

thank you for this.

My first wife, as I said was schizoaffective. This was a really difficult thing to deal with. Most especially myself, as a MAJistic operative, and a corporate officer at the same time. There's a lot that I can say, but I want to highlight a point that you made about autism.

My wife, was never the less kind and compassionate, but she had a mental illness and was unable to function in society. This is all true. But she ALSO had very highly defined PSI skills. She could see what I was doing when I was on the other side of the globe. She could foretell the future, and she could pick up an item and tell you about the person who last held it.

There's a lot in this subject, and I know that I need to cover it in the future.

pissedlizard and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardUltan McG

@Ultan McG my kid has Autism (and quite likely his brother and sister aswell). I am glad you brought this up, because it is something I have also wondered given all my crazy experiences (it has been suggested I have very Autistic traits, but I can't see this; I like to think of myself as more "technically minded"). I have always thought an Autistic brain is the perfect model for something such as I experienced with my higher self. I think there definitely is something in this idea. Through some of the social groups I have come into, I have noticed a trend in "new age" philosophy of consciousness coming from some of these families; one of them was even a big time skeptic when it comes to aliens and ufos, then had an experience where she started seeing light beings in her yard that made her do a complete 180, and she had an autistic son. Maybe that's it; maybe families with Autistic children are picking up a few secrets about consciousness from them. Maybe once we start modelling our society to be more accepting of these people with Autism (kids and adults alike), things will start coming through a lot more strongly. Unfortunately, such a society is still in its infant stages

pissedlizard and keff have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

You know, I agree with you. I do. I don’t think that when one or more family members has autism - I don’t think it’s just about the patient so to speak. I truly have seen those physical connections - and YES, I thought I was hallucinating to the point I asked a close friend if I needed antipsychotics. NOW I have a much better understanding of what quantum entanglement means in relation to (what I believe is) loop quantum physics. It makes total fucking sense. If let’s say one part of that consciousness (let’s say the patient and family member(s) are acting as one IS-BE) if the patients consciousness is being used as like a “data link” to the cloud that filters everything but one specialty - or whatever- but all of the patients energy is focused on being that data link, the patient would need a consciousness to guide the patient through this “life”.

Does that make sense? Parents of autistic kids have that bond - you can see it - a different bond than they do with their other kids. It’s like the child is literally part of the parent. The parent usually doesn’t even see it, but it’s clear. It’s like another arm or leg of the parent. It is a part “of”.
Now, what I am about to write - I don’t want this to sound degrading. I used this analogy to try to explain to my peers what I saw. I always saw the parent as the encyclopedia salesman of years ago. The encyclopedia salesman ALWAYS had his product with him. It was ALWAYS in his trunk. It was always there. The money was in what he took for granted-the knowledge in the books. If it wasn’t for what he was selling - we wouldn’t even be. The autistic child is happy. The child has no idea about his or her role in life, but to me - it’s important. The parents on the other hand - the outside impression is “wow, their lives must be so hard”, when the reality is they see their lives as less a burden than ours. It’s that true love that just accepts.

Now, when I try to articulate that in “scientific” circles I get mocked. One or two will agree but for the most part, people will push their pills and collect their check.

I really hope I didn’t offend anyone with what I just wrote. I am NOT comparing someone’s child to a load of books. I am comparing SOME of them as storage vehicles for information and should be cared for as we would our own brain. That is my opinion and will stand by it.

People with autistic traits tend to be the high end learners that like to keep to themselves. There is no other way to classify people that go to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) with anything and for some reason, psychiatry LOVES those kinds of money makers. Nobody has a real clear definition of autism. The way I would look at it was “how much executive function” do they have. Executive function is stuff we do day to day. Most people say ‘things like balancing a checkbook’ - but that’s flawed. Lots of autistic people are better at math than me. So things like daily living activities - where are they? MIT people are like that. They can build a time machine but can’t microwave a burrito. So we call them “spectrum” people.

My final thought is this: if being in the presence of an autistic person doesn’t touch your heart, something is wrong.

keff has reacted to this post.

Think this could add something to the schizophrenia/mental illness debate, P.L.? An old Catholic priest I knew years ago says it most definitely would-- but has been utterly suppressed by statists and the drug industry.

(And probably agents of the Old Empire, too-- can they still control these entities? Did they even create them for this purpose?)

Note these guys' credentials, btw. They're not dabblers or quacks.

FYi only.

Ok, I am only 10 minutes into this and already I am hooked-THANK YOU for it! As soon as the interviewee said “where do you want me to begin”? I knew I had to really pay attention.

Had to jump in real quick though about the two schizophrenics with the same delusion - “one has to give way”-yeah that’s the theory. Anyone remember the day Michael Jackson died? Probably not. I do because on THAT evening 2 jesuses got into a fistfight and one Jesus stuck a pen in the other Jesuses neck, then attacked me! And I was cool with them both-the dude wanted me DEAD-you could see it in his eyes. The next day he was fine. But yeah-the guys reaction is what any normal person -to me - should be!

Other side note-for about 9 months prior to me finding MM (or MM finding me) I had that urge - that drive - to study alchemy. The Zodiac signs and symbols and. The astrology aspect - the whole nine. Even bought a telescope. Never was a telescope guy. I don’t even care what the urge was or why I did it anymore-BUT thanks for getting me to a cool Alchemy channel!

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

Enjoy that interview, so! Malachi Martin alludes to this kind of stuff occasionally. Or rather, he did. He also discusses how Freudianism and material/psychological causes of all maladies (very roughly speaking) was adopted over Jungianism in Western psychiatric medicine, which fully acknowledged the presence of these entities. (Old Empire Agents at work again?)

Have to admit I'm not a regular Astrology or Zodiac guy; but I do know that symbols and symbology play a HUGE role in controlling the cognitive functioning of the masses. Umberto Eco will show you how that's done.

This guy is also interesting, if you can deal with the ghastly Raaaack 'n Roll intros from time to time. But when it comes to spelling out the esoteric and Gematria in bite sized chunks, few do it better.

If you're interested in Astrology from a practical and historical perspective without the woo-woo, tall claims and bullshit, again, few do it better. (Be warned, though: He falls into the Flat Erff trap from time to time, but that's because he doesn't read Metallicman or know about 'the construct'-- he's firmly a material observer!)

and if I had a telescope I'd be checking out the Moon every chance I could! Now you've put the thought in my mind. So busy looking at the waters and the wild, I forget the heavens apart from the occasional star gazing on a clear night. Which we don't get that many of in this part of the world.

But when she's clear, man, is she clear-- Milky Way and all.

That's it, a telescope for me!

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