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Question regarding Domain/mantid StS or StO and my introduction

Howdy. My first post here. I'll start off with a couple of questions I hope will be answered. Mainly regarding some confusement I have after spending several weeks reading MM. I'll post the question first and then add a little about myself and my views towards the end as that will likely be long and perhaps only for the few who would bother reading it.

After that I started reading the entire works of MM. The thing is on that page which got me started it is clearly stated the type-1 ETs are StS. There are other pages I later came across which pretty much also says Type-1 are StS and Mantids StO. However once I got further into the site this seemed to change. And after reading the QAs to the Domain commander there is no doubt the Domain are StO.
So what is the reason for this inconsistency? Is it that MM has pretty much learned more on the way (meaning the linked page is older content) or is it my damn not-native english performing fuckery in my head again?
I take it Mantids are StO, right? This adds up far better as I had a difficult time understanding how a StO and StS civilization would work together as the Domain and Mantids are.
The Domain commander has been pretty clear they are running the show. Not the mantids. Airl is also pretty clear on them being top dogs in "Alien Interview". However abductees all over the world clearly state that the Mantids are in charge, supervising the procedures. Even seeming to be pretty stern with the various "greys" at times. See among others the works of David Jacobs, who's findings though they are very simplified and with a lack of total understanding, is valuable in regards to what abductees perceive. So the question is: Are the Domain really top dogs here or are they pretty much doing what the Mantids allow them to?
Ok, question time over, now to my introduction.
I am part of a couple communities for the phenomenon, consciousness and well call it UFOs. Have been for some time but I have steadily grown a lot in the last year. The growth has allowed me to openly see things now that I two years ago would have laughed at and called anyone saying things I now believe in crazy. Two years ago I would have thought MM was the craziest person in the world and I wouldn't have read 10% of his content before passing that judgement. Now I know better. I also know I have a part in this. I have known since childhood that I wasn't here (on earth) to meddle about with these other humans. The last year or so I have been pretty clear on myself having a very clear object/mission here. Part of it I understood and is personal, part of it might very well be joining the Domain as irregular. I have been close to doing those affirmations for a week now, but I have other considerations too, and am pondering on a couple of questions I hope to have answered by the Domain commander at some point.
The thing is I have felt for a long time that something is coming (up). Like an event, contact or worldchanging catastrophe. There are also so many other sources saying the same thing, NDEs, OBEs, abductees, channelers and contactees. Finding MM seems to provide the missing puzzle. MM has provided me with answers to the questions I didn't know I should be asking. I'll finish this with a big thanks to you MM, the amount of work put into this is simply mind blowing! Anyways, looking forward to spending more time here and keep on learning.
congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

@dingus A warm welcome to you.

My personal advice is to just leave everything that you think you know at the door and re-build your knowledge from scratch, understanding that EVERYTHING that MM says is true.

Our understanding has grown as MM's has grown. He has been very clear about his earlier articles being somewhat outdated and he's left them as they were first written so you can see his (and thus our) progress in understanding reality.

Don't be taken in by that silly alien abduction nonsense. It doesn't make sense. Dr Steven Greer explained that it's just governments fucking about with people as part of the operation to discredit real disclosure. Do you honestly think the Domain needs to learn about our mundane biology? I personally even feel referring to Dr Greer is pointless. Just read everything available here, it's all you need. By the time you've processed everything you will have changed so much that reading it all a second time will be even more profound than the first time around, believe me!

I, too, read into a lot of other sources regarding the "UFO" phenomena. It's only use was to get me here. Now that you're here, that stuff has done it's job. Well done.

I'm no-one important, I just recognise the path you've trodden to reach here as familiar. Welcome to this little family of MM followers. 🙂


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congjing yuperolatorUltan McGAliceDingus



First off, if you have read the entirety of the MAJistic Index, then you will know that I am an average human. Sure, I did some extraordinary things, but I was raised up as a normal kid in the 1960s and 1970s.

The vast bulk of your questions will be answered if you follow that textbook, in order, from the very start, take the detours and continue back on the reading schedule. Then, when you are finished, you go to The Domain Index, and go from the start to the end.

Everything else here, from the Rufus Index to the Happiness Index, to the art Index and all the others, offer little glimpses on how a practical understanding of what is going on in MAJestic pertains to your normal day-to-day life. The truth is that you cannot focus on one subject in isolation; that is a major failure of just about every UFO organization.

It's like a big box of multi-color Legos.

Some people take the blocks out and organize by color. Some take them out and organize by size. Some take them out and organize by type.

MM takes the items that you build with the Legos; in all the shapes and forms. We look at the houses, the cares, the trains, and the spaceships. We take good hard looks at them. We see the beauty, the disgust, and the wonder in it all.

Ok. So, for your question about sentience, To be perfectly frank with you, I (and numerous others within my professional sphere) made fun and joked about how others believed the injection of disinformation into the UFO / Extraterrestrial narrative. The idea of shape-shifting reptilians, for instance, and abductions,  well they are not at all what is going on, and I have explained why.

You are typical, and yes you have followed (pretty much) the same path that many others have trodden to reach the MM doorstep. And thus there are no stupid questions. I detect a strong sincerity in your comments, and I want you to feel welcome here. As it truly is an oasis in the mumble-jumble that the internet is today.

Throughout my career, and passed into my retirement, I believed that MAJ was StO and The Domain  was StS. I was wrong. I stand corrected. And I chose not to rewrite about 18 books worth of text to accommodate that understanding. I am now going to direct you to two places.

Watch this Podcast. It tells you what I thought, and what I believe now, and why I am moving forward as I am.

Then, you must go to the Domain Index, and start at the top and read every single article. One after the other. You will discover why MAJestic was disbanded, and why The Domain set up operations inside of China.

Now, throughout all my writings is the idea and concept of "being a Rufus". My God! This entire site is a transformative effort, and if you cannot see the importance of why being a Rufus is important, then you will never understand the Domain, and your role here at MM. Be the Rufus. Start at the top, watch every video and work your way down.

I can tell you that every one of your questions are common ones, and they are all answered here.

This is the "real deal". Look at the sheer volume of information, the great depth of content, and the mind-shattering differences between the bullshit on the internet to reality. I'm pumping these things out while I am running two companies, husbanding a two-year-old, and doing so inside of China. That effort, and the results, should be evidence alone that this site, and myself are extraordinary.

It's all for free.

No pop-ups. No flash intros. No advertisements to buy, buy, buy. It's all for free.

I am releasing book compilations for certain, but the price is not for me. It's the cost for printing and placement on Amazon. I actually get only one or two dollars for each book bought. The books provide a tangible presence in and when this entire MM site goes dark. Because it will. I tell you that, flat up straight.

So welcome, and leave the preconceived notions at the door. This is an entirely different "ballgame". -MM

JustAnotherAsian, Feal and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianFealperolatorUltan McGWaterTigerDingus

@congjing yu

Tank you very much for your replies. I totally understand that the amount of work taken to write all of MM's content is beyond comprehension. Hence also the time taken, meaning opinions and knowledge change over time. Ofc you should not take down older content because of me and similar types nitpicking. I meant no offence and my questions were not meant as  a "haha, I nailed your inconsistencies, you phoney". It was simply due to my confusion and wishing for a reason why it seemed that way. You have BTW answered that to great satisfaction. On the contrary, I believe MM. The more I have dug into this the more I believe.

I also must apologize because I have spent several weeks, several hours a day reading just your content. I have pretty much just not worked at all these weeks. I have never read this much this intensively. The effect seems to be like cramming for an exam: it is a mess inside me noggin right now. I started at this point: and followed the steps. However I suspect there has been lots of content added since that index was created as I actually finished that list a week or two ago but have since found tons of content not in that list. is a treasure chest without a bottom it seems.

And yes, the need and importance of being a Rufus (BTW I have no understanding where that expression originated, but who cares I understand the meaning now lol), a StO entity, is something I have understood for a year or so. I was a pretty selfish person up until then, due to my upbringing really, and I must admit it is pretty hard at times being a Rufus in a society where everyone is pretty much stepping on each other.

I'll leave you with another question MM as I have just finished reading your articles on China (society, military strategy, starship troopery etc.) I found it all very insightful and deep as there is no doubt modern western society and politics do not deal with our problems (crime, distribution of riches&power and the value it puts on human lifes). And there is no doubt that western media reports a twisted view on China (and Russia too for that matter). Meaning I do agree with what you have written. However as the Chinese government has adopted a system of society recommended (and therefore I presume used) by the Domain I do feel like asking a question about the right to define what is right, or not. While I guess this is also exaggerated in the west there seems little doubt that China cracks down pretty hard on critiques of the regime. While freedom of speech in the west isn't really what we are told it is, it seems to be less of it in China. Sure that freedom comes with responsibilities (a problem in the west is that little responsibility is taken), but lack of this freedom is an excellent tool for those in power to retain that power. Forever. So, is this something the Domain stands by, or is this a thing about the Chinese government the Domain does not appreciate as it is?

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

The Domain has influenced a community structure and governance for China, and what you see today is the embodiment of that.

Why is unknown. I assume because it is superior.

You must stop thinking that China has a government like the west illustrates. It doesn't. It is a society of people. The best people in that society get to hold positions of power. To be best, you must give of yourself and volunteer. All those white garbed hazmat suited people during the covid crisis are all doing so in their free time for free. That's a functioning society of Rufus.

It's not a regime.

It's a functioning, well oiled, society.

Dingus has reacted to this post.

Let me take some specific questions / concerns...

While I guess this is also exaggerated in the west there seems little doubt that China cracks down pretty hard on critiques of the regime.

Yes, they do. But China is not a regime, it is the entire Han society. And it is based on tradition, and everyone within that society learns what the traditions are since year 0. If you flaunt the traditions, then there is something wrong with you.

While freedom of speech in the west isn't really what we are told it is, it seems to be less of it in China.

You can do and say anything in China as long as it meets these criteria...

  • You cannot malign the Han race, nor it's organization, the CCP.
  • You cannot malign tradition in favor of new progressive ideas.

If you look at all the complaints in the West, they all boil down to disparaging either one or both of the points stated above.

Think of your family. What happened when you when home tromping mud all over your mother's cleaned floors, threw the dinner dishes on the floor and refused to eat them, instead wanting candy, and watch TV or play video games? What happened if you told your parents that you wanted to experiment with being gay, or something like saying out all night without permission?

They would come down hard on you, AND they would remind you that the house had rules that you must obey. They would also tell you that you can do what you want when you have your own house, but in their house you must obey the rules. That's China.

Sure that freedom comes with responsibilities (a problem in the west is that little responsibility is taken), but lack of this freedom is an excellent tool for those in power to retain that power.

The CCP is not some kind of political party or political type of governance. That is a fundamental misunderstanding out of the West. It is a race. It is the Han race.

We see elements of other societies trying to define their societies on race. Like the "White Supremacists", or the "Nazi Nationalists" of the Ukraine. Such as the Jews in Israel, or the Muslims in Saudi Arabia. Or numerous groups in South Africa.

China is for the Han Race.

While they have accepted and absorbed other minority societies, they do so with set rules and understandings for accomidation.

The CCP is the community of the Han race, and the merit driven, best who are Rufus volunteers are tested to be the best that they can be, and the best of the best, like star basketball players, get to rule the CCP.

Forever. So, is this something the Domain stands by, or is this a thing about the Chinese government the Domain does not appreciate as it is?

The Domain has adapted the local Chinese government and structured it to fit their needs. In all, it is a superior form of governance. There is no comparison.

perolator and Dingus have reacted to this post.

Thank you for these elaborate answers MM. Yes regime is a more negative word in English than what I first considered it to be. Bad choice of words. Personally as I said above I find huge flaws in the western modelles and I see huge advantages in the Chinese one. Your reply did educate me further too: I was not aware of the Han race's position. Much like you say how the Saudis work, which I know a little more about. Being from the EU any talk of race is pretty much a no no though. Hitler made sure of that. However if other races are respected and treated well in China there really isn't necessarily any problem. It is a problem in Saudi Arabia though. I suppose what you are saying is that if you enter China, treating them respectfully, taking dirty boots off before entering it (so to say) you are shown respect back in a way that you feel and are treated as an equal, or at least a welcomed guest?

You do with this reply point at one of my other big problems in the west: Lack of respect. In that way I love how they respect and treat each other in Asia. I have been to a few south Asian countries and it is totally different from the west, where you pretty much only get that respect from people expecting a tip at the end of a service. The Asian society breeds respect, it makes you as a guest want to show the same respect back. To put it short, I myself only bow in Asia, but there I do it a lot.

Can a person lacking respect ever be StO? Probably not. Respect is a prerequisite to StO? Hm. Maybe.