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Expanding MM?

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YouTube has the reputation now of censoring and dropping videos in a heartbeat.  Use that site with caution.  Cancel culture is real.  But there are other options for videos.  Gab is one.

Microsoft sunsetted support for Skype last year, so that is a dying platform for video conferencing.  Microsoft Teams is the replacement.  You might want to look into this for future use, maybe by doing video conferences instead of YouTube–type videos.

What about a zoom conference with a discussion. Recorded, and posted on a streaming site?

mtness, Ultan McG and Tas have reacted to this post.
mtnessUltan McGTas

@congjing yu zoom could work. but then i guess hosting is the problem. Another website means more fees. I suppose you could always just host it off something like wix and keep it cheap and free, like I do with my site, if you don't mind having a banner pop up and advertise their site.

Daegon Magus


Hey MM, welcome to my world... !
There are multitudes of possibilities, we have to distill them down to what will work for you.

Converning the use of other platforms:
The one and only safe option - especially concerning the topics discussed on this venue - is using your own domain and server for this.
(Fortunately, this type of Infratrucuture is not that of a problem nowadays.)

I keep telling this to my friends and customers for nearly twenty years now,but only few listen.
(Just remember 2020 - where the big twit just canceled the (p)resident of the Untied States just like that!!)

So, the majority of people hang around at facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and whatnot - so how do you get in contact with them?
How do you reach more of them?

I usually recommend to play these channels to funnel the user to your exclusive venue -
Video teaser on your tube + "read more" link to get the users on to YOUR site.

I appreciate your venue here because it is NOT the usual asocial media site.


If you feel the wordpress software is a PITA and you just want top publish your content, maybe I have something for you.

If you would like to have a brainstorming session, I would recommend a quick whereby session - it is mostly anonymous and free to join, and runs directly via browser.

If you would like to have some more in-depth consultation, please get in touch with me.

Best regards, MT

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