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Expanding MM?

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Guys, I would like some input on expanding the MM footprint on the Internet. It's not that I want oodles and oodles of followers and all that, if I did, I would be on Facebook. However, there are some venues that I could expand in. Maybe You-Tube or Instagram. Of course, to access them, I would have to burn though using a VPN and all that, and I am sure that it might bring in a few followers and expand the MM presence. So my question to all of you is do you think that this is a good idea, and what are your thoughts on this?

Certainly, my thoughts on China would get me blacklisted. And honestly, I really don't need an army of social justice warriors declaring me a target. Nor do I want to open myself up to trolling. Hell, if so, I might have to set up a system to rapidly send groups of people to the cornfield and that would be highly distasteful.

What are your thoughts on this?

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

If you want to reach a wider audience then some form of visual content such as more videos would definitely work, Mr Man. There are other popular options as well as You tube of course. And given that pretty much most Normies are incapable of reading much more than a few paragraphs or bullet points, these days-- let alone tackling one or more of your MAJestic or MWI classics-- a video presentation breaking everything down into liddle biddy easily digestible pieces would be a good introduction.

We also know that MM is not for everybody, and the amount of trolling and dumb arsed comments you'd be opening up yourself up to might be enough to send you running for the hills. I mean, guys are still posting comments on some of the more dense and esoteric material you write, that show clearly they haven't even really read, let alone grasped, the basics of Metallicman 101.

You are a dedicated and conscientious teacher as always, though. And may what you have to offer always fall on appreciative ears only.

congjing yu and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAlice


Yes. You are correct, of course. I will tell you that I only publish between 25% and 50% of the comment that I receive. Judging by the number stats in my comments. They are about equal for the number of discarded non-published comments and those that are published. I fear that by opening MM to the greater humanity might open up a Pandora's box of grief.

However, You-tube does offer streaming videos that are far better than anything that I have tried on word-press. I really don't want people to wait for the hour it takes just to download an MM video when they can simply go to a you-tube link and watch it there.

I think that it would be an adjunct to MM. Not a replacement of it. Nor would it be a marketing resource to drive in more traffic. I really don't care about teaching the world. There's a certain kind of person that arrives here. I want to keep it that way.

Ultan McG, Goldleaf and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGGoldleafWaterTiger

Interesting that you should feel that way. I am currently building a small library of books. I think it might be useful for MM readers and I would like to share that little library with yous guys.

Unfortunately I have put up the library on Telegram, which requires a phone number for registration. If the reader doesn't mind the privacy intrusion then all is good.

I can add participants but I require them to be on telegram.

Will message you, @laoban4site accordingly and seek your comments.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@conjing yu i was thinking along similar lines when I asked if you wanted to do a skype session. Text based articles are good, but it takes a fair amount of commitment to even begin an unknown article, let alone stick through reading it to the end. Videos are a good medium for presenting heaps of information about a subject in a small timeframe whilst at the same time giving people a feel for your character.  If you present to them as an educated man with at least some class about him, people will much more likely to take you seriously.

If you can't be bothered with VPNs, I am always happy to host your videos for you on my youtube feed, though I can only post videos up to 30 mins in length as I don't have a premium account.

Daegon Magus

@laoban4site I wouldn't bother with Instagram as it's very time sensitive and is just narcissism - the website.

DM's gracious offer to host your videos on his youtube channel might be the best way to get started. While podcast-style vids are easy to make, some explanatory animated vids with a voiceover would probably help to interest the right people.

I'm going to see what's available for free in Mint (what I also use daily) for making such videos. I'll report back once I have an idea of how to proceed.

@laoban4site My first thought was that sounds like a headache and then you'll be dealing with the technocrats and their organizations.

This was followed by the question, is this one of those "urges" you sometimes get? If so, then probably need to follow it. I know there are people who haven't discovered MM yet that still need to.

What could also be nice: A webinar-like videochat where MM presents a deep dive into a specific topic and where participants can throw in questions via chat. A community building interactive live video with your hardcore audience. More fun than just talking into the camera and recording a video. Plus the webinar could be recorded and uploaded to various platforms, such as youtube if you so desire.

Alice has reacted to this post.

I think this is a brilliant idea! Yay!

I like all these ideas. Particularly, Vain's. Asking questions after a "lessons" would also have a more personable feel to it, as well as, giving you a idea on which topics need a little more/less coverage.  However, I can see the time difference might pose some difficulties.

Either way, so pumped you are mulling in this direction. Affirmation really do come true! 😉

Happy Love Yall Day!!! 💘

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

A MM telegram channel or discord server would be unreal!

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss
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