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Need advice with campaign - kinda short timeframe

I have, or rather really my son has, ended up with some challenging times ahead. I'll make it short and say it is a dispute which now ends up in court in 2-3 months time. If he loses his Ex will have full custody over their child. I won't go into details because I am really trying to keep my thoughts clear of negativity towards other people and that is really hard to do when dealing with a psychopath.

Anyways, I am starting an affirmation campaign to make sure my son doesn't lose this case. However the problem is the short time frame, hence I really need some advice.

If I were to do the recommended cycle of about 3 months doing affirmation prayers and then letting it go, there most likely will not be enough time to let go. Meaning the way I see it I either have to do a shorter cycle, with less time doing the actual prayers to leave time to "letting go". Or I have to skip the "letting go", which I gather really isn't recommended due to its importance.

Or, throwing a hail Mary here, is there a speed-affirmation campaign you can do for crises suddenly appearing?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

No. Affirmation prayer campaigns are long term activity and cannot be implemented like fast food, or social media. You need discipline. You require awareness. You require practice, and you need support.

But here is what I advise.

[1] Pull out a Fate-forecast. PAY THE MONEY and get one done for your son. Go HERE to get started.

[2] Take notes of the auspicious and inauspicious days. Tell your attorney that in those days that are inauspicious, you must not have any court activity. You need to reschedule.

[3] The affirmation campaign must be conducted by your son. You cannot do it for him. You only have control of your template. Not his.

Don't be too worried. It is my experience that your worst fears will not manifest, but you do need to center yourself and your son. Both of you should be using Hemi-Sync to center your consciousness. You both should be acting like the Rufus, and you both should be de-stressing at all levels. Don't be trivial. Take action now.

Good luck.

perolator and Dingus have reacted to this post.
Wow thanks a lot MM.

Yeah I thought the short timeframe might be a problem.
I know my son has to do affirmations himself. However I understood that our closest shadow soul's thoughts actually influence our own life in such a way that it is rather important to keep their thoughts positive. Or sever contact with them to prevent negative outcomes in our own life. Was I wrong about that?
Anyway, thanks again for great advice!


Yes. You do understand.

I am so sorry that this event is rushing towards you all so quickly. If you could envision it on a template map, it would look like an enormous sea of red highlighted world-lines that you are approaching. You and your son are heading straight towards it, and while you can and will conduct affirmations, it will be an arc with a wide radius trying to avoid the sea as you move forward. Chances are that you cannot do much and will hit it.

However, what you can do is avoid the huge mountains in that sea. Head for the smaller hills. If you can visualize it.

You want to minimize the damage. That is your objective.

Accept things as they are, and try to steer the sinking ship to calmer, less dangerous waters.

Whatever contentious relationship lies between your son and his family, it is best that you provide emotional support to him. And likewise, do what you can to be kind and show support to his wife and child as well. Tell them that you want everyone to be happy, and that you will try to work with both so that the pain can be minimized. That you love your son, but that you love her as well and really don't want to see the stress of all this event sequence hurt anyone.

Maybe it will work, and you can play a role. One that you can control though YOUR affirmations.

The fate forecasting is a very important tool. As you read in my story, I accurately forecasted a massive amount of pain three years down the line. It hit me, and it was painful. For me, at that time, there was little I could do. Even if I dug a tunnel under the earth to hide, you can sure as shit believe that it would have collapsed upon me. Something's you just have to face and endure.

So my advice is interjecting yourself into the fray as a neutral party that accepts the breakup. Be supportive of each, and contact the wife to make sure that she is eating well, has emotional support and all that. Talk emotions and feelings with her.

Then use your affirmations and your fate-forecasts to bring about a less-painful solution. Both your son and his wife and kids can move on their lives in different directions, you just want (and need) to help make it as painless as possible.

Don't pick sides. Be the Rufus for the family.

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

Thank you so much again. Steering for the lowest hills avoiding the highest mountain peaks seems solid advice at this time. And yeah I see very much how this relates to your period of hell after retirement. Compared to Sebastian who's retirement seemed like hitting Mount Everest (25 years wasn't it?) at least to him you must seem to have just encountered a hill. Though I understand it wouldn't feel like that to you.

When we do move through these worldlines encountering periods of hardship it is easy to think what happens is the worst shit anyone ever seen. But we do not know that what we actually encountered was just a hill, compared to the Mount Everest we avoided. So, by doing a fate chart I take it you would see that the period ahead would be really bad, and you can prepare and just hit some minor bumps in the road really.
I will be the Rufus.
congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Last I heard, Sebastian was at ADC Cummins on the third. So 1/3 of 25 years equals around 8.3 years to apply for parole. He might be still in or out. I don't know. But anything could happen, don't you know.

Anyway, I cannot stress enough how important to run a Fate Forecast for you and your son. It will run you maybe $300, but it's worth every penny, and follow the advice. No matter how silly it sounds. Like wear this color, or position your bed to the NE, or whatever. Sounds silly. But it's all empirically derived.

Dingus has reacted to this post.