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I will always be here!

I have an urge to post something different. A tiny study on what China wants to defend and how the army views itself.

Just a 2 minute recruitment ad for the PLA. They have a number of them and generally the ads reference the past and link them to the present. How this compares to the current recruitment ads by the Pentagram with its LQGT themes of dual mommies or daddies is quite refreshing.

In the West, there seems to be an attack on humanity itself, with traditional values being burnt at the altar of modernity. I won't upload those videos. But if I were a parasite race bent on subjugation of the human race, removing those "traditional values" would be a marker for how I would degrade, distort and destroy those pesky humans.

MM'S slices of life articles on the 20th century indirectly touch on what humanity is ultimately about. The human spirit. And China is intent on defending the human spirit, seemingly.


We use our lives to fulfill our duties



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There was an interview with Putin and he was asked about these "modern" "trends". His answer was that Russia is a nation with many different cultures and traditions and they learned to live together. He seemed sure that by learning the traditions, the society would be able to keep "modern trends" that make sense and withstand the ones that are "BS"(that's not exactly his word). I have great respect for his very diplomatic answer.

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I had to put up the other side of the coin of the rules of natural justice, audio alteram partum. My spelling may be off, but let's hear the other side.


America recruits!


Supporting links below.

I feel it might actually work, because apparently the Deep State is already recruiting or using possessed hackers to do their dirty jobs. By having personnel who are traumatized (by their own doings or otherwise), there is a psychic link to negative entities. And the doorway is then open for these negative entities to fight against humanity on the other side. If you look into these people, sometimes you find they are just containers with very little humanity left.

I won't put up those videos here (no idea how to overcome the 5MB limit) but I can send some to @laoban4site . They might also explain the crack and meth epidemic in the USA in that some drugs open doorways to possession. America is horribly enmeshed with what you could call powers of darkness. Maybe this is why the Domain has declared China to be under their protection. Because America is totally under the control of the elite/Old Empire, and they have gone over to the dark side.

Ex Navy Seal used as recruitment tool

Washington Post MSM confirmation




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