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Fate of the earth and humanity

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On MM there is a whole lot in the SHTF index and it's frickin awesome reading. I pretty much have known for quite some time now that the world we know will not be the same after a few more years.

As I wrote in my introduction I have been looking into a rather large amount of information and sources during the last two years. Most are just shit, crazies or scams. However I always keep an open mind, looking deep before discarding sources. What I can't confirm or find other sources for I save in the back of my head for later, if new sources might happen to come around confirming it.

There are no shortages of theories, and some come from sources I really put trust in. The SHTF index is pretty much centered around USA, how fucked up it is (no arguing there from me), but not any of the other stuff going on in the fringes of UFOlogy. [I am sure I still haven't located every page on MM, and maybe there are mentions, but obviously not a very significant part of MM as I haven't found anything.]
One of the most well known sources to all out there should be Chris Bledsoe. In an interview on his son Ryan's podcast he spoke about spring equinox 2026 as the time when the world will change and humanity shifts (awakening). Bledsoe for anyone who might not know speaks about a lot of what MM does: The world being an illusion, like a simulation, keeping positive thoughts as speaking negatively brings a negative future, us being created by aliens, evolution (or not rather) etc. etc.
The years 2026 and 2027 are also spoken about by other sources as a time where the world shifts. Among the concrete events talked about are:
1. A pole shift, which brings floods and pretty much wipes out most life. There is actually a lot of evidence for this occurring every 12 or 6 thousands years.
2. Humanity being lifted to 4 (or 5th) density by solar events, possibly galactic. [BTW: I really don't give much thought to the density stuff at all. I am sure that is just a way of putting something humans have little hope of even understanding.]

The solar event stuff is spoken of by many. NDEs, channelers, LDs, APs and contactees. This is the part I am most puzzled about not being mentioned on MM. Poleshift I HAVE seen mentioned, but briefly and only in a historical sense.

So is the reason this isn't mentioned that MM hasn't asked the Domain or that he has asked and knows it to be untrue?

It's strange that you mentioned the equinox of 2026.The sunspot maximum for the current cycle is projected to be 2025. I'm currently working on a theory that the maximum in this current cycle may actually turn out to be a Carrington Event, with a LOT of damage to electrical equipment and all power grids on Earth itself.

I have not fleshed it out but a CME would be the perfect weapon for a depopulation event. Plausible deniability. If a small flare could take out 40 satellites (assuming that is what happened, but that's another story altogether), a Carrington Event could crush our civilization. The mRNA vaccines may be a factor when outsized CMEs occur, and somehow by the changes caused by the vaccines, the vaxxed are either protected, or become victims in a mass extinction event. Judging from the ungodly haste in implementation by western governments, I lean towards the latter. Deagel may be referring to such an event in their predictions.

It's currently all speculation because I have not come across anyone being a proponent of such a theory. When the starlinks fell, a light bulb came on in my head lol.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

There are so so many different events this decade, let me just summarize: dying out of x% of the insects -> threatening human existance, global warming -> threatening human existance, global cooling (three different cooling cycles falling together)-> threatening humanity, polar shift -> threatening humanity, solar flares -> threatening, again, humanity. great reset for 2030...deagel....

Can you see the pattern? Every scenario is installing fear so I am inclined to believe nothing of it. I mean, yes the scientists are there, studies are there, but did you learn nothing from the past 2 years? Who pays the scientists? Who gains from the narrative?

So @dingus my guess is, that MM knows the greatest threat to humanity is humans themselves.

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafChromacatWaterTiger

Yay! A common sensical way to see things. There's always doom porn peddled by every single person. Many of these doom peddlers have their own agendas. If you believe them, there will be ancient races who own you and want to destroy humanity. Some crazies will put out the idea that even our Sun itself is out to kill you lol. These type of fear generating thoughts.

While there are many people who want harm for humanity, we still have to live a decent, happy life WITHOUT SURRENDERING to FEAR. Keep our dignity at all times even in the face of death. And look closely at why these people peddle fear.

Bravo @mirri! You have hit the nail! I hope others will too.

To be human is to live and refuse to surrender to fear and parasitical thoughts. In our hearts and minds, we must be free in spirit.

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

For all, it is like programming the future, if a critical mass of believers is reached, it will be our future.

DSKlausler has reacted to this post.

Thanks for the replies guys.

yes the sun is already acting up, but nothing huge has been sent out in our direction. And there is potential for much larger events than a Carrington one. Yeah vaccines might play a role. If so I would be more inclined to think the vaccines they are sending to 3rd world countries are the ones which cause trouble.
Well if it is fear porn it is pretty much broadcasted to a very tiny minority. There are not many out there who knows anything about it, and if you were to talk about it people would pretty much think you have nothing at all beneath your tinfoil hat. Part of this has been spoken about for years. I'll link an unredacted version of a declassified CIA document called "The Adam and Eve story".
The thing is Mirri, me and a whole lot of other people do not see the fear in all of this. It is IMO a positive event, as in my head the ones with tinfoil hats are the ones going around saying: "all's fine, the world and humanity is in a great shape". The ascension of humanity part is ofc very positive in essence, though writing that I know I might get a "Heaven's gate" reference back lol.
To a large part it is a matter of perspective: To some, going to the dentist is a hell to be avoided at all cost. To others it is unpleasant but all in all a very good thing.

@dingus I know what you mean with

The thing is Mirri, me and a whole lot of other people do not see the fear in all of this. It is IMO a positive event, as in my head the ones with tinfoil hats are the ones going around saying: "all's fine, the world and humanity is in a great shape". The ascension of humanity part is ofc very positive in essence, though writing that I know I might get a "Heaven's gate" reference back lol.
To a large part it is a matter of perspective: To some, going to the dentist is a hell to be avoided at all cost. To others it is unpleasant but all in all a very good thing.

and I agree with you. I'm under the impression, that there are so many different "stories" so that many different people get caught in the fear. Or rather "they" tried one storyline after the other to see what would catch more. For example about climate change (that's from the german perspective) they were able to get school kids AND their parents on the streets for "Fridays for future". Middle class parents, very good educated, both in well payed jobs, having about two kids on average. Ok so I cannot verify this with sources but I remember my husband talking to me about how some city in Germany suggested to have special colours for the numbers on the houses (They are usually in black,red or white, the owners choice). Green should stand for the "ecofriendly houses" and Red for the "not ecofriendly" ones. I mean serious?! And that was in 2018/19...And I thought we learned something in school! All the boys in my class would bost how "they would do better" than our grandparents 70 years ago... Yeah sure!!! Now instead of Green numbers there are masks...

To me, if I take all the different stories, they are pretty much the same with slight differences, because not everyone would take any story.

Just like this: I am in Finnland atm. This winter, there is so much snow they say last time was 2005 with THAT much snow. And dang it's really a lot!!It's more than 1m high. Anyway, seeing that I wouldn't buy "global warming", but the coming of an ice age....mhmmm yeah more likely.

But let's say someone in Italy may buy the global warming because of some draught,heat and massive insect pests destroying last years olive harvest (at least in Liguria).

And I also guess "they" learn how to tell stories hence also slight differences in the narratives. They take what works...They knew (in Germany) they could threat people to get the vaxx, because of the measles vaxx. So first if your kid has no vaxx there is no kindergarten for it. Then no vaxx no school, but school is mandatory. Then no vaxx no "Berufsschule".... You should call me crazy, but it all fits so nicely together. I will forever remember the talk I had with a neighbour I had in March 2020. They Locked down Germany in the beginning of March. My neighbour is pharmacist and she would NOT believe me, that soon the government would mandate the Covid vaxx. I told they will just like they did with measles. Now here we are...

Needed to get this off my chest...


@dingus out of curiosity is majority of the 5th dimension ascension schpeel you mentioned being pushed by Nordic sympathisers?

Daegon Magus
Quote from daegonmagus on February 21, 2022, 6:57 pm

@dingus out of curiosity is majority of the 5th dimension ascension schpeel you mentioned being pushed by Nordic sympathisers?

Not AFAIK, but nordics too I guess. I know people have encountered greys (which kind is always hard to tell) and mantids. I don't think I have ever read anyone having this from reptilians however. (I am kinda skeptical towards anything anyone says who do speak to reptilians as personally I am rather sceptical about the existence of reptilians).

Why did you ask? Do you believe this is something coming from a/that particular alien group?

@dori2190 Your comment hit a synchronicity for something else I read this weekend in my internet wanderings. Any chance you'll be commenting more about Nordics in a future article? I know you touched on them briefly in your last article.

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