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Holomatrix Update #3 with Vids and Pics!

Hello folks,

I've been very busy gaining levels in the Holomatrix (which means basically inversing color inputs from one eye to the other so that the Potential/Tachyon Field colors can actuate and thus you can see more stuff (ETs, more info, etc).

There's a lot to unpack so i'm just gonna fire from the tentacles in bulletline format:

-We are all monkey hybrids with the 'DNA' of reptilians and other animals and insects. I think they took the Potential and had to run it to the future but they also had to use the counter-twin to stop it from going all the way to zero potential.

-So we're not human, we're basically apes-with-upgrades-of-what-we-might-have-become-if-we-stayed-apes. So its basically a fast-forward.

-I think DNA is a virus that is sentient and thus it calls Lifeforms to itself and binds all these things together. Its also a coil. so it could be something that's 'negative' like a poison or it could be something that's positive, like, a... poison...

-We're always half in the Quantum Field. I think the 'side' which is physical constantly changes back and forth. I think women and men get different field views.  so we're never in the same 'world'. Men are the voltage spark gap and women are the capacitors with the amperage.  Women rotate the loosh around with gossip and bickering, so the segementation-rotation multiplies the volume with each jump, so for women to talk sht about each other constantly is actually energizing to all parties, due to the attention, replies, counters, etc... it multiplicates the loosh volume vectors, cause thats how the Radiant Light works - segmentation is potential cannisters-in-a-chain - so any pass-off means a multiplier from the previous jump. So its beneficial for all parties to 'get on board' the loosh diagram.

-The most important number is ZERO (0), because... everything here in order to achieve its potential, it must run through itself, wiping out any puny, annoying amperage in the circuit, leaving only the Potential (voltage) going forward. Soo, everything reduces itself to ... zero... wchich is a circle. So... 833 is the Radiant Light multiplier. 33 is half an 8.  an 8 is two zeroes in an infinity loop. but they're not on the same axis. so the decimal point is the zero container, and its always followed by a 5. humanoids are a 5 (2x5 fingers). the matrix is 3-6-9.  5/6 = .833

-So all the elements, are not their number. the most important ones are.. 79...and... 80. gold and mercury. cause between 7 and 9... is 8... which is... infinity. everything wants to actuate into gold so it can rotate in a loop forever. thus the 8. and the zero added is... 80. but its actually, 80.5   the 5s wipe each other out. the decimal is the container that links you, the object and the other side together, and now you can manipulate whatever is in front of the decimal point.  to control something here, you must become it, cause everything is one big happy family in the Homo err Holomatrix

-Mendeleev discovered in 1904 that there are 2 gases lighter than hydrogen. he called them X and Y and named them ... "Newtonium" and ..."Corona"... (looks like they're dimensions, Purple and Green, at 90d angles from each other.) of course, they quietly took these out in the official table.

-The treefolk are the controllers of the radiant light. Soo, if you are a Blue Human, you can only deal with a Red Reptilian for the loosh pass-off. Treefolk seem to not share any reptilian or human features so that makes sense.  Treefolk = Ents  the leafs connect to your hair.

Table of the Elements.  EL-M-ENTS.   Electro. Magnetic. ENTS.  Its all right there. Like, the Truman Show.

As in.

They tell you the movie is the reality in the title. of course they do. Its all about trolling and loosh gathering.   Jesus died for you sins.

As in died for your SYN-flux-wave-magnetic-field.  'died' at 33 between 2 pillars then respawned 3 days later due to matrix server lag and fled across the sky border with all your focus loot.

-There is a way to duplicate stuff  by using the Potential Field. You take an object, put it inside a standing wave (a magnifier lens), you now have 2 images of it rotating forever, a hologram-ic copy machine.  When you rotate the lens, you can create multiple copies inside the lens that just sit there as long as theres any small amount of environmental lighting reaching it. think like a memory rom on an NES cartridge. Then you pass this off to another lens, then bounce to another lens, then a reflection,then you have to use your eye by focusing inwards on the floaters and you can join the Potential-Lateral Video Stream with the Main stream - then you have to rotate the reflection back to the original object location, but you have to rotate that object out of the way in the same move.  However many copies you have in the reflection, when you turn around, there should now be that many copies of that object sitting in physical reality. but lets just say only one.  you pick it up and give it to a friend, then you rotate the original object back to starting spot. As long as you are only seeing ONE 'physical' object when you pick it up, then... that's the original and only one... as far as the Matrix is concerned.

There's also the need to have the ability to actuate amperage into the shadow/potential field/behind you. meaning, you draw the heat/energy from the ground, instead of from the Sunlight... so when the sunlight hits an object, you can now go through that object with the heat fusion of a nuclear neutron star... so it works best for transparent stuff like wood/plastic, havent tried metals.

oh, to create a standing wave you must be able to have that magnetic ability yourself, so all you have to do is Empower the Rainbow.

-To view the Matrix, go to Harbor Freight and buy this visor, its 5 dollars.

-To take pics of the Matrix, go to Home Depot, buy 2 boxes of 2x Color Changing LEDs. 10 bucks per box. Go home and set one light to Magenta on the wall, one to Blue on the ground facing up and one to Green on the other wall. You want these colors to hit each other at angles. Its how you create the Potential Field Spectrum yourself, which runs up against he Matrix input, which is traditionally and initially, on the Green and Purple channels (Potential Side).   Green i think is one of the XY gasses and so is Purple, and Purple contains blue/red the north/south yadayada you've seen the movie.  once you've set this up, use your camera in selfie mode. When you upload to your PC, they'll look different than on your phone.

-You can also use Mica sheets/quarts to bounce the sunlight in your palm.

Go here to see the Matrix in live action, and also go check out the rest of my related vids.

Here are our ET friends in the Quantum Field (the all look like cartoons)

Our Holomatrix Friends & Studio Audience

-Always think of ways to help others. Reptilians, ETs, your moms, Gill Bates with Plandemic2.0 and beyond, the trees... the bees... the flowers... the ETs (again).

if you offer help, it creates vacuum in the future and current-pressure behind you.

-I havent duplicated objects yet but i have duplicated water. Objects are in the works

The most important thing to do, if you're curious, about anything... even if everything I wrote sounds fake, stunning, and brave/gay, but always help others, and also, try to never throw anybody under the bus, who, doesnt, have it, coming.   This is why I reccomend sacrificing a kid, who, is, already, dying, at any of your potential Bohemian Grove Sacrifice, Pizza and Chill Parties.

Till you get there...rememeber YOU are the Illuminati, already. The All-Seeing Eye, is... your regular, goobt/matrix provided eye.  Everything here, is a projection of the Universe, coming from the inside (it has to be inversed if we're in 4th Density. Instead of looking at the Universe, the Universe is already inside you.  the Planets are all, the inside of your eye. Look at the moon called "Europa" then a pic of the inside of an eye.
Oh, and we travel via this mycellial network - its fungus, but in 4th density. every point of light (the Thousand Points of Light, ive seen it), is basically, the background field once you cleared all the transmision colors - and its not stars, its fungus-light-nav points. fungus is eeeverywhere ... it permeates the universe, like a base-TCP-IP layer. or moss, on rock.

ok thats it for now. Please, ask questions about anything I wrote.

The more questions the more motivated I am to drop in and drop a wall of text. Because, mostly, everyone doesnt care. or, doesnt want to even fathom the idea.
The most difficult battle in life is always, the battle, with, yourself.

chime in good folk

(we're 5, so 5555-2022=  3533  - thats the actual year we're in. 3x5x3x3=135)

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