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what exactly are shadow people

Hi all - serious newbie here.

I have been through a large portion of the site and I think I have a newbie's grasp of MWI and affirmation campaigns. I started my first 3 month campaign last week and looking forward to some results in 6-9 months time.

My question is around shadow people who seem to be characters in our world line who have a segment of their consciousness present but are not the full shilling so to speak. Could someone help me understand what that means in terms of daily life and how these shadow people affect your campaigns and, if they are just shadows of their real selves, how do we treat them and consider them in our lives?


  • our families and loved ones - how are they not their full selves when we interact with them? Are they sharing their world lines with us and if so, to what extent?
  • if we impact their lives, to what extent does that impact their own unique world line?
  • my gut instinct is that these are real people as much as I am and every decision I make has to include them if I care about them
  • what part of them am I interacting with if they are but shadows?
  • how does entaglement fit into all this?
  • are we in turn just shadow people to them in their world line and how does my decision making impact them?

Likely I am missing some important understanding here and would be very grateful to have that shown to me if someone can take the time.



congjing yu and Qurow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuQurow

all of these questions have already been answered in great detail across a range of different articles. Looks like you've quite a bit more reading to do.


Thanks @ultan-mcg

I did another search and found what I was looking for:

Not sure how I missed it first time around!

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

👍. It's all there and that's not the only one. I spent half a lifetime surrounded by shadow people until I figured out what was going on due to some accidents of employment, gut instinct and Metallicman's MWI Index.

Animals will help a lot, too. Especially cats.

paraic and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
paraicOhio Guy