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Call out to MM forum to help shoo a parked Troll

This jack ass is sitting on my MM thoughts and observations about war in the Ukraine - part 2 article.  

He popped up under the user name Elohim Kosher Bar. With the fake email of

He uses ISP which suggests Taipei in Taiwan, but his promoted belief systems (deleted from his nonsense) indicate an orthodox Jewish upbringing.

I've given him FIVE chances to stop. Today I gave him a last one. He's thick-headed as all fuck.

Can some of you please tell this guy to go away, or at most, lurk and learn something. I don't want to be the guy that's always throwing people into the cornfield. You know, like Will Smith in "Men in Black 3". Where he is neutralizing everyone. Sheesh!

Guys! I need your help. This fucker is dense as Hell.

must be all our talking of angels and demons hit a deep nerve. i jumped on their and threw some shit his way to hopefully bring his intellect up to a level that is atleast on par with everyone else....sadly i don;t think it will eventuate though.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Thanks for that, DM. I'm not expecting too much. Many in the West seem to think that threats are all empty, words are meaningless and harmless, and that once anonymous, they are forever safe. Foolish ideas and beliefs, every single one.

It's just sending someone to the cornfield is work, and it's an effort, and I really don't want to do it, if I can help it. Especially if it's just a stupid school kid, or someone with a mental illness. But you know if you jump into a pit full of lions, you had best be ready for the consequences.

Gave my 2cents advice. If he still stubbornly provoke, then cornfield his ass.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I read it. Thank you so very much.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Wetiko? Sometimes I think these people are possessed and their thoughts aren't their own. If you see the hackers whom the Deep State employs, you would come to that conclusion almost immediately. From the body language to the tome of voice, it's kinda bizarre. Similar behavior here. To my mind it is likely that he is possessed. And there is another entity in actual control.

Instead of cornfielding him and giving him a sore butt, can't you make him confront or see the entity latching on to him?

I could send you a short clip of a possessed hacker (although I have to look for it) , if you wish. The significance of that particular hacker is that someone in the chain of command of the Deep State is dabbling in the occult. I have to look again, but there was an admission by one of those agencies that they do employ possessed hackers. Deleted coz it was too bizarre.


Edit: added link to one website. If you want cornfield someone, take Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner.

In the other video, you can feel the malevolence behind him. I'm sure the Domain is aware of these other entities who are playing on planet earth. Deep State is messing with things they should leave alone.

congjing yu and Qurow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuQurow
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Ok, I heard the call and answered. This is my first post on the forum, guys and gals. I know, why haven't I? It's taken me sooooo long. Well, it's complicated. I'm sure we'll broach the subject in the future...

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

MM you are way to kind and patient with the trolls.


You’re the best! Reading your warning gives me a bit more peace knowing we have you our back. Ole Papa Bear MM.

Good luck

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.