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Accepting questions - set topics

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I am now accepting questions under the following topics;

  • Geo-political issues
  • Makeup of the Prison Complex
  • Sentience
  • Self improvement

The same rules apply as before. Just two questions. No multipart questions if you can help yourself. Please, no questions about how you ended up in the Prison Complex.

Ultan McG and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGWaterTiger

I think we know all we need to know about the Geopolitical situation, Mr Man. So do the Domain. Probably.

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mtness, Feal and paraic have reacted to this post.

Hi MM,

Not sure if this one squeezed from the last topic but would like Commander input on this:

Given the ludicrous decision by the Australian government to give China the middle finger vis-a-vis AUSUK, how serious should we take the threat of Chinese military action (nuclear or otherwise) against Australia in the next 5 years? I live in Queensland  - are there parts of Australia more vulnerable than others - the west coast has only one major city (Perth) and is far from the other major urban centres - theoretically is it safer for Aussies and their families to migrate there?

Oh and How did I end up in the prison complex??  j/k 🙂

Is STO sentience the end point in IS-BE "evolution" or is there something of greater utility beyond?

paraic has reacted to this post.

not sure if this fits within the topics, so if not MM please feel free to omit it. But given the way the Ukraine thing is playing out and once the MSM and the American govt is teaching everyone to "fear those dirty Russian Commies", one cannot help but feel that Werner von Braun's predictions seem to be unfolding right on schedule. Of course, he suggested after the Commy card is played (and the situation seems to be the Ace of all Commy threat  cards), there will be a false flag alien invasion, courtesy of the US govt. Question, does the Domain know of any such fake alien invasion plan in the works, or is this a load of BS? If not, then when can we expect to see it come about?

congjing yu, Feal and Dingus have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealDingus
Daegon Magus

Feal, someone sent this to me this morning. You may find it interesting given what people are believing these days, 🙃. All might just be revealed. But not by a lot. Pwobably.


Feal has reacted to this post.

I'll ask. In the pipe.

Hi MM, I sent you two questions February 22nd, are those in the pipe as well?

If I confirmed that I put it in the pipe, then they are there. If I did not confirm, then I overlooked them, and have to be asked again. Sorry about this, but I am rather busy, and my organizational skills tend to be on the cluttered side.

Roger roger. You did not confirm, so I'll re-send you them for your convenience right now.

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