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Shanghai Share Life

This is a Chinese reality show from late 2020 and early 2021 that was based on the format of the Japanese show Terrace House.

Terrace House was famous as a Japanese reality TV show for people who hate reality TV.

It's a great insight into the differences in culture between the Chinese and Japanese.

Three boys and three girls in their twenties share the house and we see their day to day lives as their careers and possibly romance grow. Like Terrace House, which it's licensed from, it's a very chill experience which can draw you in.

The main difference in this Chinese version is that the initial participants have all in some way failed and the show is a way for them to grow and help each other, while we watch.

In contrast to Terrace House which kept casting people who already had established careers and were often there to self promote.

The best thing about SSL is the panel.

SSL Panel

Funny, insightful and supportive. There's (left to right) Actor/Director Chen Jianbin, Actor Wei Daxun, Pop Superstar G.E.M. (Dèng Zǐqí,) writer/presenter Li Dan, Comedian Yang Li and Model Zeng Keni (Jenny Z.)

Unlike the assigned roles for the panel in Terrace House, in this they all contribute to the debate in a positive way.

Many of the housemates are memorable too.

SSL Cast

There's the adorable Nana, slightly odd Carmon, and annoying Curry. Later there's the impressive Ming, awesome Hao, clueless Pupu and irrepressible Gaogao.

I found it genuinely heartwarming and a great antidote to the terrible way that Terrace House ended (with a housemate's suicide in May 2020).

The difference between the Chinese and Japanese reminds me of the difference between the US and UK. Japanese and UK cultures both rely a lot on subtext and people often go around in circles trying to (not) say something. The Chinese seem more like Americans in that they are straight forward and say what they mean. Also the other difference is that China seems to be a country populated with mainly STO sentiences, while Japan seems more like a mixture of STO and STS.

It's available on Youtube (with much of the soundtrack muted) or on Youku. There are fan made English subtitles available which can be used with either.

I suggest the Youku version as the music adds to the atmosphere.

To watch in HD you can just use Youku and the Substital browser extension to insert the subtitles.

Instructions on Reddit for watching on Youku with English subtitles.


Alternatively, here's both versions, with subtitle files in a couple of folders to download.

The Youtube version is in 720p, the Youku version is in 360p as I haven't managed to get better resolutions downloaded yet. The files should play in pretty much any media player. Each episode has two parts. 上篇 denotes part 1, 下篇 part 2.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Thanks feal

Regarding culture, Chinese being more American, it might actually be that the Chinese are actually closer to Brits.

The Chinese do not say what's on their mind & only give subtle hints, expecting the listener to pick upon on it.

The concept of "face" is very important & nobody wants to lose face. Thus being direct to the point isn't the way to save face.

One thing about American culture is the will to win at any cost. Winning is Everything. Notice that the Brits, Chinese, Japanese does not subscribe to this at all. The Chinese always looks for a compromise (thus always seen as subservient in the Western culture) & always look to the long term advantage. In business, they are willing to break even (or sometimes make a small loss) in order to reap the long term benefit.

Another American culture is boastful. They will brag about themselves & their achievements. Again, the Brits, Chinese & Japanese doesn't do this. Humbleness is a virtue & if you really are who you say, then other clues will turn up to confirm that fact. Others will sing your praise.

OK, I admit, perhaps the younger generation might be more Westernised & vocal but the main Chinese culture is still very much alive & kicking.

Speaking as a Westernised Chinese diaspora from South East Asia, my culture is still very much eastern but mixed heavily with British influence due to our colonial history & western based education. I admit that our culture here in SEA does differ somewhat from mainland China but the basics are still very much the same.


Feal has reacted to this post.

Am going off topic slightly here.

With regards to technology advancement, have you noticed that (lately, since the 2000s), the Japanese has been lagging in adopting new tech?

Whereas today, the Chinese has been leading (if not, well ahead of) the Japanese.

My deduction (having worked for a Japanese MNC for a spell) is that the Japanese are perfectionist & this is slowing them down in the new fast paced world. Everything must be free of fault, tested endlessly, going through multiple layers of bureaucracy.

Gone are the days where Japanese products reign supreme. Korean & Chinese products today are at the very least equal if not, better for the same price.

Manufacturing has shifted out (like US) to cheaper labour countries. Only FIRE economy left in Japan. Add to that a 20+ year stagnated economy & an ageing population. All in all, not much hope of recovering from the economic crash of the 90s.

Feal and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
FealUltan McG
I have noticed that Japan is strangely behind the times. The Western idea of them being ultra high tech seems to be lingering from the eighties. After the Basle Accords of 1988 they never seemed to recover. It's curious how Korea sprung back from the 1997 "IMF crisis" stronger  than ever, in comparison. Maybe the Koreans were more willing to hurt their society to thrive?
I find that modern video gaming is an excellent example of how Japan doesn't really create things anymore.
In the 80s they used standard parts, like most manufacturers, then in the 90s they designed their own chips. Japanese consoles with Japanese CPUs and other custom chips.
By the 00s they had to switch to US CPUs with US GPUs and the last attempt to do their own thing was Sony with the Cell CPU designed together with IBM and Apple. Apple eventually bailed and went over to Intel and IBM sold much of their work to Microsoft for use in their rival Xbox. After being so royally screwed Sony then bent over for Nvidia for the GPU and the mess that was the PS3 was born.
Since then the consoles are wholly Western designed, AMD, the same with Microsoft. Nintendo bought a bargain bucket Tablet SoC from Nvidia and made a profitable little machine out of that.
So, western designed chips in Japanese consoles all made in China.
What the Japanese are still good at is software. Perfectionism fits well with software development, as long as time based goals are realistic.
Eventually I'm guessing that the Japanese will look back at their recent history and see that everything bad that had happened was to do with their relationship with the US. From the financial crisis to the Fukushima disaster or the Covid dystopia, all were instigated by the US or compounded by being a US suzerainity. I think the backlash will eventually be huge.
Sorry for going off on one. Anyway I hope you enjoy SSL! I look forward to you thoughts on Tianqi.
JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Great insight on the consoles. Learnt a thing or two today.

Will try to watch SSL, though this type of reality show isn't my cuppa tea. Though the format of positive contribution from the (judging) panel is positively different.

BTW, GEM is a HK artist (with one heck of a singing voice) who made a name for herself on the mainland. Some call her China's Taylor Swift.

Search "GEM Tang I am a singer" on Youtube. It was her Chinese debut (8 years ago) on a Chinese TV singing competition. She came in second but it was enough to launch her career.

Here's one


Feal has reacted to this post.

I'm already a fan of GEM! I listen to a couple of her albums then a couple of E.P.s on my playlist everyday during my daily riverside dieting walk. I'm still only picking up bits, as I'm slowly learning Mandarin, but she really can sing!

On the show she is easily the best panel contributor. Her ability to understand the male psyche is impressive and she really enjoys herself.

While she does often sing about the usual relationship stuff, she also writes some deeper things. Many of her MVs have english subtitles on youtube too.

City Zoo

Miss Similar



JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Ha! Never would have figured you as a fan of GEM.

Think your Mandarin is way better than mine, I kid you not. My legacy of a western education.

Feal has reacted to this post.

She's strangely alluring because, from a British viewpoint, she's a very ordinary looking woman.

Her voice, talent and attitude are rather unique though. It was Shanghai Share Life that made me wonder who she was at first. Her endless energy and positivity was infectious.

"My Mandarin" doesn't really exist yet. It's still just a few thousand characters and meanings in my head waiting one day to reach critical mass and make sense. My brain has been adapting though. It seems more logical than English for some reason.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.

Yeah GEM is great. I have some of her MVs here on MM.

JustAnotherAsian has reacted to this post.