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New Survival Youtube Channel Out

I've been meaning to do a survival channel for while now, and I figured since all this stuff with Ukraine doesn't seem to be de-escalating any time soon, I might as well bite the bullet. Over the years I have acquired a bit of survival gear, so I plan on doing some videos on how to use it, how to make cheap radiation fallout meters, gear reviews etc. So if you could check out West Aussie Survival when you've a spare few minutes and leave a like and subscribe, maybe a comment (but try to keep it on topic to the video) I would greatly appreciate it. I also live in the same town as a guy who has become known as Australia's Premier survival expert, who I am trying to land an interview with, in case anyone is planning on venturing here and doing some touring of the "bush".

Here's a video of me using roadkill for tanning practice:
Roadkill is great for learning tanning skills - YouTube

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
Daegon Magus

A friend of mine since childhood lives down the road from me. He's trapped and stretched pelts since he was 10. I'll ask him for some tips on this. Then I'll pass them along.

Thanks @ohio guy. I appreciate it

Daegon Magus

Geiger Counters Vs Dosimeters - YouTube

Tas and paraic have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus