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NATO/USAF Aerial activity today

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welcome to the otherside of the rabbit hole @aumbonda. I am assuming you came from me GLP thread? FYI there is a thread on here specifically for my autobio, I can't remember the forum topic it is under though. I am glad you are liking it. If you are up for leaving a review on amazon afterwards I would greatly appreciate it. I have also began the process of putting many of Metallicman's articles into book format which can be found on his homepage.

You will find that this community is a lot more safer and caring to its members in regards to trolls which find a swift ego and virtual death at the hands of our admin 😉

Aumbonda has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

my**....went full British for a minute there

Aumbonda has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Yeah I will certainly Leave a glowing amazon review I can't tell you how impressed I am with the Astral warrior Book overall and in my estimation it is 1 of the best Bang for the buck Literary endeavors as far as this huge amount of information and variety everything from electronics and computer science to the ET agenda and ceremonial magic et cetera et cetera just a great book overall as far as value and variety and volumes of actionable intel...

I also just watch metallic man's video On the degal report For 2025.

I'm a disabled veteran United States army and also a former Chinese mandarin Linguist So I sympathize and understand quite a bit what metallic man is talking about as he is an American living in China and how china US relations Aren't understood by the majority of American citizens but this website is a great asset!!! Thank you!!!

congjing yu and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuparaic
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