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NATO/USAF Aerial activity today

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Following this in real-time. NATO is intensifying pressure from Romaine. They have deployed Stratotankers all morning and now the first AWACS are in play. I can only see those big birds, Fighters and Bombers are obviously running dark.

I’ll be monitoring the situation...

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Ultan McG and Geisterfahrer have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGGeisterfahrer
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

Still bunch if Stratotankers and AWACS over Romania. Now Rivet Joint joined the fun. They are custom built to Royal Air Force as SIGINT platforms. Getting crowded topside, I just wonder what kind of a fleet tey are fueling. Thay have been at it for 4 hours and counting.

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Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

Shit. They just deployed Blackhawks. Seems like GO-time...

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paraic and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
paraicOhio Guy
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

I keep calling them as I spot them, somebody else can do tactical. Anybody?

Latest arrivals:

- Antonov AV-46. Ukraine’s dinosaur troop-carrier. I thought they were all mithballed ir shot down??

- Global Hawk drones. Serious SIGINT Platform plus 540 kg payload

- KC-46A Pegasus. Brand new tanker. This not some old NATO-leftovers, they have the best birds of USAF in the theater.


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paraic has reacted to this post.
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

ATM There is no civies in the whole Romanian airspace. There is one bogey, that reads as an ICP Ventura ultralight, but somehow I really doubt that. Strategically Romania is the best staging area if you are looking to hit eastern Ukraine. Or any part of Ukrnazia.

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paraic has reacted to this post.
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

With the addition of the ICR Ventura, I think we can assume SOF is on the ground. Lots of visibility and space for comms in those birds.

JC Soulwood has reacted to this post.
JC Soulwood

Good call, I agree!

Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

something was on the ground, guys. And something just got toasted. Good calls, all, JC.

Remember the Domain Commander? Many lives will be lost; much destruction; and all of it will go unreported.

Stay safe, out there. 80s classic hits; a dash of C+W; and the moggy crew, of course. That's my recipe 'for success'.

Nukes or Fertilizer Plant, You Decide: ‘EU-supplied’ S-300 launchers and surrounding area obliterated – Russia

cheers for keeping us updated JC. only just saw this thread now. been dealing with our water tank running out of water so haven't been able to properly keep up with the shtf news. Seems like something wanted us to get a taste of what is to come...

Aumbonda has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

I am Really enjoying reading "Astral Warrior" by Daegon Magus!!! I'm halfway through and obviously at the point where this site is spotlighted!!! Cheers!!!

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