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MMs article re: L00kingGlass

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@alice that sounds really awful!!! I don't know what you experienced, but I can tell you I had little high frequencies over the past few days. And I got very very sick over the weekend, I've never had something like this before. It's going slowly better.

@goldleaf maybe PL means that... I try it different: the great leaders don't decide to be leaders. They are chosen by others, who call upon them and they answer because they know someone has to do the right thing and no one else seems to want to do it. My guess would be, that you are such a person. And it's also in the little things like when the group is discussing which movie in which theater and what snacks to take. Who is ending the unfruitful discussion?

And thanks to PL! So i'll just keep my direction.

Ah there's something i wanted to share: Being so sick, I asked my Mantid for help. And getting answers is not what I expected. It was "talking" back to me but it sounded like my own thoughts. But it wasn't. Because before doing anything i had to commit at becoming healthier again. I said ok, and then the breathing technic came and some other stuff that i researched the next day that made absolute sense but i never could've known beforehand. So it comes back to what daegonmagus always teaches: pay attention to your thoughts, they might not be yours! And my Mantid likes being right, I got a "told you so!!!" the next evening....

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJustAnotherAsianGoldleafAliceTasOhio Guytiaka9


It is profound isn't it?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@laoban4site yes, it is!!! And i'm so happy about it!

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@mirri Thank you for the kind words!

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@alice @mirri @goldleaf  About the path you are all looking at spiritually - I want to give you a starting point that was shared with me a LONG while ago, and I never understood,  but eventually - at some point on that path - you will see that Paganism - very popular at the time - was brought back into the area of Babylon after it spread out with its monotheistic connections.

No matter what form of Shamanism - and keep in mind it’s EVERYWHERE - eventually you will find that the oldest written ceremonies that have a direct connection to ALL Shaman practice is the  Numburbi Ceremonies.

Understand them and you have built your foundation. You don’t have to KNOW them, unless you DO go down that road, but know what, how and why they were used. All is built on that. Even in the jungles of Peru. Odd, huh?

DM is very, very, VERY right about those voices in your head. Most importantly, study his shit, Seriously. That’s the last island sanity left. Lucid dreamers speak many tones. What I mean by that everything in the future - even one microsecond - has not happened yet and is therefore a probability. THIS is the Esoteric Nature of Number. Everything around you is literally a probability - a number and a bunch of octaves  until you will it to happen. Lucid dreamers are wired to slow things down when you go into dreamland and all probabilities HAVE happened.

But that’s just my reality.

@ultan-mcg - I hope the new life is treating you well and everyone has adjusted to your move!

I hope you are all peaceful. A pair of Wolves are about to kill a Serpent. Dead.

All of this I know to True.


JustAnotherAsian, Ultan McG and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianUltan McGAliceMirriTasOhio Guy

@pissedlizard good to hear (see) your voice (text). Seems like an aeon ago we last heard form you. I have been saying for years us Lucid Dreamers are able to see the other side of the quantum coin. In regards to consciousness going back through the eye, the triple philosophical vessel of the alchemists was the eyes btw. That reminds me, I've gotta get my damn articles on alchemy out. If you want to get past all those domes, chase the spark of life that gave animation to your body in the first pace

perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

i am sure you guy are also aware of the subway shooting. Bomb squad investigating his Uhaul van?.....this is seems very much like he was activated. What's the bet he is ex military?

Brooklyn subway shooting suspect Frank James arrested (

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pissedlizardperolatorJayTNR1357Ohio Guy
Daegon Magus

@daegonmagus I've been following that story closely. Something feels very odd, especially how the shooter got away clean but then later calmly turned himself in.

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@DM, my friend. When we cross paths the first round is on me.

From this vantage point, I would advise people not to focus on the event itself, but rather any other event that occurred at that specific time. Anything. Try to look for something that would be it’s opposite or reciprocal. This has to do with things called ZTR’s or Zero Time References. It’s fucking complicated and shit balls crazy but we (on this side of the bubble) are NOT traveling through Time - we are traveling through space - the OTHER side - your entanglement other - travels through time and have a false sense of space. Humans today have a very, VERY false sense of Time. It’s very new in the scheme of evolution and is something that has been bred IN. It wasn’t something that people died out over, it’s the opposite - it was inserted into DNA that went to the Western Hemisphere in a certain timeframe (re: native people of South America, that came over from Asia - don’t see Time the way Westerners do. In the East, it’s there but not like us. We are CONVINCED we are traveling through the Sands of Time. We aren’t. We are moving through space. Quanta by Quanta. This is what intentions are all about. That’s why doing them the way MM says - works. Because he knows this and it’s in all of his old articles!

Don’t fall for the ZTR trap, buddy. It’s how they are collecting Souls, so to speak. If ANY mainstream media is showing any story that isn’t making you feel good - it’s a trap. It’s grabbing your energy and worse, your Gravity.

@Alice… the heat and severe anxiety arc residual effects of winding down. Just relax, best thing to do is take your temp - it will be AROUND normal - it’s the gel in a layer of your pineal that’s heating up - your thalamus and hypothalamus feel it and react - hence the serious anxiety. Push through the anxiety. Once you tune in it will stop. You gotta fight through the anxiety and keep a fan everywhere. You are not crazy. Just push through the anxiety. That’s the only way the dials can be tuned correctly - that’s the only way I can explain it.

All of this I know to be True.



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