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MMs article re: L00kingGlass

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Hi all, I hope you are all well. I had to pop in when this was shared - regarding MMs latest post-the L00kingGlass one.

Let me first say that this just has an odd “feel”. I will explain after what I NEED to warn you about.

“If one is vaccinated at all, they will experience not only a physical but also a multidimensional annihilation when the event takes place, to a point their souls, or extra-dimensional essences, will be severely damaged, and vibrational frequencies reattuned so that they align with the most negative, dark energies existing within the realm of Earth”.

This I know to be 100% True. It just is.

Let me explain a different viewpoint. If you were to look around - everything you SEE - picture that enclosed in a glass dome. Behind that there are billions of other glass domes. When you walk forward one of those glass domes melts into another. The further you go, the more domes meld (and unmeld) from each other. Everything you see in 3 dimensions lines up, or “triangulates”. As you move, angles change. The closer the angles the closer to you. The further, the further from you.

If a TON of sentiences or humans or whatever the hell we are calling them today is focused on one moment in Time/space then all of the sentiences that are focused on that area - all of their “angles” - within their dome - have to realign TO THAT DATE/place. Or PLACE/date. In makes no difference. If you all think of a date at once - you all move your “domes” closer together.

Add Energies like anxiety and depression and you can steer the whole sentience off a cliff.

It’s the exact same thing MM did for Majestik. The. Same. Thing. The exact same thing.

I miss you all. A lot.

All of this I know to be True.


JustAnotherAsian, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianperolatorAliceTasOhio Guy

Miss you to PL.  Stay safe mate . Cheers DR

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.


I missed the article. Will you put the link up?

Hope your travels have been good to you. I have been wondering where you disappeared to this time.



pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

You too, Taz - and Alice - It’s the article called  “The calm period before all Hell breaks loose (with a 1980s tribute)” - GREAT call on Tears for Fears BTW. Scroll down.

The thing is - L00kingGlass IS being disclosed but this just - they do t use dates. Period. It’s not in the verbiage. Everything else is an extremely high probability to the point where it atctually looks like a fucking training scenario - but getting everyone to focus on one date and “glue” everyone there - this is not even on the language that anyone up the line speaks. Dates are Human. Only Humans understand Time as days and dates. Even the Nomads would be confused by it. What I personally think it is is something to see who starts sticking their heads up. A TON of  True probabilities, one Truth that I know. But the language - it’s not at all how someone would communicate.

In other words - if everything in the future - even one microsecond from now - is a probability, then no one could ever say “this will happen” or “this date”. Ever. And this is important because a lot of people are waiting for Disclosure Day - and this can lead them into horrendous consequences. Like - if it were me, and my job was to send out a public video - the FIRST public video - I would want to legitimize it to EVERYONE. Even the retirees and anyone who was in the compartment. I would talk the way I was trained to talk. I would let the legit people say “hey, this 1623 number means this” or “that base 8 number is reflective light so it’s lunar” or whatever. This sounds more like something fed high probability info, which isn’t just - lying around. And none of it is written in numerals the general public understands. It’s their own language- but it looks like someone had a lot of that probability info and fed it into one of those AI generators.

The vax - it’s not as bad as it sounds - because it’s a certain DNA that is getting sent back a few levels. Everyone else, you go where you believe you “go”. But believe me - these vaccines - yeah - bad fucking news. Only the western vax. The mRNA shit. The rest of the world is good. America - fuck. It is my understanding That vax was designed to weed out 3 specific Human behaviors. One of those behaviors was the love of material things. Those of you who got it for your job falls into that category. Again, it’s my vantage point and what I know to be True. Whoever held out, keep on. Just keep on. You aren’t taking a different path than the rest, you are taking a path laid out for you. I will write that again to be clear. If you are in the Western world and held out getting the mRNA vaccine then you are being led down a path to propagate your DNA. Period. The rest - well, look at the Georgia Guide Stones. Because it’s happening.

And Goldleaf - you really have become quite the leader!

All of this I know to be True.


JustAnotherAsian, perolator and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianperolatorUltan McGGoldleafOhio Guy

Thanks for tuning in again PL!! I missed you so much!!!!

@pissedlizard When I read about that Looking Glass story I was thinking about you. It sounded like a topic that you might know a thing or two about. Good to hear from you! Stay safe.

A @pissedlizard sighting! So good to hear from you my friend!! I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the leader comment. Some day we'll have to talk offline. I'm sure there is a lot to unpack 🙂

I too felt something was off about the Looking Glass story but couldn't really put it into words correctly. It's wait and see mode. Probabilities are just that - probabilities. Long shots come in an amazing amount of the time so things aren't done until they're done.

Quote from pissedlizard on April 12, 2022, 9:14 am

You too, Taz - and Alice - It’s the article called  “The calm period before all Hell breaks loose (with a 1980s tribute)” - GREAT call on Tears for Fears BTW. Scroll down.

The thing is - L00kingGlass IS being disclosed but this just - they do t use dates. Period. It’s not in the verbiage. Everything else is an extremely high probability to the point where it atctually looks like a fucking training scenario - but getting everyone to focus on one date and “glue” everyone there - this is not even on the language that anyone up the line speaks. Dates are Human. Only Humans understand Time as days and dates. Even the Nomads would be confused by it. What I personally think it is is something to see who starts sticking their heads up. A TON of  True probabilities, one Truth that I know. But the language - it’s not at all how someone would communicate.

In other words - if everything in the future - even one microsecond from now - is a probability, then no one could ever say “this will happen” or “this date”. Ever. And this is important because a lot of people are waiting for Disclosure Day - and this can lead them into horrendous consequences. Like - if it were me, and my job was to send out a public video - the FIRST public video - I would want to legitimize it to EVERYONE. Even the retirees and anyone who was in the compartment. I would talk the way I was trained to talk. I would let the legit people say “hey, this 1623 number means this” or “that base 8 number is reflective light so it’s lunar” or whatever. This sounds more like something fed high probability info, which isn’t just - lying around. And none of it is written in numerals the general public understands. It’s their own language- but it looks like someone had a lot of that probability info and fed it into one of those AI generators.

The vax - it’s not as bad as it sounds - because it’s a certain DNA that is getting sent back a few levels. Everyone else, you go where you believe you “go”. But believe me - these vaccines - yeah - bad fucking news. Only the western vax. The mRNA shit. The rest of the world is good. America - fuck. It is my understanding That vax was designed to weed out 3 specific Human behaviors. One of those behaviors was the love of material things. Those of you who got it for your job falls into that category. Again, it’s my vantage point and what I know to be True. Whoever held out, keep on. Just keep on. You aren’t taking a different path than the rest, you are taking a path laid out for you. I will write that again to be clear. If you are in the Western world and held out getting the mRNA vaccine then you are being led down a path to propagate your DNA. Period. The rest - well, look at the Georgia Guide Stones. Because it’s happening.

And Goldleaf - you really have become quite the leader!

All of this I know to be True.


Is this not the way things work that we have come to understand a while ago?

Collective Consciousness et al? Group Thought? That's nothing new, right? If anything, it just seems that more avenues/sources are pushing towards the strongly negative; pushing the probabilities that way.

Now then, I would certainly be against altering my DNA, but as to the material world - blow that fucker away - especially the shithole USA.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Collective consciousness/group think is wave form only.

First - to clear up my definitions, because context is everything. Your PRIMARY sense is the sense that keeps you alive while awake. If you are reading this then yours is sight. Even Mozart - his primary sense was sight. This is the one that brings you to and from the pineal gland (dreamland) while allowing your memories to tell a linear story. Once your conscious crosses over into the dream state the linear aspect goes away. Lucid dreamers “hit the brakes” going in, allowing for a more linear look and feel.

Second - if you don’t understand how to drop the Newtonian and think in the Quantum, this will not make sense. At all.  If you read MMs stuff - you can at least wrap your head around it.

Everything that you can can see is processed slightly faster than all of your other senses.

Everything you can use all of your senses on exist in particle and wave form.

Different elements do this at different speeds or frequencies. Measurable and predictable frequencies.

Different combinations of elements cause the wave and particle aspect of everything to “mash up”. But it’s more like gears grinding.

This causes a piece of wood to look, smell, feel and taste like a piece of wood. You are “feeling” the particle form of whatever it is you are touching or tasting. Sight, hearing and smell operate on wave - particle so it’s processed faster.

The sense of touch is extraordinarily slow. It requires a sodium potassium pump to send and electrical signal - which operates in its little corner of the quantum realm that’s not really my place to publicly go. But it’s different than the rest. Taste too.

Your thoughts and how you perceive the world around you - those tiny, tiny, itty-bitty thought waves leave - and I shit you not - back through the eyeballs - and I’ll fuckin’ tell ya - the person that figures out why our vitreous humor is what it is - you are getting a Nobel prize - and I do meant this as well to a mutual friend of this board that you all know and is probably reading this. Yes. Go down that rabbit hole. You stayed out of the vax pit and dodged the electric signs. The universe is talking to you.

Anyway - those little thoughts go out of your eyeballs NOT through the Chackras - that’s wave ONLY. This is wave and particle. They go out and interact in this universe we call reality - that IN reality is all waves and particles occilating at different frequencies and different tones.

Everyone having a thought focused on one date moves everyone’s particle and wave reality to that spot. Everyone’s wave and particle reality MOVES to that spot.

Time isn’t moving - WE are moving.

That is one of the big poisons of Newtonian physics.

So now you have all of these consciousness now linked in both wave (collective consciousness) and particle.

Physical existence is particle.

So a date (future) or event (present and past) can act as a magnet to drag everyone to one “spot” in the wave and particle. Even though I may be in America and you in Peru - if we focus on one date - it links is literally closer physically - but we are going into microgravity travel and I just want to keep it simple - we - on a quantum level - that humans can’t measure yet - but will - all of us focusing on a date or event brings the physical “bubbles” closer.

There is a LOT more going on - right in front of you - than you can physically see. Some of you CAN see them. When you read a tablet or phone in the dark and you wear glasses. If I just described you - kinda fuckin strange I was that specific, huh? Has it ever looked or sorta looked like there are beings or something - just trying to “get on camera” so to speak - yeah - that shit is real! It’s how you can move around without being seen, heard or smelled.

There are actual, real human beings that can manipulate the particle from the wave. Jesus the Christ was one. The followers of this school of thought - that Jesus was a man who became a God are of the Jesuits. They are the Order of the Rose Cross. They can make shit just - appear. Others do not have names but have numbers. And they are - straight up humans. And the things they can make appear out of thin air is much more impressive than a Dorian fruit. But they are the ones that are not available to the general public. They blend, but they are well off (obviously) and they really don’t do the public thing much. Again, no names, just number.

Number has an esoteric quality. Alice, Mirri and Goldleaf - if you can get this key - you are here. I say this to you 3 specifically. Not to push out the rest - at all - but you 3 are going in a direction - and I still can see you post from my email - but on the boards I am subscribed to that I still see things - you are going in the direction of the next level.

The next level being basically after “death”. This IS a holographic universe.

The transition time from moment of death to where you go next can be slowed down.

If you keep going in the direction that you are going - you will be able to slow it down and we can chill and realize who - or what we are.

THIS Quantum link - MMs Quantum link is very, VERY special. It is. It’s very unique. We are all connected - even the ones sitting in the hell of the 12th house. Physically in jail - don’t fear what’s going on outside the walls and what happens if you get locked in. You are heard. Don’t fear it. It will be quick and painless.

Unless you are vaxxed. Then - I wish you the best.

But this is MY vantage point. It’s how I view things. The Quantum world is the world of the Ancients. The Shaman. This bullshit Newtonian one - with all of these religions and their saviors - it really is SO angering when I think about the why it was done. But Newton and Einstein and all of time being relative is horseshit. Total and utter horseshit.

But, DSKlausler, you are getting that wish. Make no mistake. We go first. There is no event or series of events that can add up to prevent it.

The date - that’s up to you and those you share your reality with.

This I know to be True


DSKlausler and Tas have reacted to this post.

So last night as I am discussing this article and @pissedlizard tidbit of insight, I experienced something that was very Excruciating (the best word I can muster to describe my experience) .  I was playing around with what it means for the vectored DNAs and if it had an affect on an ISBE level. As I was typing a sentence I felt like I got shot in the head with a high powered frequency. It hit my head so hard, it jerked my head back, I immediately had A migraine type headache, couldn’t open my eyes, felt like I was going to upchuck right on my laptop, and seriously considered that I was about to die. It took 20 minutes to fully recover. What’s even more maddening- I didn’t remember the conversation only what I was talking about 5 minutes before.

Has anyone had this kind of experience or can give me insight on what I experienced?

side note: I get pinged with high frequency often, Not everyday but close enough. This isn’t an electronic buzzing frequency. It’s a grab my ear while I’m loading the groceries type situation BUT THIS!! Oh em geeeeeee

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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