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What has been following me my whole life?

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guys if you are having number synchronicities try plugging those numbers in here  - - and see if anything that pops up resonates. It is a calculator that finds other phrases that people have entered into the system that have the same gematric value of the number or word you search. Gematria is a Hebrew numerical system directly tied to their alphabet. Basically, each letter has a corresponding value that is also connected to certain aspects of one's consciousness. To put it in simple terms, it is basically viewed as a matrix programming language. Whatever your name is, it will have a value, and will attract situations that equal that same value. I suggest checking your (birth) name as well to see what pops up.

Daegon Magus

I think it's wonderful that you are messaged this way. It means you are in sync with your environment, and this is a very good thing.

As Humanity was created, everything was made from the same substance. There was no difference between anything....very holographic, eh?

In our current state of being, the closer we are to the substance we were created with, the more the substance, the environment, can speak to us with truth and guidance.

Absolutely fantastic, lovey!






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