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What has been following me my whole life?

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  • Hello all,

I have visited this site for a while and I’m not even sure how I found this place, but here goes.

ever since I could remember, I have had experiences that I couldn’t explain and would not explain to people because as soon as I did, I received a glazed over look. I seem to get messages or rather a signal. When I was young, I could be walking down the street and a rand street light would go out when I approached and back on soon after I passed.

when I got older, driving age, the same thing would happen. I had lost my mother at 13 and just assumed it was her somehow saying hi. I’m not religious at all but I have always believed in someone/something higher, I mean we just don’t happen right?

fast forward to my mid 30s when everything was digital or at least going that way. I started seeing 911 everywhere, receipts, the total would be $9.11, something would compel me to look at my phone and it was 9:11. I had to go to the hospital a few month back, guess what room I was in? Yep 911.

it comes in waves and I think it is a warning of some sorts. I soon found out later that my wife was addicted to some gas station pills and was charging up my CC. I won’t go into details but after that the 911 warnings calmed down.

over the years I have used it as sort of a hiding beacon of sorts, to look around, pay attention to something. So when I start seeing it again, I immediately go into a fight or flight mode.

but my question is. What am I dealing with here? I’m not even sure why I am posting this.


Let me add also that last month I took a ride up the road but forgot my cell phone. Three lights went on and off on the way there and back.

@ihatecreatingusernames welcome to the forum!

I am no expert by any stretch though it sounds like you have strong intuition and you're great at both listening to and interpreting it. That is a wonderful skill.

ihatecreatingusernames has reacted to this post.

Your username alone warrants a sincere "Hello."

ihatecreatingusernames has reacted to this post.

Hello @ihatecreatingusernames,

based on your story I think you might enjoy and find some answers in MM's article about synchronicities: "Synchronicities and affirmation prayer campaigns. How to sort out what is going on when we live in a world where everyone is trying to control our mind."

ihatecreatingusernames has reacted to this post.

Hello ihatecreatingusernames! Welcome to Metallicman's forum and blog. Stick around here. I think you'll fit right in here with the rest of us. There is plenty of useful information that congjing yu (blog author) has provided us all. Please, make good use of your time here. I'm sure you'll eventually find some answers to the questions you have. Might even make some new friends in the process too!

I've been hanging around for a few years and I can tell you, I've learned more about myself and my place in the universe than any school could ever teach me. Again, on behalf of congjing yu and the rest of the crew here, welcome.

congjing yu, Mirri and ihatecreatingusernames have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMirriihatecreatingusernames


Ha! Love the name!! Welcome welcome. Sounds like you got a deluminator from Dumbledore! I only half kid. That’s really neat.

I experience repeating numbers more than I care to admit, especially when I have things worth taking notice. I wish mine was more discernible as yours… but still thankful I get the heads up. I believe it is my Mantid/guardian Angel watching over me. I don’t have a link to articles but you can search MM’s Wonderland of a Blog Library and see if it resonates.

Good luck on your search. I think this forum is full of  people that gets “those looks”, So you are in the right place.

ihatecreatingusernames has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Vainamoinen on April 12, 2022, 11:05 pm

Hello @ihatecreatingusernames,

based on your story I think you might enjoy and find some answers in MM's article about synchronicities: "Synchronicities and affirmation prayer campaigns. How to sort out what is going on when we live in a world where everyone is trying to control our mind."

Thank you for the link. I read the entire article and it was pretty spot on to what I have witnessed my whole life. I have always believed I was on a certain path, but could never quite explain why. Things have always seemed to work out for me no matter the trials I go through.

I have always used the signs as sort of a guide, pay attention, pause and think type deal. I believe we are all connected by some higher pool of energy or conscience. I think this is why ideas just pop in my head or suggestions or hints I would call them. Compelling thoughts that nudge you in the right direction.

Just like I was sort of compelled to post here about this topic. Something led me here and I can't even explain why.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

These are just two examples I was able to record. I'm sure I will.have others. I have had several receipts but I only just started to record these event within the last few months.

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Hello OP 🙂


I have had similar experiences as those you have described. My repeating number is 738


Since we both have a 3 digit number that has a repetitive pattern in our daily lives, it might be something, or just a coincidence. (please note, this is my 123rd post, and your post above was your fourth .....1,2,3,4)

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