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About Bailing out

Guys, Gals and other bipeds,

I want to raise awareness about MM's podcast "Bailing out". Please go and watch it, if you haven't already. One of the biggest overarching rules here on earth is: YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR TIME! And not a second more.

That was made very clear to me. Absolutely cristal, no margin for interpretation. So, as kids nowadays seem to say, you can not unalive yourself. When I was in a wheelchair without memory, without any abilities, the first thing I remembered was that. So I pushed on. And will continue to do so, no matter what. So should you. The next episodes of your Legend might be a bit hairy, but you are not a powerless victim of circumstances. You are the main character! The story continues only if you will.

This is also a goodbye note. I'm not going anywhere, but I have overstayed my safety margins here. I will follow the discussion, I value your input to this worldline. Not just MM, but you all.

But, if you have something urgent, something where I can be of assistance, just give a holler here! Like Cortana, I will appear!

Take care of yourself and others, be kind. Failing that, at least be curious!

You'll be fine, trust me!

JustAnotherAsian, Goldleaf and Tas have reacted to this post.
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri
Quote from JC Soulwood on April 12, 2022, 3:40 pm

Guys, Gals and other bipeds,

I want to raise awareness about MM's podcast "Bailing out". Please go and watch it, if you haven't already. One of the biggest overarching rules here on earth is: YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR TIME! And not a second more.

That was made very clear to me. Absolutely cristal, no margin for interpretation. So, as kids nowadays seem to say, you can not unalive yourself. When I was in a wheelchair without memory, without any abilities, the first thing I remembered was that. So I pushed on. And will continue to do so, no matter what. So should you. The next episodes of your Legend might be a bit hairy, but you are not a powerless victim of circumstances. You are the main character! The story continues only if you will.

This is also a goodbye note. I'm not going anywhere, but I have overstayed my safety margins here. I will follow the discussion, I value your input to this worldline. Not just MM, but you all.

But, if you have something urgent, something where I can be of assistance, just give a holler here! Like Cortana, I will appear!

Take care of yourself and others, be kind. Failing that, at least be curious!

You'll be fine, trust me!


Says who/what?

My Mantid©?

Fuck that/them/it.

I'm right here mutherfukker - do something!