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The Biggest Picture

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WaterTiger and paraic have reacted to this post.

Very good article. From the lens of "Peak Energy". And from that framework, all falls nicely in place.


The first paragraph of that pdf   "This is as "Big Picture" and most broadly categorical stroke of the brush as it gets: the global world as a whole in aggregate totality is now fastly running out of energy, and collectively we have already peaked in late 2019 in terms of both the quantity and quality of high-density energy sources available for our collective use. The decline is terminal and permanent."

is pure bullshit in a universe of Pure energy.

The Earth's magnetic Fields restructure the Liquid Light Crystals (Everything is the Light ... Tesla) into OIL, Coal, gas and even pure fresh water that comes out at the top of a mountain that Hydrologists do not have an explanation for.

You gotta stop believing the science of the New World Order. That article is designed to instill FEAR about an energy crisis that can only be manufactured by the "elite" monied men.

"As that societies/civilizations primary energy sources dwindle and/or its EROEI (total net usable energy in terms of Energy Returned on Energy Invested) threshold declines, then so does that society’s money likewise deflate and devalue."

Money changes value only when its FIAT or out of thin air, is added to the system or subtracted. At the end of the Roman empire the Sterling Silver 90% content of money was reduced to 5% effectively increasing the money supply by 1800% or so.

South Pole Positive Waters, gases and solids (oil, gas and coal) are to be phased out but not whilst humans will ONLY use this technology to kill each other more efficiently. So its being denied on so many levels. I could give you the schematics for most ANY electric motor to be a motor and generator in one. All you gotta do is unbridge the windings and add more motors to the circuit and make the shaft of the motor 'magnetic' and you have UNLIMITED power. Or you can make your own Oil if you understand Magnetics.      and

In my opinion, this fear mongering of 'peak oil' and fake science is part of the BS of Klaus Swabchitch's Fear program to control the earth.

I only stopped in to see whats a happening. I have a lot on my plate and the Time of the Lord is very near. There must be a hundred emails I havent answered since I went offline.

In a week, Australia allows unvaxxed to travel overseas and I am headed to the USA for some serious Technology expositions. Does anyone know what the USA has for entry and exit requirements in the age of the Scamdemic these days?? Anyone wanna host me in Georgia or Yuma or Denver or Indiana or Boston? I will have my usual bag of Healing apparatuses and other gadgets. Reasonably house trained.


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mtness, Chromacat and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
mtnessChromacatOhio Guy

You can stop by Ohio anytime. 50 clicks SE of the capital. Nice little country town. Probably too far away for your stops, but me casa your casa. Good to hear from you MerLynn.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Hi @bochen2021, thanks for sharing your thoughts on net energy with us.

Just wanted to say that it was an insightful read, but at the same what you were writing reminded me about a play-to-earn crypto game called Townstar which I had been playing with to earn some cryptos for a while.

Townstar is a play-to-earn farming game by Gala Games (co-founders of Zynga Games). Players build their Town to produce resources that can earn them Town Coin, which is the game’s cryptocurrency.

in other words, it's a very simple game where you need to keep producing the infrastructure (e.g. buildings, farming equipment, mining equipment) in order to increase your amount of output in the form of Town Coin.

The thing is that in order to increase your output, you eventually have to obtain more tools in the form of NFT through purchasing from the NFT store. A gas fee has to be paid for the minting of the tool, otherwise you will face obstacles such as your trucks being unable to travel long enough distances to deliver your goods for sale due to the lack of gas.

I find it interesting that this game very much stimulates the real world. When you mint or mine a NFT, or any crypto for that matter, energy needs to be consumed from the natural world, and in the context of this Town Star, this energy from the real physical natural environment has been converted into energy for achieving a goal in the Town Star universe and expressed in the form of gas fees (for the trucks and other tools) as well as the output (Town Coin).

Anyway, I'm very much concerned about the consumption of energy for the metaverse, which doesn't translate into any real productive energy that ensures the growth of human civilization.  I don't see any practical function of a virtual Great Wall or virtual pyramid, compared to a physical one.




From the article: "Infinite growth in a finite environment is a mathematical impossibility. Human population growth tracks precisely that of bacteria growth in a Petri dish right before it encounters rapid die-off as it hits its resource constraints..."

We will stay in that Petri dish (or finite environment) until the cow has been milked completely. She can still be milked, even if she is now almost dead. And only after her deceasing other forms of energy will be allowed. My guess.

DSKlausler and paraic have reacted to this post.