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Question concerning Domain pickup

I was reading the most recent EBP comm with the Domain and I have a question about the following question posed, “As a irregular would the pick-up be a more easily achieved, or automated for lack of a better word, than for the general population who might ask the Domain for assistance?” 

As we will be in our non-corporeal consciousness state upon leaving our biosuit, if we were to call for pickup by the Domain, would they come in a physical ship and would members be in their doll bodies? I ask, because I imagine we still have to be careful about the soul amnesia traps. Will we “physical universe” IS-BEs have to enter one of the Domain’s doll bodies to be transported to one of their bases in the solar system (in order to not succumb to the amnesia traps)?

Also, I found this very interesting. “There is never any hurry, and if there is a feeling of urgent action, the questioner must composes himself and realize that hasty decisions make for undesirable outcomes.”

Upon leaving our biosuit, we revert back to our immortal spiritual being state, thus time will be irrelevant. I personally would like to spend time contemplating that state and perhaps being able to recover memories. For those with such knowledge, what will it look like? Is it like an OOBE experience, where I’ll be able to see the Earth, but not interact physically with it? Any information would be appreciated.

Talk about things they don’t teach you in school! 😊

congjing yu and isbeverse have reacted to this post.
congjing yuisbeverse

My guess is that the Domain Commander is telling everyone that when they exit the body to take their time. Get their bearings. Call for assistance, and to question everything.

If you feel rushed or in a hurry, or anything like that, hold off. Think. Regain your compose, and regain your memories that are permitted. Chill. Then decide what to do.

Chromacat, paraic and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
ChromacatparaicOhio Guytiaka9


Yes, that makes perfect sense. Everything in our current world has us rushing to do things, rather than just to be. I imagine that is one of the reasons Lao Tzu (as explained in Alien Interview) was able to escape the soul amnesia traps. Towards the end of his biosuit’s life, I imagine he was in a deep, meditative state at one with his consciousness, feeling no need to hurry.

Even when people take holidays, I hear them say they feel tired after it, as they packed so much into it. They often say they need a holiday to recover from their holiday. Where exactly are we all rushing to? 🤷‍♂️

congjing yu, JayTNR1357 and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJayTNR1357ChromacatparaicOhio Guy

Not letting yourself be rushed is also something one can practice. My way is to always take a very deep breath and look around, when I step out the door. And something I did my whole life is give every cat that crosses my path a pet and say properly hello.

And I agree on that holidaything! I thought I was weird for noticing it. Just my conclusion was to make my home very nice so now I don't feel the need to go on holiday anymore.

congjing yu, Ohio Guy and tiaka9 have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOhio Guytiaka9

Ha ha! @mirri Yes, I can relate to that. I’m fortunate to live in a rural area and as going for walks and cycling are my hobbies, I’m spoilt for choice in that regard. My wife and I also enjoy pottering about in the garden.

Mirri has reacted to this post.
Quote from Mirri on April 19, 2022, 11:00 pm

And something I did my whole life is give every cat that crosses my path a pet and say properly hello.


A pat for every cat? You must have a cat magnet! 😻

congjing yu and tiaka9 have reacted to this post.
congjing yutiaka9
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Lol, ML I correct: Every cat that wanted to have a pat. You know they sometimes just give you this look and go doing their business.

congjing yu and tiaka9 have reacted to this post.
congjing yutiaka9