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All too often we fail to acknowledge or give thanks to somebody who has done something special, no matter how small or trivial.  All too often we overlook giving a helping hand, no matter how small, to someone else.  The world is full of good people, and a word of thanks or a small act of kindness can make a world of  difference to someone, brighten their day or give lasting memories.  Let us all do our part.

Many years ago, I was at some airport and trying to  purchase a stamp from a stamp vending machine.  I did not have the correct change and an older lady walked up to me and provided the extra few cents so that I could post my letter.  I don't remember what this lady looked liked or any other details, but the memory provides a nice warm feeling.  Actually, something I will never forget.  Little things make a difference to others and can leave lasting impressions.

Kudos - let's all continue to be the RUFUS.

congjing yu, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTasOhio Guy

Hello Everyone,   I've been reading MMs stuff here for months now, and while he had suggested reading all the things in order I am not currently able to do that, so check in here every few days to see what's new and for the unique perspectives.

The last couple years, as I got tired of seeing people losing eye contact, and becoming so disconnected, I started carrying a box of "positive message cards" in my purse.  You know, like from Louise Hay and others...

Every check out line, at the bank, in the grocery store, at a restaurant...I pull out some cards and spread them out and say "would you like a special message for the day!?" - after they look at me strangely for a moment, they usually say OK.  "Pick the one that calls to you! it will be perfect, and if you love it you can keep it!"  It is always perfect, and they most always keep it. They often say something like "wow, this is just what I needed today".  I could do this every day for hours, it makes ME so happy.  I have a stash of these cards so I don't run out, and plan to make a deck of my own.

Next I'd like to comment to MM as I peruse all the filler info, that my Dad was a butcher and we had pigs feet every new years day!  I too still love the group Bread, and music from the 70's, and home cooked meals, especially when someone else cooks them. I'm not quite a domestic goddess type, more of a healing goddess of sorts...

After my sweet smart 24 year old cockatiel Rosey died, I adopted a cat in January 2021.  After she settled in, I realized that she "knew stuff".  I do some deep mind/body healing work with clients, and she started to hop onto someones lap at exactly the right time.  Or jump up on the desk, sit in front of them and make mesmerizing eye contact. She does that with me too.

I'll upload a picture of her in a tin foil hat that some clients gave me - they are cat people too, and know that I see the world rather differently than many :).  And a pic of her simply being beautiful Lucille Rose.

My last comment is this: The Chinese girls are gorgeous, yes.  A little too cutsy cutsy at times... and I am guessing that China is a great place for breast enhancement surgeons!



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JustAnotherAsian, Memory Loss and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianMemory LossGoldleafAliceMirriWaterTigerparaicOhio Guy

Welcome to the forum @Zora. Your kitty is adorable 🙂

Zora has reacted to this post.


Welcome. Love you kitty and especially love your contribution.

Actually, the most popular plastic surgery in China are eyelid-changes, face-lifts, skin whiteners and botox. Boob jobs are for obtaining the more "fish like" shape. Usually for very thin girls.

Butt enhancements and hair extensions are very rare.

Have a great time here, and always be the Rufus.


Zora has reacted to this post.

A Rufus can take many forms, sometimes we must sacrifice our own well being to help others in need or peril. Sacrifice is the highest form of StO sentience. Be the Rufus, always.

Sorry this may not be to everyone's taste.

Tas, ol' buddy, that took me back to a time, long ago, in my youth. I was riding around in a car with a couple buddies of mine, ending an evening of drinking and fun. We stopped at a quickie mart because I needed a milk fix to cool my dry pipes. Well, upon leaving the parking lot, we must have caught the attention of some of the local "bad boys". They followed us through the winding back roads of the country side. It's dark and their headlights are beaming bright as they tailgate us on this old gravel road we're on. My buddies are visibly worried that some trouble is about to befall us in the middle of nowhere by these agitated troublemakers. For some reason though, I wasn't too worried. After all, I was no stranger to an ass whoopin'. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. So, after I finish my quart of milk, I throw the empty container out the window, hitting the car of bad guys following so close behind us. This enraged the carload of baddies behind us, and they immediately gassed their car and rammed us from behind, causing the safety fuel switch to open, killing the engine to our car. I look at my buddy in the driver's seat and he's furiously trying to start the no avail. This car aint startin' till the fuel safety switch is reset. Which is located in the trunk of the car. He then looks in the sideview mirror and says, "they're comin' out...and they're carrying ball bats!"  My buddy, Bung, in the back seat, is three hundred pounds of mamma's boy,  exits the car with the swiftness of a humming bird, and finds a spot to hide in the darkness of the wooded area surrounding us. My other buddy, Brian, the driver, looks to me and says, "I aint gettin' my head beat in, OG, I'll let you sort this out." Oh, thanks a lot, pal! I thought us three against those four were pretty good odds, however, I was wrong. My buds left me. Hid in the dark, brushy wooded area, fearing bodily harm! Thanks guys! Well, I was actually kinda mad now. Mad that these buttholes crashed us, disabled our vehicle, and mad that my "buddies" left me to deal with four angry young fellas with ball bats. In my mind, I know an ass whoopin' is coming. Hopefully, I can mitigate the damage, somehow, because I sure aint running. The thought of running and hiding repulses me! Justice must be served here. And now! Sooo, I get out of the car and the first two, holding their wooden baseball bats are spouting off at the mouth about how they're going to beat me to a pulp. They must have felt confident about this so I was inclined to "change their attitude" about this whole debacle. I immediately bum rushed the biggest badmouther wielding a bat. After a very brief struggle, I managed to take his weapon, give him a few "knocks" for good measure, to then immediately face the other baddy while the other two waited in the wings. After a few swings, wood meeting wood, the second baddy was disarmed. Again, a couple more "knocks" to keep him subdued. At this point, I could see fear in the eyes of the other two. It was smooth sailing from then. I could tell they lost their taste for such violent pleasures as I breezed through those two at the same time, knocking there clubs from their puny paws, sending them running for the darkness like my scared comrades! Now, I have all four bats, and all four baddies "on the ropes", so to speak. I beckon them all to come "get some more", while walking around their vehicle and abusing it with my newly acquired "tools". It wasn't long after, a deputy sheriff's cruiser, and an ambulance arrived. Obviously, we had created such a ruckus, that a homeowner, many hundred yards away, saw and heard what was going on. Upon arrival, the deputy assessed the situation, got everyone's story, and ended up asking me if I was alright and if I wanted to press charges against the unruly thugs that had attacked us. He also remarked on what a good job I did protecting myself and the others from those four savages now turned to sausages. I declined to press the matter further as I was satisfied with the justice I had meted out. I just wanted to go home! So, after a quick reset of the fuel switch to my buddy's car, we were off. The other guys, however, needed a tow truck AND medical attention.  Now, the point of this very true and accurate account is this. When something bad looks like it's coming your way, ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY DO NOT LET FEAR GRIP YOU! Fear is the killer of clear thinking. You'd be surprised how quickly the mind AND body can react in stressful situations if you leave fear out of the equation. A firefighter doesn't rush into a burning building with fear in his or her mind. The firefighter is constantly observing and assessing. Making calculated decisions almost instantaneously. All for the best possible outcome. And that, my friends is how we should approach each and every day of our lives. With courage. To face the unexpected. And do it without fear. Thank you tas, for posting Bob Odenkirk's badass bus moment. It's what inspired me to share this dusty, old, moment in my life that seemingly happened a lifetime ago. By the way, ol' Bungy died a few years ago of a heart attack, I think, and I still see Brian, every few years or so. We still reminisce that old story. Have a great day. All of you. And when you face a moment to be a Rufus, embrace it. Absorb it. And do it without fear.


WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.

Kudos OG, love your style man. Mate you are so articulate in your writing style, really you are. That's the key hey, clear mind, no fear. The clarity of mind is amazing when focused, you can be 2 steps ahead hey, block, block, there's the opening, strike. In saying that I have also had my hidings but I never give up until I cannot physically lift again. Yes mate protect those who cannot defend themselves. I have always had this in my mind, teach them a lesson and they will carry it for the rest of their days, leave a facial scar and they will see it every day in the mirror and remember why it is there, I like cheek bones and the small scar a blow leaves there. It's a memory jogger that may change their lives for the good at the cost of a couple of stitches. This happened to a heavy drug pusher who moved in next door and threated my family with violence, he engaged armed with steel but ended up in hospital. Two days later he was at my door apologising, I am a forgiver and he never bothered us again, he also stopped selling, well next door anyway. I have no qualms in teaching lessons in humility to those who need a little redirection in their lives. In saying that I never seek trouble, but if trouble comes then look the fuck out. I like the bit in the clip where he is asking god to please open the door, I get that man, I do. The thrill of battle and the honour of protecting others is always worth a little pain hey.

Cheers OG and again I love your style man.

WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guy

Hey both (OG, Tas)!

I had the same experience becoming very sharp sensed and into the moment when me and my  -male- companion were attacked by a huge hairy Tibetan Mastiff - and they know how to kill a human, they protect the nomad's camps - and my companion jumped behind me. I could stop the monster in its flight to my throat pinning it in the air on a thick stick I was carrying with me, and after that beat it so hard on the head that my whole arm was hurting afterwards. I remember the sharpness of my mind and the fearlessness very clear, it felt even something like big power. It was like time slowing down and every movement being perfect aikido. Weird experience.

Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
TasOhio Guy

Sometimes being a rufus can test you.

I will keep anotherwise long story short.  Suffice it to say i had oversight (although) not ultimate responsibility for a major US airport.  Part of my job was just observing, that security was ok, equipment was function, queus and staff was managed well and general aiport customer stervice what i believed our standards should be.

I1 situation of a mantraveling alone who had been sitting next to our help desk, often asking to use the phone.  Of course in a big airport this normally isnt allowed.  When i was boss I always allowed it.

Anyways on the 2nd day this man was still sitting there, decent street clothes not in anyway dishelved.  I went to talk to him and ask what his problem was.  It turned out he was an afghan refugee (US interptreter for the US army in Afghan.  The state department had made arrangements for him to stay with a sponsor so he wouldnt be assisinated and who never showed so this man was stranded in the US no money, no one to help.


First  thing idid was give himn $20 bucks to go get food.   He hadnt eaten in 2 daays.  Knowing full well helping this guy was way outside my job authority, I did it anyway.  I had my staff call every aphfan refugee organiation in the US.  Finally enough of us pooled money for him to get a room.  After he returned from the hotel, my staff had found aa sponsor for him.

In the mean time i guess the original sponsor felt guilt and showedup and gave the guy $200.  THis was better than nothing.  the place we found waas in sacramento $450 plaane flight and another $60 transfer to the bus station.

I looked for another way and found good old 7-11 would give him aa bus ticket 1 way for 60 buCks.  I sent my staff over to pick up his ticket and the nexxt morning he was on his way to support.

When you do the right thing you risk nothing.  Always be the Rufus

congjing yu and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTas

Great stuff. I will put in a post so it doesn't get buried.

Tas has reacted to this post.
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