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I think we all enjoy MM’s constant reminders and examples for us all to be the RUFUS.  Every example I have seen is where somebody takes action help somebody; whether it is kind words and a smile, or heroically saving a child from being run over by a train, and done without expectation of thanks because it is the right thing to do.

I would like to change the ‘rules’ and ask for RUFUS help.  In extremely broad terms, I was taken advantage of by a criminal network, and I would like to get retribution (only what is mine back, as well as others who have been f****d),  stop these criminals from doing the same to others (it is ongoing), and to have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  Psychic ability, computer hacking experience, or anyone who has the ability to find people/organizations  by any means necessary are needed.  I will entertain all suggestions as all legal means have led to below zero interest.

I do have an affirmation campaign underway cornfielding these criminals.  However, I feel that sitting around waiting for something or someone else to do something is not so effective.  This is a slow painful process to make any sort of headway.  Any help, ideas, or potential solutions are greatly appreciated.

I would prefer that if anyone interested to contact me privately through MM – I assume he has my contact information and is willing.  I’d prefer not to air out the issue in public, but if necessary I will do so.

On another note, I visited the dentist in our local university town.  Being that this would be my first time at this dentist I thought I would bring a handful of flowers and perhaps get a smile.  I bought some flowers from the outdoor babushka pensioner ladies (it made their  day a bit brighter).  I brought in the flowers and handed them to the receptionist and said these are for you (still learning my second language) to brighten your day here in the office.  Perhaps my little random act of kindness had some ripple effect further ahead.

congjing yu and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuparaic

You can add affirmations towards specific results. Then once you add them into your campaign. Forget about it. Things will happen. You do not need to be aware of what will happen. Just that things will occur.

Hello all. Unsettling news. I didn't know where else to put this, but this seems an appropriate spot. Gonzalo Lira is missing. Possibly being held by Ukraine forces. Please keep his safety and good health in your thoughts and or affirmations.

Quote from Ohio Guy on April 20, 2022, 12:53 am

Hello all. Unsettling news. I didn't know where else to put this, but this seems an appropriate spot. Gonzalo Lira is missing. Possibly being held by Ukraine forces. Please keep his safety and good health in your thoughts and or affirmations.

That’s correct, @ohio-guy. I think he has been tortured and now transitioned.
The Azov neo-nazis were bragging about capturing and silencing him on Twitter and Telegram.

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congjing yu


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congjing yu

🙂 he is alive!

congjing yu, Feal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealperolatorTas

Outstanding News! I am so glad that he is alive.

perolator has reacted to this post.

I am glad he’s alive.

I had a "feeling" he'd be ok.

A big THANK YOU to all who kept Gonzalo Lira in their/our thoughts and affirmations. This is a happy moment. Please continue for his release and further well being.

Thank you, Metallicman for giving us all the tools to facilitate this positive (so far) event.

By the way, @congjing yu, Your youtube videos are increasing exponentially in quality, message, production value and your personal touch reflected in your personality and opinion. In layman's terms, excellent job!

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congjing yu

Something trivial or of no value to yourself could be something big and life changing for others. Struggled to post image of thank you card so I will type it out.

Dear David,

I am writing to thank you for the Holden/BOC Supercars team issue shirt you selflessly passed on to a stranger.

The past two years have been immensely challenging for me personally emotionally, psycologically,  financially and more recently physically. What continues to astound me is the kindness and generosity of good people such as yourself that inject positivity, joy and goodness and totally reinforce my faith in Humanity. For many years I have been a Supercars tragic mostly from my couch with the volume turned to max on the TV. My recent trip to Symmons Plains with Andrew Stewart was a major event on many levels-I believe I have you to thank for the contacts you provided that ultimately resulted in a personal meeting with Garth Tander. What a highlight, The shirt, The Race, the Driver. I am blessed. I hope one day I might meet you in person so I may thank you face to face. Your kindness is appreciated beyond words.

With Thanks Always


No thanks required Nicole, it was my pleasure.

I met NL last week at work, she traveled 100km in a delivery truck to give me a cuddle.

Be the Rufus, everyday as its the little things that count to those in need.




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