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The absolute brilliance of MMs latest video

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@ PL & Mirri,

I second Mirri's opinion about "my left toe" or smthg. Bullseye, as is your norm it seems.

(As a somewhat relevant tangent, I lost part of the pressure-sensing neural pathways on my right foot after a recent "altercation" with one of our three-letter-office workers. It's like having ball-bearings for slippers. Surprisingly hard to keep balance or run! I never thought how much losing a seemingly trivial part of one's body matters! This is some fine engineering, I'm telling ya!)

Mirri, I hear you! Besides, Lutherans kept much more of that "being Christ-like in your life" attitude than most, in my opinion.

Perhaps I should have clarified, that keeping a firm grip on your cup while emptying it is essential for growth. And I am not patronizing you, not one bit. No one should or can.

It is a fact, that the amnesia treatment has kept the species in this pocket Uni at an artificially low plane. Vibrationally and dimensionally. Without the small clues that have managed to slip thru and remain in tradition and lore, there would not have been any concerted effort to improve, no matter how misguided it has been at times. But that helped Mantid Primes to keep the spindles in motion and in turn layer Mantids/IsBe's in correct angles for the patterns to emerge.

To paraphrase an old commie, sometimes motion is more important than the destination.

Thank you, guys, for passing the puck, I love running this power-play with you!

congjing yu and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMirri
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

Those clues are everywhere too. Literally, everywhere. Just have to learn discernment/how to see.

congjing yu, Mirri and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMirriJC SoulwoodTas


Oh I heard that part, but it didn’t register. Still having a go at that tid bit. There is a book Im in the process of translating; (which there may be an English version but this gal learns best the hard way) La Porta de la Transfiguration . It’s a getting me there.

These past few months has been an emotional rollercoaster. A controlled and directed rollercoaster thankfully, because the immensity of the training could end in day passes. Ha!

I always envisioned when I got to this point, I’d have Merlin,  or Nevyn by my side hunched over huge ancient books… It’s bitter sweet.

How’d you know about my left middle toe being numb 😉? Thought I was alone in that struggle. I would say get out of my head but I guess that isn’t going to happen.

Anyhoo, Hope everyone is faring, enjoying, and loving life.

congjing yu and Tas have reacted to this post.
congjing yuTas
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@jc-soulwood  I enjoy good discussions too!

I was wondering lately if there is actual improvement. You know how you put an bad apple between the good ones? They all go bad quickly. What if most consciesnesses were STO when they were sent here, but got STS or STA because there were really bad STS also sent here to oversee the others? When we get zapped and traumatised for " experiences" don't we lose parts of our personality, the one we as ISBEs are? It's easy to get resentfull, seek revenge and be very angry and then hurt others.

What do you think about it?

@mirri, that is a very good question, I have no idea if I am capable of giving a sane answer to that. Luckily I love challenges, so here we go!

If we think about a true STS, he/she is often an equal opportunity offender. They piss on everybody’s ankles to get ahead. If there is any sort of cohesion in the group, the STS will soon be singled out before they manage to do real harm. Only way for them to succeed is actually by turning enough STOs to STSs! And that happens if and only if a STO takes the insults and betrayals personally and tries to “get even”. Which is impossible, because STSs are evil effortlessly, but for a STO it takes real planning and enormous amounts of energy deal damage. They will never be able get their revenge.

The only real revenge is rising above the petty insults. That frustrates the hell out of an STS! You can almost see their puny brains imploding! Gang up, give solace to each other, tend to the wounds and change the game! Employing STSs as guards sounds like unnecessarily complicated micromanagement of the prison, I wouldn’t worry about that too much.

As to your other question of getting Souldamage from the AmnesiaTreatment or other ways ISBEs are hurt. That goes really deep in one’s theory about the Soul, Personality, Consciousness and all metaphysical stuff. My theory, or very abridged version of it goes something like this:

Our Soul is the fundamental, transdimensional, Prime Mover, Alfa&Omega, non-temporal, non-local, Omniconnected and badass force. Thru authentic Thought it creates/forms Consciousness to act and change reality as we perceive it. All the zapping in the world can not touch the Soul. Our ability to perceive Reality can and has been seriously limited, as is our ability to act upon or change this dimension or indeed skip dimensions in a controlled manner in this prison universe.

But the Soul remains intact and eternal.

Whew! Might have gone a bit too deep there, Csordy about that!

A great question, though! Thank you!

congjing yu, Goldleaf and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleafAliceMirriTas
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri
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