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The absolute brilliance of MMs latest video

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Nailed it. I’m like 15 minutes in and that is exactly it. We are literally describing the same thing. But the idiom used is what is so fucking brilliant…

It would be as if we were all eating the exact same meal together - in total darkness - and describing what we are eating.

Same movie - different seats in the theater.

Fucking brilliant.

THIS I know to be true.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Are you talking about the Mantid Video?

Would you elaborate what's on your plate?

Yes. Thank you for that. The Mantid video is my attempt to bridge understandings in a way so that we are all seeing an event, as PL, said, in a darkened dining room. Absolutely.

pissedlizard, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
I totally agree with PL. The video was great and has left me deep in thoughts for 2 days now. The mindblowing part was how our guides are really part of our true form, ISBE or whatever one likes to call it. And our guides are mantids, which I already knew. Meaning: The mantids are us. We are the mandtids. But then why have they volunteered us/them to be in the old empire's prison system? Even constructing this illusionary world for the OE. Or were they forced? If so then why continue when the OE are gone? It is an insufficient explanation that the mantids prime doesn't know the OE are gone. Ofc they know. The question is also if we are the mantids, or rather mantids are us, are we also the mantid primes???

The F up part to me is how it all makes sense that the matids and humans are the same entity. As the matids originated on earth but still are here but not here the question has always been where did they go to? Sure they are extra dimensional but why not occupy this version or dimension of earth where they probably originated from. The answer is clearer now.
congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardJC Soulwoodparaic

I just have more questions.

If they are part of us, what do they do when we are in heaven? Do they have their vacation? Do they stick with in all our lifetimes? If we are able to leave this universe, do they come with us?

And sorry, I have trouble with the "dinner in the dark" because I went to such an event myself one time and...people were just not knowing what they had on their plate. My guess is that the cook had a collection of misinterpretations of his food. I didn't like the event, it just showed how people go their everyday lives and how much they care about their food.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@mirri , because I genuinely, truly care about you, I will really try to keep this as easy as I can explain it - because YOU - who was looking curiously at the Shaman view of things - our ancestors - all of them - knew about this whole quantum physics thing long before their practices were squashed by - let’s face it - Christianity - and the Newtonian world was born. And dictated to the masses.

If you follow the path that you seemed curious about - with others on this board - then keep going. It will separate all the bullshit that we, in the West, has been fed to generations of us.

Keep going. When you start teasing out all of the bullshit frequencies and octaves - it’s a trip. It’s a seriously life changing week. But you will be clearly introduced to whatever frequency that guides you. Because it all comes from the ONE frequency. The I (Eye) frequency.

All those voices you hear in your head - it’s us. Those who you are forever Quantum connected to in this multiverse.  We are all playing a crazy fucking video game. As a first person shooters reality is made on the screen as the character moves through it’s environment - so is our reality. Again - your ancestors knew this and used this to connect with other “spirits” or frequencies - hence me cheerleading you all going down that Shaman path.

I would also start looking at what a “Quantum transformation” or “Quantum transformation event” is and what the leaders in the West are saying about it. It may be coming sooner than later. Those freaking odds ratios change by the “hour”.

Please, fear nothing. And I truly mean nothing. HOW THINGS HAVE BEEN PRESENTED TO ME — ME— in this multiverse in THIS reality which may be different than what is being presented to YOU -

When you die weather or not you maintain your personality depends soley on your entrance into the light or not. Go and you lose it. It gets zapped away. Not “forever” because forever does not exist, but for a “time”. Don’t go in the light and you keep it. And you find us. Those who understand what the fuck is going on and is now trying to figure out the right frequencies to live normally until the Quantum transformation event.

The secret to Shamanism is understanding that we are not moving through Time. This moment is happening an infinite amount of “Times”. We “move” through these moments. And this is all Shamanism across the board but specifically Sami and Native American as well. It’s finding the octaves of the frequencies of those moments is the “Journey” you as a Shaman will drive others to. That’s where “Evil” and the lower frequency “beings” reside where you - as a Shaman - will go and cast them out. Or contain and destroy them.

Again, this is all that is being presented to me, at this Time. Whatever frequency whose leash you are attached to - will be a slightly different version or “Play” of this reality. But we are attached to the same One (I)/(Eye) frequency. All of us on this Planet.

We “meet” or reconnect with  each other on the flip side of this reality.

This I know to be True.


congjing yu, Feal and 9 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealperolatorGoldleafAliceMirriJC SoulwoodWaterTigerTasDingusparaic

I think I'll end my self-imposed exile from this forum today.

Indeed. Why not?

Strumming chorus notes PL's solo... And what a solo it was! Beautiful command of the lead narrative you have my friend!

Further guidance flares to Mirri; Empty your cup before you pour in the sweet nectar of Truth.

We in the west have our cups runnething over for generations of lies. As Papal stormtroopers, the Jesuits, roamed the earth gathering and burning all the books & parchments they found and replaced old Wisdom with Catholic lies about history and Science, language and customs, Gods and Goddesses.

Not some of it. ALL of it.

Scaliger added some 1000 years to our history to get some gravitas to their Esau (Jesus) myths and keep us befuddled. Jesuit scientist Lemaitre, as per papal guidance, built a theory which can accommodate creator God, the very wrong  big bang theory.

And thus, the generations born after 1830 were doomed to muddle through life trying to make sense of it, with all the sense ripped out.

As said, be sure to empty your cup before use!


congjing yu, pissedlizard and Mirri have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMirri
Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri

Riddle me this:

I haven’t been able to feel my Mantid, where before I could always feel it. Like someone behind me, or That feeling of something is watching you but you can’t quit put your finger on. Sometimes the feeling was overwhelming, where I felt the only option was to speak to it frankly.  What would cause this feeling of detachment?

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@JC - Thank you for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. Your advice to @mirri about emptying our Cups is probably the best advice given on this forum, in my opinion. And an imperative.

@Alice, my friend, I am going to try my best to rephrase MMs video and why I think it’s so brilliant, which will hopefully clear some air.

Your Mantid is a part of you just as much as any other part of your body. It’s a PART of you. Just as you don’t “feel” the middle toe on your left foot right now or when you walk, but it’s there, doing it’s job  transferring a lot of weight.

It’s there doing it’s job. When I don’t “feel” mine, I know, for a FACT that it’s giving me just enough rope on my leash to hang myself. It’s testing me. Possibly, yours may be doing the same. But it’s there.

Prayer is speaking, meditation is listening. Listen and you shall hear. It’s all good.

This I know to be true.



congjing yu, Alice and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuAliceJC SoulwoodTasDingus

@ JC and Pissedlizzard  Thank you both for your input.

Emptying my cup, yeah. I like the idea of tabula rasa and then starting from scratch again. That's not as easy as it sounds.

I would not throw the whole Christianity or let's say bible teachings over board, but I realise I had the privilege to grow up with a lutheranian Christianity, with a bibletranslation word to word with the attempt of being as accurate as possible. So it's less tinted with interpretation I guess than other bibletranslations. Also I was lucky to have teachers that were very open to discussions and actually listened to us students.

Or would you really say Jesus wasn't a Rufus? What about 365 times "You shall not fear."? That is not contrary to MMs teachings. Casting out demons/healing people is a shamans job. But I agree, being cautious about "who/where" religious ideas come from is important.

Pissedlizzard it's an awesome comparison!!

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