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Paranoia and negativity

I think it can be toned down just a little on here. I'm not into it. Just thought I'd try to address something that I'm pretty sure some other visitors of this site probably think about to themselves aswell, but neglect in bringing it up. Balance guys. Balance... It's important! Oh, and what comes after paranoia and negativity? FEAR. And screw that. Just thought I'd try to contribute some constructive criticism to the mix, is all. Only the upmost respect to all of u guys. And I think ur doing a really good job so far, Rob. Idk if the commander, or anyone else has told yah!

When you understand that this physical incarnation is not who you truly are, that you are an immortal being of immense powers, there is no reason to be afraid of anything going on here on earth. However as this is the place I do reside, not remembering where I come from or who I am, I do find the current events down here rather interesting and a time sink until I finally emerge as my self again.

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