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Baby Formula

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Quote from congjing yu on May 20, 2022, 5:06 pm

I wholly endorse the idea of breastfeeding. We did so for our little girl until she turned 2 and a half. So many benefits! It's what you need to do as a parent.


I guess that there could be some actual medical reasons not to... possibly physical as well, but why are so many NOT going with this most healthy and actually natural source of food?

[Lack of] education?

Belief in what the mainstream asswipes tell them?

Belief in those idiotic "doctors"?

I have a handful of nieces and nephews all of which are building their families - NOT ONE mom is breast-feeding. In their case(s), they all claimed that fucking "formula" was good food; pumping was bothersome, and they were too fucking busy with two or more jobs.

I'm just an asshole: I truly believe that if you can't have at least one caring parent always around, and have real food - then you shouldn't be having children. YES, I know this world is fucked up, and it makes it very hard for a great many people to manage this... but bring in grandma, or mother-in-law... and FFS LOOK into the food you are giving your child (and YOU).

It's all very disheartening.

congjing yu, mtness and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yumtnessAliceparaic


Speaking your opinions, especially those that I agree with, is NOT being an asshole.

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